萨斯克彻温省林学家协会-SK-ASFP-(The Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals)

关于萨斯克彻温省林学家协会About the ASFP 飞出国##


The ASFP seeks both to promote the profession of forestry and its members and to satisfy the public demand for competent and ethical management of the province’s forests. The Association is home to Saskatchewan’s forestry practitioners who wish to demonstrate their dedication and ongoing commitment to the profession.


进入该行业 Entering the Profession 飞出国##


There are a number of ways to become a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technician in Saskatchewan. Whether you are a Transferring Professional or are new to the profession, the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) can help you with your professional forestry accreditation.


会员分类 Categories of Membership 飞出国###


  • 注册林学家(RPF)
  • 注册职业林业技师(RPFT)
  • 培训林学家(FIT)
  • 培训职业林业技师(FTIT)
  • 限制性会员
  • 学生会员
  • 荣誉会员
  • 终身会员

There are now NINE categories of membership within the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals:

  • Registered Professional Forester (RPF)
  • Registered Professional Forest Technologist (RPFT)
  • Professional Forester-in-Training (FIT)
  • Professional Forest Technologist-in-Training (FTIT)
  • Restricted Member
  • Retired Member
  • Student Member
  • Honourary Member
  • Life Member


成为会员 Becoming a Member 飞出国##




Whether you are a Canadian or International applicant, the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) is here to help you work in Saskatchewan as a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technician.

If you are a student, you can easily and affordably become a member while you are creating your forestry degree or diploma at an accredited school.

If you are a member of an allied profession working within the scope of practice of professional forestry in Saskatchewan, you also have the opportunity to become a member of the Association.


国际申请人 International Applicants 飞出国###



(Welcome to CFPFA/FCAFP)

A separate procedure exists for assessing the credentials of people applying to be registered as a Professional Forester who have graduated from a non-accredited forestry program. These applicants may be foreign-trained, or they may have graduated from a university program in Canada that is not accredited by the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB).

The procedure is applied consistently across Canada by each provincial association that belongs to the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations (CFPFA). It involves the assessment of an applicant’s current education, training, and experience to determine the extent to which the competencies of the Certification Standards have been met.

Please review the detailed credential assessment process handbook that outlines the requirements and the application procedure to follow.



Under this application process, the applicant first contacts the professional association in the province where he or she wishes to practice professional forestry. Once admitted into the process, assessment of a candidate’s credentials is undertaken by an independent panel of assessors in accordance with a national credential assessment process (described in the applicant handbook). The panel provides an assessment report to the provincial association, which then makes a decision about the membership application.

Professional Foresters and Professional Forest Engineers (from Quebec) may transfer to another province with relative ease because of common interprovincial standards for education and competencies. This is in line with a Mutual Recognition Agreement signed by the provincial professional foresters associations that belong to the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations (CFPFA) and Canada’s Agreement on Internal Trade.


限制性会员 Restricted Membership 飞出国###


Restricted members may not fully meet the educational and employment requirements needed to become a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technologist and may not have successfully completed the ASFP registration exam. They may have expertise in specific aspects of forestry or an allied science. Restricted members are entitled to practice forestry in accordance with conditions set on the scope of their practice and length of time they may practice. They also have the right to use the title “Restricted member” and to sign and seal professional documents.

Restricted Membership Policy for Temporary Projects

Application Form for Restricted Membership for Temporary Projects


A member-in-training who is unable to practice under the supervision of a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technologist, and whose job requires them to engage in the professional practice of forestry, may apply for restricted membership status while serving as a member-in-training. This is a transition mechanism, available for use while the ASFP switches to operating as a Right to Practice organization.

Restricted Membership Category for Members in Training Transitioning to Right to Practice

申请人应该完成以下申请表并向ASFP寄送所有的文件,通讯地址为102C 1061 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 4V4。申请材料包括申请表,申请费用,高等教育机构的成绩单,当前的简历,以及申请限制性会员身份的解释信,并列明您从业的范围和时长。一旦我们收到了完整的材料,录取委员会就会开始审查申请。

Applicants should complete the application form below and send all documents to the ASFP at 102C 1061 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 4V4. Your completed application package consists of the application form, application fee, transcripts from all post-secondary institutions, a current resume, and a letter that explains why you are requesting restricted membership status and outlines your desired scope and length of practice. Once we receive this complete package, the Admissions Committee will review your application.

