
“Pre-screen Application” 由雇主帮你申请,要早申请,申请到这个后才能提名你申请移民,过程中雇主和你都可以随时改变主意,都是自愿互惠的。雇主是否愿意配合是关键。

Eligible employers must submit a Pre-screen Application to OINP to have the position they want to fill approved. If the Pre-screen Application is approved, the foreign worker or qualifying international student that the employer wants to recruit, the prospective nominee, must submit a Nominee Application within 60 calendar days of the approval of the Pre-screen Application.

0149E General and International Student Categories Employer Pre-screen Application Ontario Immigrant Nominee - 20150916 0149E-Pre-screen-Application-20160915-flyabroad.pdf (1.7 MB)。