南澳州担保要求 SA skilled-nomination-requirements






1. 承诺


1.1 只有你在满足州技能需求的条件下,真心承诺在南澳生活和工作长达2年,并考虑在南澳长期居住,才能够获得州担保。你必须确认该承诺是:

1.1.1 在南澳进行直接、全面和有效的调查之后确立的,并且必须在在线申请表格中提供移民南澳的理由。

1.1.2 在南澳展开工作机会或职业许可与注册要求的调查之后确立的。

1.1.3 如果你目前在南澳境外,那么你必须提供南澳居民相关证明以及自己工作主要在南澳的相关证明。

1.2 如果你通过州担保普通技术移民签证入境南澳,那么你必须:

1.2.1 通过南澳移民局在线注册入境手续。

1.2.2 向南澳移民局在线提供你在南澳最近2年的联系信息。

1.2.3 在南澳的第一个两年内完成雇佣调查。

1.3 州担保申请将受到下列承诺的限制

1.3.1 如果你不在南澳居住只是目前在澳洲逗留,那么,你不可以申请南澳州担保。该限制将包括南澳跨州居住的国际毕业生,但不包括链式移民和80分及以上高分类别。

1.3.2 如果你在南澳境外居住,且最近3年内在南澳境外获得了澳洲资格证书,那么,你只可以申请489临时签证,除非:你的技能工作经验至少有6个月是在南澳获得的,此时,你就可以申请489临时签证或190永久签证;符合链式移民要求,此时,你可以申请489临时签证或190永久签证。

####2. 年龄(飞出国-南澳州担保)

2.1 申请州担保时必须未满50周岁。

2.2 You must factor in Immigration SA’s nomination processing times as there is no fast-tracking of applications for reasons associated with age.

3. 职业(飞出国-南澳州担保)

3.1 你必须拥有州担保职业清单中的职业,且符合该职业的所有要求,因为这些职业符合190永久签证或489临时签证担保条件。

3.2 所有申请者都可以通过州担保职业清单中标有适用的职业申请州担保。

3.3 每一个职业都有一个规划水平,一旦达到该水平,该职业就会被列为特殊条件申请。申请特殊条件申请列表中的的职业时,必须符合下列特殊条件申请&补充技能列表的要求:

州担保职业清单更多内容请点击 这里


3.4 只要符合下列条件,你就可以申请州担保职业清单中特殊条件申请下的职业或补充技能列表中的职业:

3.4.1 如果你是一名南澳国际毕业生,请访问国际毕业生职业与豁免要求

3.4.2 如果你一直在南澳从事技能职业工作有一小段时间,请访问目前在南澳工作

3.4.3 如果你有直系亲属在南澳永居,参见链式移民

3.4.4. 如果你在DIBP积分测试中获得80及以上的高分(其中包括州担保积分),参见高分确认是否符合申请条件。

3.5 南澳移民只为特殊条件申请或补充技能列表中的职业提供一定数量的提名。规划水平适用于所有职业,其适用性会有所变化。达到规划水平职业将可能关闭或有更多的申请要求。因此,会优先考虑申请者在南澳工作时间的长短。

3.6 如果你正在申请特殊条件申请或补充技能列表中的职业,你必须同样符合州担保对于承诺、年龄、技能评估、工作经验、英语语言和经济能力的所有要求。

3.7 南澳国际毕业生在申请前必须确定自己是否符合工作经验、英语语言或经济能力的豁免资格。

4. 技能评估(飞出国-南澳州担保)

4.1 你必须获得相关技能评估机构对你通过被提名职业进行普通技术移民一个正面技能评估。技能评估机构相关内容参见州担保职业清单

4.2 不接受任何替代正面技能评估的资格证书或证书。

4.3 即使你是在澳洲获得的资格,也必须提供关于普通技术移民的一个正面技能评估。

4.4 南澳国际毕业生提供的技能评估必须在被提名的职业内,在南澳学习的领域内。

4.5 技能评估必须是在最近3年内签发的,或者如果技能评估机构已经明确一个较短的有效期,那么该技能评估只在明确的日期内有效。申请州担保时,该技能评估必须保证有效。