Application form for Restricted Membership


##受训会员 Member in Training 飞出国##

Member in Training Policy: http://asfp.ca/images/Entering_the_Profession/Member-in-training_Policy_Sep_16-15.pdf

2.0 目的 Purpose 飞出国


  • 根据有效 RPFs/RPFTs的直接规定,通过确保培训会员仅从事专业林业行业的工作,以维护专业林业行业的公共利益。
  • 提供指导课程,在该行业的技能、独立、正值和责任方面为新会员提供指导(例如他们的发展的专业方向)。
  • 督促主办者负责为培训会员的发展提供建议和指导。
  • 帮助培训会员准备他们的注册考试和注册会员的独立专业实践。

The purposes and intended outcomes of this Member in Training Policy are to:

  • Uphold the public interest in the practice of professional forestry by ensuring members in training only engage in professional forestry under direct supervision of active RPFs/RPFTs.
  • Provide a mentoring program that counsels new members in competence, independence, integrity and accountability of practice (e.g. their development towards professionalism).
  • Hold sponsors accountable for providing advice and direction for the development of members in training.
  • Help members in training prepare for their registration exam and independent professional practice as registered members.

3.0 范围 Scope飞出国


培训会员类有两个分类: 培训林业工作者(FITs)和培训林业技师(FTITs)


This policy applies to all members in training as well as any sponsor of each member in training.

The member in training class has two categories: Foresters in Training (FITs) and Forest Technologists in Training (FTITs)

A new member must spend 2 years in training – completing academic requirements, if any, improving competencies, if required, and gaining relevant work and professional experience under the guidance of a registered ASFP member. At the end of the two year period the member writes a registration examination and if successful, becomes a fully practicing, registered member.

4.0 背景 Background 飞出国





为了注册为培训林业工作者或培训林业技师,应试者必须找到合适的活跃的或刚退休的1RPF或RPFT ASFP会员去担当他们的保证人。

Forest resources are important to people locally, nationally and internationally. Requirements aimed at protecting societal forest values are set out in legislation, policy and standards. However, these requirements cannot cover every administrative and technical issue that may arise in the practice of forestry. The public relies on the judgment and discretion of forestry professionals who have acquired specialized skills, education and training to manage and conserve forest resources and the values they contribute to society. The ASFP is a regulatory body to which the practice of forestry in Saskatchewan has been entrusted. The association works to ensure practitioners are competent and independent, act with integrity (as defined by the Code of Ethics) and are held accountable for their conduct.

The ASFP member in training program is an important link between actively practicing, existing ASFP members and new developing members. It is intended to provide members in training with mentoring and professional guidance.

The in training period provides the member in training with the opportunity to explore various elements of the profession prior to the registration exam and final evaluation by the sponsor.

The ASFP Code of Ethics calls on all members to provide advice, recognition, support,guidance, knowledge and experience with others.

To enroll as a Forester in Training or Forest Technologist in Training candidates must find two suitable active or a recently retired1 RPF or RPFT ASFP members to act as their sponsors.

5.0 权利Rights 飞出国


  • 有使用FIT或FTIT称号的权利。
  • 能申请离职和复职。
  • 有出席协会会议的资格,并在会议中讲话。
  • 向协会陈述关于专业技能和行为的事情,以及专业的林业从业行为。
  • 可在临时委员会工作。

The rights of a member in training are outlined in the ASFP Bylaws, Section 10 (b). Members in

  • Have the right to use the title FIT or FTIT, as the case may be
  • Can apply for leaves of absence and reinstatement
  • Are entitled to attend meetings of the association, and make representations at them
  • Can make representations to the council on issues regarding professional competency and conduct, and the professional practice of forestry; and
  • Can serve on ad hoc committees.

6.0 义务 Obligations 飞出国


Sponsor and member in training relationships are one of mutual obligation built on trust. Each
party shares a joint obligation to ensure that the member in training only practices under the
supervision of active RPFs, RPFTs or restricted members consistent with the Bylaws.

