QLD 188B/888B 昆士兰150万商业投资移民签证 Business Investment - Business Innovation and Investment Visa

QLD 188B/888B 昆州150万商业投资移民签证 - 飞出国

Queedsland Business Investment - Business Innovation and Investment - subclass 188B / 888B.

188B 是澳洲 Business Investment 150万澳币投资移民临时签证,有效期4年,满足相关要求后,可申请 888B 永久签证。188B888B 都需要有州担保,飞出国下面对昆州要求做具体说明。

DIBP 188B investment stream criteria: 188B 150 万澳币投资移民 Investor stream - IV 类别适合55周岁之内,有3年直接投资或高级管理经验,近2年内净资产225万澳币,近5年里有1年有直接参与管理 10% 的企业或有参与 150 万澳币投资的经验。不强制要求学历和英语,但因为要达到 65 分评分,综合条件比较好例如学历高(本科及以上),有英语基础(雅思5分)的申请人更有优势,详见 188 评分标准

昆士兰州移民事务处 188B 申请要求 - 飞出国:

除了满足上述 DIBP 188B 具体要求外,昆州对 188B 申请人的要求是225万澳币资产可以在2年内转移到昆州,向昆州 Queensland Treasury Corporation Bonds 投资 150 万澳币,在昆州定居2年。签证到期后不能续签。

Queedsland Business Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 188B)

In addition to the DIBP criteria, applicants seeking Queensland state nomination must meet the following criteria:

  • demonstrate that you have net business and personal assets of at least **A$2.25 million** to be transferred to Queensland within 2 years of your visa being granted
  • maintain your designated investment of at least **$1.5 million in Queensland Treasury Corporation Bonds** for at least four years. See www.qtc.qld.gov.au for further information.
  • reside in Queensland

At the end of your Investor visa, you must apply for permanent residency.

昆士兰州移民事务处 888B 转永居要求 - 飞出国:


Queedsland 888 Business investor stream (Permanent)

This is a pathway to permanent residency for holders of the 188 visa subclass.

Applicants must provide evidence they meet the criteria outlined by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