5. 工作经验(飞出国-南澳州担保)

5.1 最近3年内至少有1年的技能工作经验,除非你申请的职业有更高的工作经验要求。该要求的豁免资格仅限南澳国际毕业生

5.2 技能工作经验指在州担保职业清单中的某个技能职业上每周至少有偿工作20个小时。技能工作经验不局限于被提名的职业或与被提名职业密切相关的职业,除非你申请的职业有额外工作经验的要求。(详见5.4)

5.3 只有获得相关资格之后,才会对技能工作经验进行评估。

5.4 如果你申请的职业明确指出额外需要2到3年工作经验,那么你必须证明自己在被提名的职业有符合要求的工作经验。该要求豁免资格仅限南澳国际毕业生

5.5 如果你目前在澳洲境外,但必须依靠在澳洲的技能工作经验才可以达到工作经验要求,那么,必须其中至少6个月的工作经验是在南澳获得的,你才可以申请南澳州担保。

5.6 如果你目前在澳洲境内,且必须依靠在澳洲的技能工作经验才可以达到工作经验要求,那么,必须其中6个月的工作经验是在南澳获得,且目前在南澳从事技能工作,每周不少于20个小时,你才可以申请南澳州担保。

6. 英语语言能力(飞出国-南澳州担保)

6.1 你必须符合被提名职业所要求的英语语言能力水平。豁免资格仅限南澳 国际毕业生

6.2 南澳接受下列英语语言能力测试:

  • 雅思(学术性或一般性)
  • 职业英语考试
  • 学术英语水平考试
  • 托福网考
  • (高级) 剑桥英语测试
  • 英语语言能力测试结果必须是在提交签证申请时(不是获得州担保时),3年内获得的;(高级) 剑桥英语测试结果必须是在2015年1月或之后获得的。

6.3 南澳移民被提名职业英语能力要求详见州担保职业清单 。如果你符合整体分数的更高要求,那么所有成绩都必须达到技能英语水平。英语考试最低分数要求详见English test comparison table

6.4 英国、加拿大、新西兰、美国和爱尔兰共和国这些国家的公民或其签证持有者具有豁免资格。

6.5 如果你目前在南澳是执业健康专家或教育专家,那么,你可以上传当前的南澳执业许可证明,并提供符合能力要求的英语语言能力测试结果,不需提供州担保职业清单所列的其他英语语言能力证明文件。

6.6 申请前,请检查一下技能评估机构是否对英语语言能力有更高的要求。

6.7 如果你被提名的职业要求南澳的注册或许可,那么你必须确保自己符合注册机构或许可机构所设定的英语语言能力要求。有注册要求的职业包括贸易、教育和健康专业。

7. 经济能力(飞出国-南澳州担保)


7.2 通常情况下,南澳移民局要求,如果你在境外递交的申请,那么抵达南澳时,必须拥有2万美元现金;如果你在境内递交的申请,那么,抵达南澳时,你必须拥有5000美元现金。在获签前,你不能转让其中的任何资产。

7.3 如果你是一名澳洲国际毕业生,那么,你可以向父母要求经济支持。但是你的父母必须填写经济能力声明,且在线申请时必须上传该该声明。

Family composition Offshore Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement
Onshore Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement
Main applicant only Total figure between AUD $ 20,000 - 25,000 Total figure between AUD $5,000 - 10,000
Main applicant plus one (1) dependent Total figure between AUD $25,000- 30,000 Total figure between AUD $ 10,000 - 15,000
Main applicant plus two (2) dependents Total figure between AUD $30,000 - 35,000 Total figure between AUD $15,000 - 20,000
Main applicant plus three (3) dependents Total figure between AUD $35,000 - 40,000 Total figure between AUD $20,000 - 25,000

8. 技能选择意向表(飞出国-南澳州担保)