6.1 受训会员的义务 Member in Training Obligations 飞出国


  • 遵守受训会员政策要求;
  • 向保证人和ASFP提供活跃的RPF称号,或监督限制性会员的工作 (如果不同于保证人的话);
  • 和保证人一起制定个性化的专业的发展计划;
  • 维护培训会员的实践日志,该日志记录着做过的工作以及完成专业发展计划的进程;
  • 广泛接触专业林业实践,以准备注册,包括(但不局限于)接触每个实践领域—附录2规定;
  • 定期会见保证人(亲自见面或其他方式)讨论做过的工作,职业发展和实现职业发展计划目标/结果的进程;
  • 完成注册的任何的突出规定;
  • 准备并参加注册考试;
  • 按录取委员会的要求提交实践日志。

The obligations of a member in training are outlined in the ASFP Bylaws, Section 10 (b) and expanded upon in this policy. Upon signing the Member in Training Agreement (see Appendix 1), the member-in-training
undertakes to:

  • follow the requirements of this Member in Training Policy;
  • provide the sponsor and the ASFP with the name of the active RPF, RPFT or restricted member supervising his/her work (if it is someone different than the sponsor);
  • work with sponsors to develop a personalized Professional Development Plan;
  • Maintain a Member in training Practice Diary which records work undertaken and progress towards completion of the Professional Development Plan;
  • obtain broad exposure to the practice of professional forestry in preparation for registration, including (but not limited to) exposure to each of the practice areas identified in Appendix 2;
  • meet with sponsors regularly (in person or otherwise ) to discuss work undertaken, professional development and the progress towards achieving the Professional Development Plan goals/outcomes;
  • complete any outstanding requirements for registration;
  • prepare for and write the registration exam; and
  • submit the practice diary to the admissions committee upon request.

6.2 保证人义务 Sponsor Obligations 飞出国



  • 遵守受训会员政策的要求;
  • 通过培训阶段和注册考试过程中,对培训会员进行指导;
  • 确保培训会员根据FP ACT,ASFP规定和道德准则执业;
  • 确保培训会员学会协会的必修继续教育课程,认识到职业不良行为的概念和后果;
  • 支持申请人要求的会员分类,包括申请人要求的从业范围相关的任何限制(包括地理性限制);
  • 确保培训会员根据有效 RPFs和RPFTs,或良好信誉的限制性会员的规定执业。
  • 如以下附录3所描述的内容,和培训会员一起制定他们的职业发展计划
  • 确保培训会员仅担任和他们的工作经验和职业发展阶段相符合的工作;
  • 会见培训会员,并定期和他们讨论他们的工作,职业发展以及他们实现职业发展计划/结果的进程,结果是培训会员的计划进程另保证人满意;
  • 在专业林业实践过程中,指导他们在其他专业林业实践领域中体验和观察其他的从业者,以此来协助培训会员丰富他们的经验和知识;
  • 协助培训会员评估他们对符合他们选派的实践领域的体验和理解(在附录2可见);
  • 帮助培训会员准备他们的注册考试;
  • 如果培训会员没有遇到问题,或他们职业发展计划的要求没有符合规定或没有准备好成为ASFP的注册会员,则要进一步通知ASFP注册办事处关于这些问题。
  • 一旦结束培训期,ASFP会员要签署实践日志。

When sponsors sign the Member in Training Agreement, they are attesting to the applicant being of good character through first-hand knowledge of the abilities of the applicant while performing their duties at a professional level.

Sponsors have accountability for overseeing the development of members in training. To this end, when sponsors sign the Member in Training Agreement they are making a commitment to:

follow the requirements of this Member in Training Policy;
mentor and guide members in training through the in training period and the registration examination process;
ensure members in training are aware of and practice in accordance with the FP Act, and the ASFP bylaws and Code of Ethics;
ensure member in training understand the association’s mandatory continuing education program, and are aware of the definition and consequences of professional misconduct;
support the category of membership requested by the applicant including any limitations (including geographic limitations) associated with the scope of practice requested by the applicant;
ensure members in training only engage in practice under the supervision of active RPFs, RPFTs or restricted members in good standing;
work with members in training to develop their Professional Development Plans as described in Appendix 3 below;
ensure members in training only take on work appropriate for their experience and stage of professional development;
meet with members in training regularly to discuss work undertaken, professional development and their progress towards achieving their Professional Development Plan goals/outcomes, and to otherwise satisfy themselves that the members in training are proceeding as planned;
assist members in training in broadening their experience and knowledge in the practice of professional forestry by guiding them towards opportunities to work in or observe other practitioners in other areas of professional forestry practice;
Assisting the member in training on assessing their exposure to and understanding of the practice areas appropriate to their designation identified in Appendix 2;
help members in training prepare for their registration exams;
if there are any problems or concerns that members in training may not be meeting the specifications of their Professional Development Plan or not properly preparing to become a fully registered members of the ASFP, to notify the ASFP registration office forthwith about those concerns; and
sign the ASFP Member in training Practice Diary upon completion of the training period.

