RNIP 合格社区审核结果将在2019年3-5月发布 community selected to participate Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

RNIP 合格社区审核结果将在2019年3-5月发布-飞出国

飞出国:加拿大联邦大陆省份偏远社区的经济发展组织(EDO)递交 RNIP 社区资格审核后,移民部会根据社区的现状及提供 RNIP 移民服务的能力来确定是否授予认定资格(与 AIPP 的雇主资格认定类似)。

如果社区被 RNIP 选中,则后面该社区就可以利用 RNIP 项目来接收新移民申请了。

第一批合格社区将在2019年3-5月发布,同时 RNIP 移民细节也将发布,当前大体了解的信息是该项目2019年将接收 3000 个申请,每个合格社区当年的总移民接收数(包括配偶和子女)不超过100个。

而是否是一步到位永居,审核周期多久,具体的申请条件还需要等到4月份左右才有进一步细节。是更像 AIPP 还是更新澳洲的 489 和 187 呢?一切皆有可能。

After you apply - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

If you submit your application by email

When you submit your application you’ll receive an automatic reply. If you don’t receive this automatic email, send us another email (without attachments) so we can manually confirm that we’ve received your application.

If you submit your application by mail - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

We’ll email you to confirm that we’ve received it.

How we process your application - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

Once we receive your complete application, we’ll begin processing it.

This means we’ll:

  • make sure all sections of the form are complete and supporting documents or files are included
  • identify if your community is eligible to participate in the pilot
  • contact you for more information, if needed

How we’ll select communities - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

We’ll use the information in your form and supporting documents to determine if your community can participate in the pilot. We’ll choose the communities based on:

  • their need for immigration to support the local economy
  • the resources and community partners they have lined up for the pilot

We’ll also consider if:

  • communities are able to attract and integrate French-speaking newcomers
  • the federal government has existing newcomer settlement partners and resources in the community

We’ll consult with provinces and territories before we make our decisions.

Not all communities that submit an application will be chosen to participate. We’ll announce the selected communities in the spring of 2019.

If your community is selected - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

We’ll contact the economic development organization that submitted your application to confirm that your community has been selected to participate. We’ll work with them to:

  • prepare the community for the pilot
  • receive applications from eligible foreign nationals

If your community isn’t selected - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

We’ll contact the economic development organization that submitted your application to let you know your community wasn’t selected for the pilot.

This pilot should provide important information that other communities across Canada can take and adapt to their own needs.

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访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。