持Tier 1英国投资/企业家签证,如何申请英国永居/国籍?Apply to Settle in the UK/Become a British Citizen

英国永居身份申请(Indefinite Leave to Remain)·飞出国

持Tier 1企业家签证,申请ILR需满足:

  • 目前持有Tier 1企业家签证;
  • 已在英国居住满5年(如果满足特定条件住满3年即可),且每年离境时间不超过180天:
    • 创立一家新的企业;
    • 创造10个全职就业岗位或创收50万英镑。
  • 18-64岁申请人须通过Life in the UK Test国情考试,且语言考试达到B1、或取得英语国家授课本科及以上学历。

You can apply if you have a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa

Check if you meet the requirements for settlement (‘indefinite leave to remain’).


You can apply if:

  • you currently have a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa
  • you’ve been living in the UK for 5 years, or 3 years if you’ve created enough jobs or income

If you’re 18 to 64 when you apply, you must also:

Continuous residence

The time you’re in the UK is called continuous residence. You can only be outside the UK for up to 180 days in any 12 months during that time.

You need to have been in the UK for 3 years if your business was new and either:

  • created 10 new full-time jobs
  • generated £5 million income

You can also apply after 3 years if you took over an existing business and have had a net income from business activity of at least £5 million in a 3 year period.

Continuous residence is 5 years if you do not meet the requirements for 3 years.

The 3 or 5 years can include time you had either of these visas:

  • Businessperson
  • Innovator

持Tier 1投资者签证,申请ILR需满足:

  • 目前持有Tier 1投资移民签证
  • 保证持有200万英镑的投资在英国居住满5年,且每年离境时间不超过180天;
  • 18-64岁申请人须通过Life in the UK Test国情考试,且语言考试达到B1、或取得英语国家授课本科及以上学历;

You can apply if you have a Tier 1 (Investor) visa

Check if you meet the requirements for settlement (‘indefinite leave to remain’).


You can apply if:

  • you currently have a Tier 1 (Investor) visa or the earlier Investor visa
  • you’ve been living in the UK for 2, 3 or 5 years’ ‘continuous residence’ with enough assets and investments

If you’re 18 to 64 when you apply, you must also:

Continuous residence

The time you’re in the UK is called continuous residence. You can only be outside the UK for up to 180 days in any 12 months during that time.

The amount of time depends on your level of investment. This can be either:

  • cash
  • assets and a loan

You successfully applied for your visa on or after 6 November 2014

The table shows what investments you need to be eligible to apply after 2, 3 and 5 years.

Time living in the UK Cash
2 years £10 million
3 years £5 million
5 years £2 million

You must have invested those funds in UK government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active UK companies within 3 months of your ‘investor start date’.

You must provide proof of where your money came from if you have not done this in a previous application.

英国公民身份申请(Apply for citizenship if you have indefinite leave to remain or ‘settled status’)·飞出国

  • 年满18周岁,且持有英国永居身份满12个月;
  • 申请时已在英国居住满5年,且5年内离境时间不超过450天、近1年内离境时间不超过90天;
  • 有继续在英国居住的意愿;
  • 品行良好。


You’ll usually be able to apply for citizenship if you’re over 18 and have had one of the following for 12 months:

  • indefinite leave to remain in the UK
  • ‘settled status’ (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain under the EU Settlement Scheme’)
  • indefinite leave to enter the UK (permission to move to the UK permanently from abroad)

You will not need to wait 12 months to apply if you’re married to a British citizen.

You may have lost your indefinite leave to remain or enter if you’ve been away from the UK for more than 2 years at any time since you got it, or 5 years if you have settled status (subject to approval by Parliament).

You must also:

This is one way to apply for British citizenship. Check if you’re eligible another way, for example if you have permanent residence.

Residency requirements

You should have lived in the UK for at least 5 years before the date of your application.

You cannot include any time spent in the UK when you’re exempt from immigration control (for example, as a diplomat or member of visiting armed forces).

You should also not have:

  • spent more than 450 days outside the UK during those 5 years
  • spent more than 90 days outside the UK in the last 12 months
  • broken any UK immigration laws (for example living illegally in the UK)