7.0 要符合的条件 Conditions to be Met 飞出国



  • 通过保证人介绍,培训会员在认证机构有工作岗位;
  • 培训会员和保证人之间有联系;
  • 保证人不能向培训会员提供充分的时间和指导。


Sponsors must be active RPF, RPFTs or recently retired RPF and RPFTs in good standing of
the ASFP for a minimum of 2 years.

The Admissions Committee may assist the member in training in finding sponsors if required.
Sponsor and member in training relationships should not exist if:

the member in training is in an employment position of authority over a sponsor; or
the member in training and a sponsor are related; or,
a sponsor is unable to provide adequate time and direction to the member in training.

Members in training should look for sponsors with whom they work or are in direct contact with
on a regular basis. While it is possible to have sponsors with whom the member in training does
not work, it makes the relationship more challenging.

8.0 为受训会员更改保证人 Changing Sponsors for the Member in Training 飞出国


  • 培训会员或保证人搬离某地;
  • 培训会员或保证人变更工作;
  • 培训会员需要不同的意见;
  • 培训会员和保证人不能和谐相处。

If the situation is such that the parties cannot live up to the obligations expected of them in this
policy, a change of sponsor may be required. There are a wide range of circumstances in which
it may become necessary or desirable for a change in sponsor. Common reasons are:

  • the member in training or sponsor moves from the area;
  • the member in training or sponsor has a change in employment;
  • the member in training requires a different perspective; or,
  • member in training and sponsor incompatibility

**8.1 由培训会员引起的变更事项 Changes by the Member in Training **




In any situation where a member-in-training feels that they may not be getting sufficient guidance from a sponsor, they will address the matter directly with the sponsor in question by informing him or her of the intended change and discussing the reasons why. Neither participant should feel pressure to continue a mentorship that is not working.

The member in training then needs to seek out another sponsor, and can look towards other registered members who may have been serving as mentors in a more informal way.

Members in training may rely on other ASFP members as mentors in addition to their

**8.2 由保证人引起的变更 Changes by a Sponsor **


Sponsors may also find it necessary to change their commitment to the member in training. The sponsor will contact the member in training, discuss the intended change and assist the member in training in finding a new sponsor.

**8.3 通知ASFP Notifying the ASFP **


The member in training will notify the ASFP’s registration office of any changes to a sponsor/member-in-training relationship by submitting a new Member in Training Agreement.

9.0 职业发展计划和实践日志 Professional Development Plan and Practice Diary 飞出国






A Professional Development Plan (Appendix 3) and a Member in Training Practice Diary (Appendix 4) must be kept by all members in training.

A Professional Development Plan must identify a strategy for gaining adequate exposure to the practice as described in Appendix 2. Plans may need to be modified from time to time and should be done in conjunction with the sponsors. Adequate exposure may come through a variety of sources including: work experience, educational training, self-directed study prior to the exam, etc.

The Practice Diary provides a written record of the professional development undertaken during the in training period. The Diary should clearly articulate how the member in training is meeting the Professional Development Plan.

The ASFP may require that the member in training submit the Plan and Diary to verify that the in training requirements of the ASFP have been met.

The member in training should meet regularly with his or her sponsors to discuss professional development. These discussions may involve progress on the Professional Development Plan, alternative means of gaining exposure, answer any questions the member in training might have, etc.

10.0 注册考试 Registration Exam 飞出国



The registration exam (also known as a jurisprudence exam) is written towards the end of the 2-year in training period. The exam will include information such as the code of ethics which ASFP members are required to know, and the federal and provincial legislation members practicing forestry in Saskatchewan need to understand. Appendix 5 lists a variety of areas of knowledge as related to Saskatchewan that members in training may be expected to know on the registration exam.

Registration exam success begins long before the examination date. Preparation is important to gain the necessary knowledge as well as to develop a level of confidence to allow the member in training to relax and effectively communicate during the examination process. While it may have been many years since sponsors have been involved in the exam, sponsors can assist members in training in acquiring the necessary resources, preparing for the exam, and by introducing them to a study group in preparation for the exam.


