QSW 魁北克技术移民甄选 Quebec RSWP - Regular Skilled Worker Program


2016年起魁北克实施在线申请(Mon Project Québec),613816 申请会在 2017 年春天开始处理,具体周期当前还不确定,因为魁北克说要提速,从开始处理到拿到 CSQ 大体周期应该在半年到一年的样子吧。处理周期会受多种因素影响,包括申请人提交资料的完整性。

Since Mon projet Québec is a new system, average processing times are not yet available. The processing of online applications will begin in spring 2017.

Processing times vary according to the following factors:

  • Selection objectives by geographic pool and immigration category
  • Volume of applications
  • International context
  • Conformity of the documents submitted
  • The time it takes for you to respond to any request by the Ministère
  • Waiting for proof of your French proficiency
  • A notice of appointment for a selection interview

魁北克技术移民 Mon Project 下审理主要有3个过程,在线信息初审(Preliminary),具体证明资料验证(Verification),提名前复审(Selection review 阶段可能有面试)。这三个阶段共同影响个体的处理周期。

Three main steps for processing your application submitted as of December 31, 2015

  • Preliminary review: The Ministère conducts a preliminary review of your application based on the information declared on your online application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec.
  • Verification of documents submitted: If your application meets the conditions of the preliminary review, a personalized list of the required documents will be sent to your Mon projet Québec account.
  • Selection review: The Ministère completes the review of your application and renders a decision. In some cases, this review may require an interview with an official from the Ministère. If this is the case, you will receive a notice of appointment from the Ministère.
