魁省教育系统(The Québec school system)

魁北克留学项目优势(The advantages of choosing to study in Québec) - 飞出国 继续讨论:

魁省教育系统(The Québec school system) - 飞出国


  • 公立教育机构,提供从幼儿园到大学期间的教育;
  • 私立教育机构,经移民部认可,可以提供正式的教学项目。


  • 学前班:1-2年;
  • 小学:6年;
  • 中学:5年;
  • 学院(普通与职业教育学院):2-3年;
  • 本科:3-4年;
  • 硕士:2年;
  • 博士:3年及以上。

小学和中学 - 飞出国

小学和中学学习时间一共11年。中学的第3年或第4年起,学生可以选择参加职业培训机构学习技术。这样的培训是可以被Diploma of Vocational Studies认可的。完整完成中学学习的学生,可以进入普通与职业教育学院学习。

College-level - 飞出国

CEGEP - 普通与职业教育学院提供大学预科和职业教育。大学预科为期2年,主要是为进入大学做准备;职业教育为期3年,毕业后可以从事技术员或技师工作,同时也可以为大学学习做准备。


大学教育 - 飞出国





Primary and secondary education

Primary education covers a period of six years (excluding preschool), while secondary education runs from level 1 through 5. Together, they make up a total of 11 years.

From the third or fourth year of secondary school, the student can choose to take vocational training to learn a trade. Such training is recognized by the Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP - Diploma of Vocational Studies).

Successful completion of the general secondary program is recognized by the Diplôme d’études secondaires (DES - Diploma of Secondary Studies). The DES gives access to the first level of higher education, which is provided by a type of institution unique to Québec, i.e. the Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (or CEGEP).

College-level education

The CEGEP network offers both pre-university and technical programs. Pre-university programs, which last two years, serve as a preparation for university. Technical programs, which last three years, can lead to employment as a technician or technologist. They can also pave the way to university studies. These two types of programs lead to a Diplôme d’études collégiales (DEC - Diploma of College Studies).

There are also shorter, technical-type programs that lead to an Attestation of College Studies (ACS). These programs are normally intended for adult students (18 years or older). Finally, certain CEGEPs also offer an international baccalaureate.

University education

University education is divided into three levels:
The first level (undergraduate) leads to a bachelor’s degree after three or four years of full-time study, depending on the field. A bachelor’s degree enables students to enter the job market or go on to graduate studies.

Also offered at the undergraduate level are one-year programs, which are recognized by a certificate. The combination of three certificates can lead to a bachelor’s degree, provided a number of conditions are met.

The second level (graduate) leads to a master’s degree after two years of full-time study and the writing of a thesis or the completion of an internship, depending on whether the master’s program is research-oriented or practice-oriented.

Also offered at the graduate level are one-year programs recognized by a Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées (DESS) (advanced degree) or a Graduate Certificate.

The third level (doctoral) prepares students for a career in research. A doctoral degree (Ph.D) can be earned after approximately three years of full-time study, including the writing of a dissertation.

魁省教育系统 : http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/finding-out/school-system.html