注册考试 Registration Exam 飞出国##

所有的申请加入萨斯克彻温省林学家协会 Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP)的应试者,必须成功通过关于林业政策和ASFP管理的注册考试。以下的政策提供了关于参加注册考试的步骤信息。一旦培训会员完成了为期两年的培训,他们就可以参加注册考试。转移的专家(和限制性会员,如果适用这一条的话)必须在注册ASFP的六个月内完成考试。

All candidates seeking to join the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) must successfully complete a registration exam on forest policy and ASFP governance. The policy below provides information about the process for writing the registration exam. Members-in-training write the registration exam once their two year in-training period has been completed. Transferring professionals (and Restricted members, where applicable) must complete the exam within 6 months of registering with the ASFP.

Registration Exam Policy


Please see the following document for information on the content and scoring of the registration exam.

Exam Contents and Scoring


2.0 目的 Purpose 飞出国


Candidates seeking to join the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) must complete the ASFP Registration Exam. Council has delegated the task of setting the registration exam to the Admissions Committee with instructions to ensure that the exam is comprehensive and fair in its application, administration, and evaluation. The purpose of this policy is to set out the process for application, administration, and evaluation of the registration exam.

3.0 范围 Scope 飞出国

该项政策适用于所有需要参加协会规定的注册考试的应试者。根据内部贸易协议(AIT) 和/或 贸易投资和劳动力流动性协议(TILMA)的规定,对林学家的要求在第十一节中有记载。

This policy applies to all candidates who are required to write a registration exam as defined by the Association. Requirements for forest professionals transferring under the provisions of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) and/or The Trade Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) are covered under section 11.

4.0 一般要求 General Requirements 飞出国



  • 在培训期内,成功完成所有的规定的核心技能标准
  • 完成协会规定的所有的ASFP职业发展要求
  • 应试者要获得保证人的同意,开始准备,并能腾出时间和精力完成规定的考试


The registration exam is an open book take-home exam that can be administered at any time throughout the year but is often completed when there are a number of candidates wishing to write. This exam is confidential and the contents cannot be disclosed to anyone.

Members-in-training are only eligible to write the registration exam upon completion of the training period prescribed by Council. Before writing the exam the candidate must have:

  • Successfully completed any core competency standards required of them during the training period;
  • Completed any ASFP professional development requirements prescribed by Council; and
  • Have their sponsor’s agreement that the candidate is prepared and can dedicate the time and energy required to complete the exam.

As a general rule, restricted members and transferring forest professionals have already met the exam eligibility requirements and can write the exam at any time. However, the exam must be completed within 6 months of registration with the Association.

5.0 请求参加考试 Request to Write the Exam 飞出国


All requests to write the exam must be made at least one month in advance of the date in which the candidate would like to write. The consequences of not providing sufficient notice is missing deadlines to write as described in this policy. The Registrar will notify candidates of the exam date. Candidates should contact the Registrar for specific instructions for the exam.

6.0 特殊的考试要求 Special Exam Requests 飞出国

出于某种原因,如果应试者需要考试做特殊的调整,例如把书面考试变成口语考试,则应试者必须向ASFP 登记员提前3个月提交一份书面申请。


If for any reason a candidate would like a special accommodation to be made for the exam, such as being given an oral exam instead of the written version, the candidate must submit a written request to the ASFP Registrar 3 months ahead of the time he or she wishes to write.

Please inform the ASFP of the reason for such a request and include any supporting information such as letters from sponsors/mentors. The Admissions Committee will work with candidates to make alternative arrangements as appropriate. Requests for special accommodations for the registration exams are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and decisions are made at the sole discretion of the Admissions Committee.

7.0 参加考试 Writing the Exam 飞出国



All members-in-training, restricted members and transferring forest professionals must pass the registration exams. Rewriting opportunities and procedures are discussed below.

The exam will normally be sent to candidates by email and may be written at any location. The applicant will be given 8 hours to complete the exam. The exam will be sent to candidates first thing in the morning and must be returned by email to the Registrar within 8 hours. Any issue in receiving the exam should be immediately reported to the Registrar.

