PEQ 魁北克经验类移民 QUÉBEC EXPERIENCE PROGRAM - Programme de l’expérience québécoise


魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 要求申请人法语听说达到中高级水平(advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French),一般的衡量标准是欧洲语言测试标准的7-8级,B2水平。

首先 PEQ 认可的法语证明有很多种,包括:

  • 魁北克技术移民认可的7类法语考试成绩达到听说B2
  • 纯法语教学环境下完成3年中学或3年高中后学历课程
  • 通过魁北克移民部认可的魁北克境内培训机构的中高级法语培训课程(an advanced intermediate level French course)
  • 对受管制职业获得了魁北克从业需要的执照,注册等资格(达到了对应机构法语要求)

其中 PEQ 可以认可法语培训提供的课程(只需要通过机构的考试)让很多中介看到了机会,其中包括很多移民机构自己或联合某些教育机构先获得 MIDI 认可,然后在资质掩护下推行宽进宽出的培训课程。这对那些没信心没时间通过自身努力达到B2的申请人很有吸引力,加上2011年后魁北克技术移民收紧,留学魁北克然后转 PEQ 的项目近几年比较火。不过移民局已经察觉到了这个漏洞,2016年8月后中国申请人通过 training 机构获得培训合格证明来申请 PEQ 的人们有很多被要求面试(正常情况下 [PEQ] 是不面试的),预拒。即使2017年4月1号后关于法语证明的要求不改变,投机取巧的方式也有很大难度了,踏实学法语是正道。

PEQ Knowledge of French - Conditions and procedure - flyabroad

You must demonstrate an advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French and, depending on your situation, present one of the following official documents:

If you are a skilled temporary foreign worker, you can submit:

  • an attestation of results of an oral French test or diploma recognized by the Ministère that demonstrates attainment of a level of competency in oral comprehension and oral production of 7 or higher on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or to its equivalent (level B2 or higher of the Common European Framework of Reference).

The attestation must be issued by organizations that offer these tests (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France) to be recognized by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion and the results must have been issued less than two years prior to the date your application was submitted.

The following tests and diplomas are recognized by the Ministère:

*For the DELF and DALF test results to be eligible, you may have to provide the original diploma or a certified true copy issued by the Centre international d’études pédagogiques.

  • The minimum passing grades for the DELF and DALF test, to satisfy the PEQ language requirements are:
    • DELF B2: 16/25 or more for the two oral exams;
    • DALF C1: 8/25 or more for the two oral exams;
    • DALF C2: 16/50 or more for the oral exam.
  • a final transcript attesting to the successful completion of at least three years of secondary or post-secondary full-time study, pursued entirely in French (including the master’s and doctoral theses, if applicable) and, if the national language of instruction is not exclusively French, an attestation from the issuing institution indicating the duration of the study program and the language of instruction;

  • a final transcript attesting to the successful completion of an advanced intermediate level French course taken in Québec, in a recognized educational institution included on the list of French courses eligible under the PEQ:

  • Secondary level (in French)

  • College level (in French)

  • University level (in French)

  • a regular licence to practise from a professional order in Québec or an attestation of fulfilment of the language requirements of a professional order in Québec or an attestation of successful completion of an examination administered by the Office québécois de la langue française for the purposes of obtaining a regular licence to practise.
