萨省省提名 SINP Express Entry 类别重新开放500配额


SINP配额情况是截止到今年年底;虽然EE是6月份开的,但只到年底;明年年初应该再放新的配额。 These levels are in effect until December 31, 2015. They will be reviewed on an annual basis.

萨省无雇主 好像重开了。

您好 我看到您发的信息萨省无雇主类别开放1000配额 我现在是今年30岁 软件工程专业本科 有学位 软件工程师工作经验6.5年 雅思g类成绩四个六 刚考完的成绩在有效期 我希望办理这个萨省 能不能马上递交 请您给我您的联系方式 咱们今天就签约 递交 我怕明天就满额了 谢谢(我没做加拿大的学历认证 可不可以地递交后再补交) 请您马上联系我 谢谢

The International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category is now reopened to accept an additional 500 applications.

SINP EE 2015 申请条件:

  • 已经提交 CIC EE pool,获得 Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code。
  • 分数达到 SINP 标准的 60 分(总分100 http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/sinp/ ),同时需要符合EE的进入门槛,例如 FSW 类别需要达到67分。
  • 雅思符合CIC EE要求(如果是按照技术移民的话需要达到4个6)。
  • 有一年以上的高中后高等教育学历(这个大陆申请人都可以满足)。
  • 有紧缺职业限制(见下面),近10年内1年非技工紧缺职业经验,或近5年内有2年技工职业,或近5年内有12个月加拿大工作经验。如果职业在sk需要注册,那么申请前需要获得注册。技工职业需要有资格认证。

SINP EE 存款证明要求:

One person $11,931
Two people $14,853
Three people $18,260
Four people $22,170
Five people $25,145
Six people $28,359
Seven or more $31,574

SINP EE 清单里总共有57个职业,有9个需要注册:

2131 土木工程师 Civil Engineers A Yes
2132 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineers A Yes
2133 电气和电子工程师 Electrical and Electronic Engineer A Yes
2173 软件工程师和设计师 Software Engineers and Designers A Yes
7233 钣金工人 Sheet Metal Workers B Yes
7241 电工(除工业和电力系统) Electricians (except industrial and power system) B Yes
7242 工业电工 Industrial Electricians B Yes
7251 管道工 Plumbers B Yes
7313 制冷与空调力学 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics B Yes

SINP EE 重点关注的职业有19个:

0711 施工经理 Construction Managers
2161 数学家,统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, Statisticians, and Actuaries
2171 信息系统分析师和顾问 Information Systems Analysts and Consultants
2174 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers
2211 化学技师和技术员 Chemical Technologists and Technicians
2221 生物技师和技术员 Biological Technologists and Technicians
2222 农业和鱼产品检查员 Agricultural and Fish Products Inspectors
2232 机械工程技术人员和技师 Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians
2234 建设估算员 Construction Estimators
2241 电气与电子工程技师和技术员 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians
2242 电子服务技术员(家用和商用设备) Electronic Service Technicians (household and business equipment)
2253 制图技师和技术员 Drafting Technologists and Technicians
2254 土地调查技师和技术员 Land Survey Technologists and Technicians
2281 计算机网络技术人员 Computer Network Technicians
2282 用户支持技术员 User Support Technicians
2283 信息系统测试技术员 Information Systems Testing Technicians
4011 大学教授和讲师 University Professors and Lecturers
4163 业务发展主任及市场研究人员和顾问销售和服务 Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants Sales and Service
6221 技术销售专家,批发贸易 Technical Sales Specialists, Wholesale Trade


7204 承包商和监理,木工 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
7205 承包商和主管等建设行业,安装,修理商和服务商 Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers
7231 机械师和加工和模具督察 Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors
7232 工具和模具制造商 Tool and Die Makers
7235 金属结构和Platework制造者和装配工 Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters
7237 焊接工和相关机械操作员 Welders and Related Machine Operators
7246 电信安装和维修工人 Telecommunications Installation and Repair Workers
7252 Steamfitters,管道工和自动喷水灭火系统安装 Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers
7271 木匠 Carpenters
7281 瓦工 Bricklayers
7282 混凝土精整机 Concrete Finishers
7283 Tilesetters Tilesetters
7284 泥水工,石膏板安装,精整机和Lathers Plasterers, Drywall Installers, Finishers and Lathers
7291 屋顶工和Shinglers Roofers and Shinglers
7292 玻璃工 Glaziers
7293 绝缘子 Insulators
7294 画家和装饰(除室内装饰) Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)
7295 地面铺装材料安装 Floor Covering Installers
7302 承包商和监督员,重型设备操作员克鲁斯 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Equipment Operator Crews
7305 监事,汽车运输和其他地面交通运营商 Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit Operators
7311 建设Millwrights和工业机械 Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics
7312 重型机械设备技工 Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics
7316 机械装配工 Machine Fitters
7321 汽车维修技师,卡车和客车力学和​​机械修理工 Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers
7322 汽车车身修理厂 Motor Vehicle Body Repairers
8232 油气井钻探工人,服务人员,测试人员和有关人员 Oil and Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers and Related Workers
8252 农业服务承包商,农场监事和专业畜牧业工人 Agricultural Service Contractors, Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock Workers
9212 监事,石油,天然气,化学加工和公用设施 Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities
9213 监事,食品,饮料及相关产品加工 Supervisors, Food, Beverage and Associated Products Processing

详见: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/sinp/

萨省省提名 SINP Express Entry 类别 11 月重新开放500配额

  • The International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category is now reopened to accept an additional 500 applications.
  • The International Skilled Worker – Employment Offer Sub-Category is still accepting applications.
  • The intake thresholds for the International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category have been reached.

The International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category is now reopened to accept an additional 500 applications.

2015年1月时,SINP 紧缺职业配额是500个,2015年1月2日当天满额已关闭,2015年 SINP EE 类别配额是1000个,近期开放申请。

International Skilled Workers

International Skilled Workers - With an Employment Offer 配额 5,000 当前剩余 3,773
International Skilled Workers - Express Entry 配额 1,500 当前剩余 500(201511月重新开放500个,年初时是1000个)
International Skilled Workers - Occupations In-Demand 配额 1,500 当前剩余 0(年初是500个,9月重开1000个,已满)

详见: http://www.economy.gov.sk.ca/immigration/sinp-application-intake-thresholds





The SINP category you are trying to apply to has reached the application intake threshold, therefore you are unable to submit your application at this time.

Please review the SINP website for requirements and options to immigrate to Saskatchewan. saskimmigrationcanada.ca

Please note that if the requirements for this category change before the intake threshold is reset you will be required to start a new application.


sinp 不预告,随时一股一股发布配额给申请人带来了更大负担,不仅要提前准备资料,还要第一时间知道开放消息,还要能顺利抢上配额,还要尽可能保证抢上的申请能通过审理。

SINP 11月增加的500配额,几天就被抢光。

The intake threshold for the International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category has been reached for 2015.





请教一下SINP EE和无雇主的两点区别:
EE类别难度上多了个FSW 67分对吗?那有放宽的方面吗?


那就是说这次没抢到SINP EE的,下次肯定都会去抢无雇主的

您好。关于职业4163有个疑问,我看介绍说这个职业是“受雇于政府部门、国际组织,销售公司(marketing firms)和商业协会,或可能成为自雇人士”,如果我在汽车生产企业的业务发展和市场研究部门工作,是否符合这个职位?多谢!