8.1 在南澳移民局批准你在所选技能的担保之前,你必须拥有符合DIBP标准和南澳移民要求的技能选择意向表。

8.2 技能选择意向表中的被提名职业必须和南澳移民在线申请中被提名的职业保持一致。

8.3 技能选择意向表中的个人信息必须和南澳移民在线申请中的个人信息保持一致。

8.4 南澳移民在线申请中所提供的信息必须和技能选择意向表中所记录的信息保持一致。

8.5 申请190永久签证或489临时签证时你必须符合DIBP合格分数标准,目前合格分数是60分。如果你正在申请具有更高分数要求的特殊条件申请或补充技能列表中的职业,那么你的技能选择意向表必须满足80及以上分数要求。此外,你必须确保自己符合DIBP的所有要求,且可以提供相关文件证明自己所声称的分数。

8.6 你必须准确记录技能选择意向表编号,否则,南澳移民局将不能够确定你的技能选择,你的南澳州担保申请将会被拒。

8.7 如果由于上述原因,你的南澳州担保申请被拒,你还可以重申州担保。你必须符合州担保的所有要求。

8.8 如果你的技能选择意向表中存在错误,南澳移民局会根据你申请的情况向你提供帮助,你也可以采取下面相应的措施:

8.8.1 已申请南澳州担保,但是南澳移民局还尚未作出决定 — 你必须在南澳作出决定之前修改技能选择意向表,并给南澳移民局发邮件,通知他们你已经修改了技能选择意向表。一旦南澳移民局担保成功,技能选择意向表将会确定,不能再更改。

8.8.2 已获得南澳移民局担保但是尚未递交DIBP签证申请 — 你必须给南澳移民局发邮件通知他们技能选择意向表中有错误,且必须向南澳移民局提供具体的错误细节。

8.8.3 已获得南澳移民局担保且以递交DIBP签证申请 — 你必须在14天内向南澳移民局发送邮件通知他们技能选择意向表中的错误。你必须向南澳移民局提供具体的错误细节和收到的DIBP的反馈,如拒签或撤签等确认信息。


9. 南澳国际毕业生(飞出国-南澳州担保)

南澳国际毕业生可以通过许多职业申请州担保。此外,如果你同时符合州担保对于工作经验、英语语言能力或经济能力的要求,那么,你就拥有豁免资格。详见 International Graduate Occupation and Waiver Requirements。

10. 目前在南澳工作(飞出国-南澳州担保)

如果你目前在南澳从事被提名的职业或与被提名职业密切相关的职业,且在南澳乡村地区工作不少于6个月或在阿德雷德工作不少于12个月,那么你就可以通过其他职业申请南澳州担保。你必须每周工作不少于20个小时。详见 currently working in South Australia。

11. 链式移民 — 家属在南澳


如果你有直系亲属在南澳久居,那么你就可以通过其他职业申请链式移民。详见 chain migration。

12. 80分及以上高分


如果你在DIBP积分测试中获得80分及以上的高分,那么,你可以通过补充技能列表或特殊条件申请列表中的职业申请南澳州担保。详见High points。

To qualify for state nomination you must meet all nomination requirements

relevant to your situation and occupation.

You must ultimately meet all the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and
Border Protection (DIBP) criteria and requirements.

Before applying for State Nomination, you should work out if you have
sufficient points on the DIBP points test to apply for the 190 permanent or
the 489 provisional visa.

Please read through the nomination requirements below and the document
before applying.

1. Commitment to South Australia

1.1 State nomination is provided to meet skills needs of this state and is granted on the basis of the applicant’s genuine interest and commitment to living and working in South Australia for two years from the date of arrival, with a view to long-term settlement.

You must confirm this commitment by:

1.1.1 Undertaking first-hand, thorough and meaningful research on South Australia and providing your reasons for wanting to migrate to South Australia in the online application form.

**1.1.2 **Undertaking research on job opportunities in South Australia and any occupation licensing or registration requirements.

**1.1.3 **If you are onshore, you may be required to provide evidence of South Australian residence and that your employment has primarily been in South Australia.