8.0 考试形式和评分 Exam Format and Marking 飞出国




The format of the exam may differ from time to time but the Admissions Committee will advise candidates of the format well in advance of the exam date. Currently the exam format is a take home open book format. Open book means that candidates are allowed the use of a computer, written material, or personal notes. Although the exam is open book, no consultation with any other person is permitted.

An overall passing grade of 75% is required on the exam.

The Admissions Committee, or members of the Committee assigned by majority vote of the Committee, will mark and remark (if required) all exams. Marking procedures are designed to ensure consistency in the marking of all exams. Once the exam has been marked and remarked, (if required) the results will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Upon completion of this review, the results are final and no appeal is possible.

9.0 公布考试分数 Releasing Exam Marks 飞出国


考试的评分副本将由ASFP保存。 应试者可以通过登记员向招生委员会请求审查评分结果。未通过考试的应试者可以要求一两名招生委员会的会员和他们或他们的保证人一起审查他们的试卷,找到哪里需要进一步的学习。如果需要反馈,则

  • 和应试者个人没有关系的招生委员会主席和会员需要向应试者提供反馈。
  • 反馈内容关于一般的问题领域,需要进一步学习的培训领域,以及对应试者所缺失信息的指导
  • 评分考试问题不再公布
  • A进行试卷审查的招生委员会会员应该对考试保密,但是给他们提供的副本需要立即删除和销毁。

The chair of the Admissions Committee will report the exam results to Council. Once Council has reviewed the exam results, they will be communicated by the Registrar. Successful applicants are then assigned a registration number and added to the register.

The marked copy of the exam will be kept by the ASFP. Candidates can request a review of their results from the Admissions Committee via the Registrar. Candidates failing the exam can request that one or more members of the Admissions Committee review the exam with them, or them and their sponsors, to see where further study may be required. When feedback is requested:

  • The Chair and / or a member of the Admissions Committee that has no connection with the individual will provide the candidate with feedback.
  • Feedback will be around general areas where problems were, coaching on areas more study is needed in, and guidance on where the candidate can find the information they were missing.
  • The marked exam questions will not be shared.
  • The Admissions Committee members doing the review should be privy to the exam, but any copies they are given will be deleted and shredded immediately.

10.0 受训会员的考试结果 Exam Rules for Members-in-Training 飞出国



Members-in-training are admitted to the Association on the basis that they will serve a two year period in the FIT or FTIT categories and successfully complete the exam within six months of the completion of the training period. Upon successful completion of the exam, in-training members will be added to the register in the appropriate RPF or RPFT category.

Should a member-in-training not write the exam within six months of completing the training period, their membership rights will be revoked or suspended and practice rights will not be granted. Should they fail the exam, they will remain in the in-training category, will not obtain practice rights, and may be subject to other conditions at the discretion of Council until the exam is passed. Procedures for rewriting are discussed below.

10.1 首次考试失败 Exam Failure on First Attempt


Members-in-training who fail the exam on their first attempt must rewrite the exam within six months of being notified of the exam result. Candidates are encouraged to work with their sponsors to determine why they were not successful and to develop a continuing education plan outlining steps that will be taken to ensure successful completion of the exam on the next attempt.

10.2 第二次考试失败 Exam Failure on Second Attempt



  • 一封培训会员未通过考试的详细的解释信
  • 一份继续教育计划,制定好确保下一次成功通过考试的步骤。该计划必须在培训会员获准补考之前完成。





Members-in-training that fail the exam on the second attempt must obtain approval from the Admissions Committee to write it a third time. A written request to re-write the exam must be made to the ASFP within 45 days of being notified of the second exam failure. Should the member-in-training not meet this requirement, their membership will be revoked along with any rights and privileges of membership.

The re-write request must include:

  • a detailed explanation of the reasons why the member-in-training was not successful on the exam; and
  • a continuing education plan outlining the steps that will be taken to ensure successful completion of the exam on the next attempt. This plan must be completed before the member-in-training will be allowed to re-write the exam.

A meeting will be arranged with the Admissions Committee for the member-in-training to make his/her case for re-writing the exam. The member-in-training may appear in person or have a telephone interview. It is important that the member-in-training’s sponsors support his/her continued work and attend the meeting.

If the conditions above are met, the Admissions Committee will grant the opportunity to write the exam a third time on whatever terms and conditions it considers warranted to help ensure that the next attempt will be successful.

