澳洲技术移民 Skillselect EOI 2016-2017 年度邀请记录

飞出国:2017-01-04 澳洲技术移民 EOI 发出 189 签证邀请 955 份,489 亲属担保 13 份, 截止到 2017-01-04,澳洲技术移民 EOI 2016-2017 年度共发出 189 邀请 17731 份,489 邀请 1014 份,总计 18745 份。

本次邀请中,189 邀请分数 60 分(截止到 2017-01-04 00:03),489 邀请分数 60(截止到 2016-12-28 16:30)。

2017-01-04 澳洲技术移民 EOI 分数分布-飞出国

2334 Electronics Engineer 电子工程师类别邀请分数已经降到 60 分。

Points scores and the visa dates of effect cut off for the below occupations in the 04 January 2017 invitation round.

Occupation Identification Description Points score Visa date of effect
2211 Accountants 70 12/09/2016 7.16 pm
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 70 26/10/20161.40 pm
2334 Electronics Engineer 60 07/07/20166.26 pm
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 65 1/11/20161.35 am
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 65 17/11/20162.53 am
2611 ICT Business and ​System Analysts 65 5/07/201612.26 am
2613 Software and Applications Programmers 65 1/12/20162.49 pm
2631 Computer Network Professionals 65 20/11/20165.31 pm