1.2 When you arrive in South Australia on a state nominated General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa, you are required to:

1.2.1 Register your arrival online with Immigration SA

1.2.2 Provide up to date contact details online to Immigration SA for your first two years in South Australia

1.2.3 Complete employment surveys during your first two years in South Australia

1.3 The following commitment to state restrictions apply.

1.3.1 If you are in Australia but not residing in South Australia, you are ineligible to apply for South Australian state nomination. This restriction includes South Australian international graduates residing interstate and overrides chain migration and high points - 80 points or higher categories.

1.3.2 If you are residing offshore or in South Australia and you completed your Australian qualification outside South Australia in the last 3 years, you can **only **apply for the provisional 489 visa unless:

  • At least 6 months of your skilled work experience was undertaken in South Australia (489 or 190 is available)


  • You meet the requirements for Chain Migration (489 or 190 is available).

2. Age

2.1 You must be under **50 years of age **at the time of the nomination decision.

2.2 You must factor in Immigration SA’s nomination processing times as there is no fast-tracking of applications for reasons associated with age.

3. Occupation

3.1 To be nominated, you must have an occupation on our State Nominated Occupation Lists and meet the eligibility requirements for that occupation. These occupations are available for 190 or 489 nomination.

**3.2 **All applicants can apply for occupations listed as ‘available’ (high availability, medium availability or low availability) on the State Occupation List.

3.3 Each occupation listed has a planning level and should this be reached, the occupation will then be listed as “Special Conditions Apply”. To apply for an occupation which has met its planning level, you must meet the requirements listed under Special conditions apply & Supplementary Skilled List below.

Further information about the State nominated occupation lists can be found

Special conditions apply & Supplementary Skilled List

3.4 You can access occupations that appear as ‘Special conditions apply’ on the State Occupation List or occupations listed on the Supplementary Skilled List if you meet the requirements listed under one of the following categories:

3.4.1 If you are international graduate of South Australia, visit International Graduate Occupation and Waiver Requirements.

3.4.2 If you have been working in a skilled occupation in South Australia for a minimum period of time, visit Currently Working in South Australia

3.4.3 If you have an immediate family member permanently residing in South Australia, see requirements for Chain Migration.

3.4.4.** **If you have high points - 80 points or higher on the DIBP points test (including State nomination points), visit High Points to check if you are eligible to apply.

3.5 Immigration SA is able to offer a limited number of nominations for occupations listed as special conditions apply or on the Supplementary Skilled List. Planning levels apply to all occupations and availability is subject to change.** **Once planning levels are reached, occupations may be closed or further requirements may apply. Priority will be given to applicants based on length of employment in South Australia.

3.6 If you are applying for occupations under special conditions apply or the Supplementary Skilled List, you must meet the same State nomination requirements for commitment to state, age, skills assessment, work experience, English and financial capacity.

3.7 International graduates of South Australia should see if they are eligible for any waivers or exemptions for work experience, English or financial capacity before applying.

4. Skills assessment

4.1 You must have a positive General Skilled Migration skills assessment from the relevant skills assessing authority for your nominated occupation. Links to relevant Skills Assessing Authorities can be found on the State Nominated Occupation Lists.

4.2 Copies of qualifications or certificates in lieu of a positive skills assessment will not be accepted.

4.3 A positive General Skilled Migration skills assessment is required even if the qualification was obtained in Australia.

4.4 For international graduates of South Australia, the skills assessment must be in their nominated occupation and field of study in South Australia.

**4.5 **Skills assessments must have been issued within the last three years or if the skills assessing authority has specified a shorter validity period, the skills assessment is only valid until that specified date. The skills assessment must be valid at time of nomination decision.

5. Work experience

5.1 At least one year of skilled work experience in the past three years unless your occupation has a higher work experience requirement. Certain exemptions to this requirement may apply to international graduates of South Australia.