There will normally be two years between the second and third attempts unless the Admissions Committee is convinced that the member-in-training can carry out his/her continuing education plan within one year.

Should the candidate fail to meet with the Admissions Committee or complete an agreed upon plan of studies, he/she will lose their membership and not be able to re-enroll for three years from the last exam failure date.

10.3 第三次和最后一次考试失败 Exam Failure on Third and Final Attempt



Failing the exam after the third attempt will result in the loss of the candidate’s in-training membership. The individual will not be able to re-enroll for three years from the last exam failure date.

Re-enrollment after the three years will be on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Council. Re-enrollment will require the individual to meet all conditions set by Council.

11.0 限制性会员和转移林学家考试规则 Exam Rules for Restricted Members and Transferring Forest Professionals 飞出国


Restricted members or transferring members (under the labour mobility provisions of the AIT and/or TILMA) are required to pass the registration exam within six months of their application date. Members in these categories will immediately be granted practice rights but must pass the exam to maintain those rights. Should they fail to write within six months, their membership and/or practice rights will be revoked or suspended. Should they fail the exam, they may lose their practice rights and be required to take a leave of absence, and/or may be subject to other conditions at the discretion of Council until they pass the exam. Rewriting opportunities and procedures are discussed below.

**11.1 第一次考试失败 Exam Failure on First Attempt **


Members must rewrite the exam within four months of being notified of the exam result.Members are encouraged to determine the reasons why they were not successful on the exam and to develop a continuing education plan that includes detailed description of the steps intended to ensure success on the next attempt. Restrictions may be placed on practice rights after failure has occurred.

11.2 第二次考试失败 Exam Failure on Second Attempt

第二次考试失败需要从Admissions Committee那里获得第三次参加考试的批准。需要在通知考试结果后的45天内,向ASFP提交一份补考的书面申请。不在规定时间内提交补考申请的话就会导致失去执业权利和优惠。结果包括以下内容:

  • 一份考试失败原因的详细解释信
  • 一份继续教育计划,该计划包括详细的步骤描述,确保成功通过下次考试。该学习计划必须在会员获得参加注册考试补考之前完成。



Failure on the second attempt will require approval from the Admissions Committee to re-write for a third time. Written request must be made to the ASFP within 45 days of the date of being notified of the exam result. Failure to submit the re-write request in this timeframe will result in the loss of practice rights and privileges. The request must include the following:

  • a detailed explanation of the reasons why the member was not successful on the exam; and
  • a continuing education plan that includes detailed description of the steps intended to ensure success on the next attempt. This plan of studies must be completed before the member will be allowed to re-write the registration exam.

Members failing for a second time will be required to review competencies and develop a plan of remedial studies to address the areas where improvement is needed. The member must meet with the Admissions Committee and get their approval on the plan of studies. The Admissions Committee will consider the request and decide upon the conditions required in order to be entitled to a third attempt.In making this decision, the Admissions Committee may place whatever terms and conditions it decides are prudent to help ensure the member has better success on the third attempt. This plan of studies must be completed before the member will be allowed to re-write the registration exam. The time span between the second and third attempts will generally be up to twelve months unless the Admissions Committee is convinced that the candidate can meet the commitments of his or her continuing education plan in a shorter period.

Should a member fail to meet with the Admissions Committee or fail to complete a plan of studies that was agreed to by the Admissions Committee, the member will lose their membership and will not be able to re-enroll for three years from the date the membership was lost. Right to practice will be suspended after the second failure.

11.3 第三次考试失败 Exam Failure on Third Attempt



Exam failures after a third attempt will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Council. Should a member be granted another opportunity by Council, practice rights will remain suspended until successful completion of the exam. All conditions of another re-write set out by Council must be met. If granted another rewrite, the member will be required to complete a further review of their competencies and develop a plan of remedial studies to address the areas where improvement is needed. The member must meet with the Admissions Committee and get their approval of the plan of studies.

This plan of studies must be completed before the member will be allowed to re-write the registration exam. Should a member fail to meet with the Admissions Committee or fail to complete the plan of studies that was agreed to by the Admissions Committee, the member will lose their membership and not be able to reenroll for three years from the date he or she last failed the exam. If Council does not provide another re-write, the member will lose their membership and not be able to reenroll for three years from the date the membership was lost.
Approved at ASFP Council Meeting March 26, 2015

官网: http://asfp.ca/
