加拿大移民2017年配额目标发布,技术移民数额大增 Canada 2017 Immigration Levels Plan

flyabroad:加拿大移民2017年配额目标发布,与2016年相比总配额还是 30 万,但经济类移民(主要是技术移民)由 160,600 增加到 172,500。家庭类移民增加 4000,由80,000 增加到 84,000。难民和人道类相应减少。

飞出国:2017年加拿大经济类总配额172,500,比2016年的160,600增加了7.41%,其中联邦经济类别 73,700(其中71,700分配给FSW,FST,CEC等EE类别,另外2000分配给大西洋四省试点项目 Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program),比2016年的58,400增加了26%,住家护理18000比2016年减少18%,联邦商业移民500减少了38%,省提名51,000比2016年的47,800增加了7%,魁北克总体配额29300,比上年减少7%。


类别-飞出国 2017 配额 2016 配额 变化
经济类 172,500 160,600 7.41%
家庭类 84,000 80,000 5%
难民人道类 43,500 59,400 -26.77%
总配额-飞出国 300,000 300,000 无变化

In 2017, Canada will welcome 300,000 immigrants

Key Highlights 2017 Immigration Levels Plan

The Government of Canada is maintaining its commitment to a strong immigration program and will welcome 300,000 immigrants in 2017.

Immigration plays an important role in keeping Canada competitive in a global economy. It helps offset the impacts of an aging population and the fact that the number of people in Canada’s labour force will soon be in decline. In fact, immigration will soon account for all net labour force growth as the number of retirements outpaces the number of Canadian youth joining the labour market. For these reasons, the Government has established 300,000 as a new baseline for permanent resident admissions with the majority of these selected as economic immigrants.

Within this plan, the number of permanent residents selected in economic programs will increase. Though planned admissions of resettled refugees will decrease when compared to the extraordinary target in 2016, they will continue to remain among the highest in Canada’s history and will be more than double the target in 2015. Maintaining the Government’s commitment to family reunification, the 2017 plan also sees an increase to family class levels, which will help to reduce processing times and reunite more families.

Overall, the plan balances high immigration levels with improvements to the immigration system, including reducing backlogs.

The approach to the 2017 levels plan was guided by feedback from Canadians gathered over the summer months and from provinces and territories.

Immigration class 2016 target 2017 target
Economic Includes applicants and accompanying family members in federal programs in the Express Entry system; the Provincial Nominee Program; business immigrants; caregivers; and skilled workers and business immigrants selected by Quebec 160,600 172,500
Family Includes sponsored spouses, partners and children and parents and grandparents 80,000 84,000
Refugees and Protected Persons Includes both resettled refugees (government assisted and privately sponsored) as well as protected persons who become permanent residents 55,800 40,000
Humanitarian and Compassionate and Other Includes persons selected on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, for reasons of public policy and in the Permit Holder Class. 3,600 3,500
Total 300,000 300,000

Permanent resident admissions 2011 to 2015 - Projected: 2016 and 2017, as described below
Text version: Permanent resident admissions 2011 to 2015 – Projected: 2016 and 2017

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 projected 2017 projected
Permanent Resident Admissions 248,732 257,809 259,039 260,282 271,847 300,000 300,000

For 2011 to 2015, the average is 259,542.

Building our economy

In 2017, economic immigration programs will see an overall increase of 7% over 2016. Immigrants with skills and experience are able to quickly contribute to the Canadian economy and society, improving life for the middle class as they help create jobs, spur innovation and strengthen communities.

Class Program 2017 target
Economic Federal Economic 73,700
Federal Caregivers 18,000
Federal Business 500
Provincial Nominee Program 51,000
Quebec Skilled Workers and Business 29,300
TOTAL 172,500

Reuniting more families

In 2017, levels for the family class will be increased by 5% over 2016 levels, helping to reunite more families. In recent years, for example, space in the levels plan has not kept up with the number of Canadians getting married to people from other countries and applying to have their spouse immigrate. As a result, wait times for bringing these families together have grown. High levels for the family class in 2017 will continue to address this because higher levels means more applications can be approved and this will result in more families reuniting.