5.2 Skilled work experience is defined as at least 20 hours per week of paid employment in a skilled occupation on the State Nominated Occupation Lists. The skilled work experience does not need to be in your nominated or closely related occupation unless your occupation requires additional work experience (see 5.4 below).

**5.3 **Skilled work experience is assessed as being after successful completion of the relevant qualification(s).

**5.4 **Where additional work experience is listed for your occupation (for example, 2 or 3 years work experience), you will need to demonstrate that you have this amount of work experience in the field of your nominated occupation. Certain exemptions to this may apply if you are an international graduate of South Australia.

5.5 If you are offshore and relying on Australian skilled work experience to meet the work experience requirement you are only eligible to apply if at least 6 months of this has been achieved in South Australia.

**5.6 **If you are onshore and relying on Australian skilled work experience to meet the work experience requirement, you are only eligible to apply if at least 6 months of this has been achieved in South Australia and you are currently working in a skilled occupation in South Australia (minimum 20 hours per week).

6. English language

6.1 You must meet the English language level required for your nominated occupation. Exemptions may apply for international graduates of South Australia.

6.2 Immigration SA accepts the following English language tests:

  • IELTS - International English Language Test System (Academic or General)
  • OET - Occupational English Test (For Health Professionals only)
  • PTE Academic - Pearson Test of English Academic
  • TOEFL iBT - Test of English as a Foreign Language, internet Based Test
  • CAE - Cambridge English: Advanced

The English Language test that you provide will need to be less than three (3)
years old at the time you apply for your visa, not at the time of nomination
decision. If you are submitting a Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test, the
test must have been taken on or after 1 January 2015.

6.3 The Immigration SA English requirement for your occupation will be listed on the State Nominated Occupation Lists as: Competent in each score (or Competent Plus overall), Competent Plus in each score (or Proficient overall) or Proficient in each score (or Proficient Plus overall). If you meet the higher overall score requirement, no band score can be below Competent English. For details of the minimum scores required for your particular English test, view the English test comparison table.

6.4 Passport holders and citizens of the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, United States of America, or the Republic of Ireland are exempt from providing an English test result.

6.5 If you are currently registered to practice as a health professional or education professional in South Australia, you can upload a current registration certificate to practice in South Australia and provide an English language test result which meets the ‘Competent’ requirement. You do not need to meet any additional English requirements listed on the State Nominated Occupation Lists.

6.6 Some skills assessing authorities may have a higher English language requirements that you will be required to meet. Please check with your skills assessing authority prior to applying.

6.7 If your occupation requires registration or licensing in South Australia, you will need to ensure you meet English requirement set by the registration or licencing authority to work in South Australia. Occupations with registration requirements include trades, education and health professions.

7. Financial capacity

7.1 You must ensure that you have sufficient funds for settlement when you arrive in South Australia. Evidence of financial capacity is not required. However, Immigration SA reserves the right to seek additional information or evidence at a later stage if necessary. The requirement depends on whether you are applying offshore or onshore.

7.2 Financial requirement:

You need to have combined cash and assets within the range listed in the table
below. As a guideline, when you arrive in South Australia, Immigration SA
recommends that offshore applicants have $20,000 in cash and onshore
applicants have $5,000 in cash for settlement. You should not dispose of any
assets before the visa is granted.

7.3 If you are an Australian international graduate, you can claim financial support from your parent(s). Your parent(s) need to complete the Financial Capacity Declaration and this must be uploaded in your online application.

Family composition Offshore** Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement** Onshore** Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement**