Class Program 2017 target
Family Spouses, Partners and Children 64,000
Parents and Grandparents 20,000
TOTAL 84,000

Providing a place of refuge for those fleeing persecution

Canadians compassionately welcome refugees and people in need from around the world, including some of the world’s most vulnerable people trapped in often unsafe or violent situations in their home country that are outside of their control.

As the number of displaced persons reaches unprecedented levels, the Government of Canada remains committed to upholding its humanitarian tradition to resettle refugees and offer protection to those in need.

In 2017, we will welcome one the highest numbers of refugees and protected persons in Canadian history. Though 2016 was an unprecedented year, planned admissions for resettled refugees in 2017 are double those in 2015 and preceding years. There will be substantially more privately sponsored refugees in particular, in comparison to recent years. This recognizes significant growth in the number of Canadians who have applied to sponsor refugees.

Class Program 2017 target
Refugees and protected persons Protected Persons in Canada and Dependents Abroad 15,000
Resettled Refugees 25,000
Government-Assisted 7,500
Blended Visa Office-Referred 1,500
Privately Sponsored 16,000
TOTAL 40,000

Supporting others in need, such as persons selected on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, for reasons of public policy and in the Permit Holder Class, a target of 3,500 admissions are planned.

Class 2017 target
Humanitarian and other 3,500
TOTAL 3,500


加拿大 2017 年的 172,500 是申请人数,包括配偶和子女,与 2016 年 160,600 人数相比估计大部分增加的配额会给快速通道及省提名,省提名类似澳洲州担保,加拿大移民部计划继续增加省提名配额。

Includes applicants and accompanying family members in federal programs in the Express Entry system; the Provincial Nominee Program; business immigrants; caregivers; and skilled workers and business immigrants selected by Quebec



1 个赞

飞出国:将 2017年各大类移民类别与2016年配额做个对比不难发现,联邦经济类(主要是 Express Entry)大增 15300,住家护理减少4000,加拿大联邦商业移民减少300,省提名增加3200,其中2000给了大西洋四省,魁北克技术移民和商业移民总配额减少2300。

类别-飞出国 2017配额 2016配额
联邦经济类 Federal Economic 73,700 58,400
联邦住家 Federal Caregivers 18,000 22,000
联邦商业移民 Federal Business 500 800
省提名 Provincial Nominee Program 51,000 47,800
魁北克甄选 Quebec Skilled Workers and Business 29,300 31600



飞出国:技术移民是经济类移民的核心,加拿大2017年将加大 Express Entry 快速通道邀请人数,同时增加省提名配额(大致在51000-54000之间,比2016年的47,800有大幅增加)。

类别-飞出国 2017配额 2016配额 变化
联邦经济类 Federal Economic 73,700 58,400 26%
联邦住家 Federal Caregivers 18,000 22,000 -18%
联邦商业移民 Federal Business 500 800 -38%
省提名 Provincial Nominee Program 51,000 47,800 7%
魁北克甄选 Quebec Skilled Workers and Business 29,300 31600 -7%

飞出国:加拿大2017年经济类移民各类别占比情况,Express Entry(FSW,FST,CEC)占到 42%,省提名 30%,魁北克技术+商业 17%,住家护理 10%,大西洋四省试点项目 1%,加拿大联邦商业移民 0.3%。

类别 - 飞出国 配额 占比
联邦快速通道 Skilled (FSW, FST, CEC) 71,700 42%
大西洋试点 Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program 2,000 1%
联邦商业移民 Federal – Business 500 0.3%
加拿大省提名 Provincial Nominee Programs 51,000 30%
魁北克技术+投资 Quebec Skilled Workers and Business 29,300 17%
住家 Caregivers 18,000 10%
总计-飞出国 172,500 100%

(飞出国:图片来源 canada visa - flyabroad)