Family composition Offshore Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement
Onshore Applicant:
Combined cash & assets requirement
Main applicant only Total figure between AUD $ 20,000 - 25,000 Total figure between AUD $5,000 - 10,000
Main applicant plus one (1) dependent Total figure between AUD $25,000- 30,000 Total figure between AUD $ 10,000 - 15,000
Main applicant plus two (2) dependents Total figure between AUD $30,000 - 35,000 Total figure between AUD $15,000 - 20,000
Main applicant plus three (3) dependents Total figure between AUD $35,000 - 40,000 Total figure between AUD $20,000 - 25,000
> > #### 8. SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI) > > **8.1** For Immigration SA to approve your nomination in Skill Select you need to have an EOI which meets the DIBP criteria and Immigration SA requirements. > > **8.2** Your nominated occupation in your EOI must match your nominated occupation on your Immigration SA online application. > > **8.3** Your personal details in your EOI must be the same as your Immigration SA online application. > > **8.4** There must be no discrepancies between the information provided on your Immigration SA online application and the information recorded in your EOI. > > **8.5** You must meet the required DIBP pass mark for the 190/ 489 visa subclasses (the current pass mark is 60 points). If you are applying under the high point’s requirements to access special conditions apply occupations or the Supplementary Skilled List your EOI must show 80 points or higher (including state nomination points). You will need to ensure you meet all DIBP requirements and have documented evidence to support your points claim. > > **8.6** Your EOI number must be recorded correctly, otherwise Immigration SA will be unable to locate you in SkillSelect and your state nomination application will be refused. > > **8.7 **If you are refused for any of the above reasons you can re-apply for state nomination. However, you must meet all state nomination requirements. > > **8.8 **If you have made an error in your EOI, Immigration SA can assist you depending on the status of your application. The following actions can be taken: > > **8.8.****1** _Applied for state nomination but decision hasn’t been made by Immigration SA_ **–** You need to edit EOI details prior to the Immigration SA decision being made & email Immigration SA to advise you have amended the EOI. If you are nominated by Immigration SA, the EOI is frozen and cannot be edited. > > **8.8.2 **_Nominated by Immigration SA but hasn’t lodged DIBP visa application _**_–_** You need to advise Immigration SA by email that a mistake has been made on the EOI. You must provide details of the mistake to Immigration SA. > > **8.8.3 **_Nominated by Immigration SA and lodged DIBP visa_** –** You must notify Immigration SA by email within 14 calendar days of the mistake in the EOI. You must provide details of the mistake to Immigration SA and any DIBP correspondence received (for example, visa withdrawal or refusal confirmation). > > #### Access to additional occupations > > #### **9.** International Graduates of South Australia > > International graduates of South Australia have access to a more extensive > list of occupations for state nomination. In addition, if you do not meet > state nomination requirements for work experience, English or financial > capacity, there may be waivers or exemptions available to you. Refer to > [International Graduate Occupation and Waiver Requirements](http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/International-graduates/international-graduate-occupation-and-waiver-requirements) to see if > you can access more occupations and any exemptions or waivers. > > #### **10.** Currently working in South Australia > > Access to additional occupations is available if you are currently living and > working in South Australia in your nominated or closely related occupation and > have been for 6 months or more in a country region of South Australia or 12 > months or more in Greater Adelaide. You must be working for a minimum of 20 > hours per week. Refer to [currently working in South > Australia](http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/skilled-migrants/nomination-process/skilled-nomination-requirements/currently-working-in-south-australia) to see > if you can access more occupations. > > #### **11.** Chain Migration-family member in South Australia > > Chain migration is a state nomination pathway providing access to a broader > list of occupations if you have an immediate family member permanently > residing in South Australia. Refer to [chain migration](http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/skilled-migrants/nomination-process/skilled-nomination-requirements/chain-migration-family- > member-in-south-australia) to see if you can access more occupations. > > #### **12.** High points - 80 points or higher > > If you have 80 points or higher (including state nomination points) on the > Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s (DIBP) points test, you can > gain access to the Supplementary Skilled List (SSL) and occupations on the > main list that are special conditions apply. Refer to [High points > ](http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/skilled-migrants/nomination-process/skilled-nomination-requirements/high-points-80-points-or-higher) – 80 points or higher to see if you can access more occupations.




A valid 457 visa (where the Australian work experience is not achieved in South Australia) would restrict the holder from meeting South Australian eligibility requirements.
The nominee would be considered as residing in NSW (even if the nomination was lodged off shore) because of the valid visa status being connected to a place, position and employer or approved sponsor for a period of up to 4 years.
