QLD 188A/888A 昆士兰商业创新移民 Queedsland Business Innovation - Business Innovation and Investment

QLD 188A/888A 昆士兰商业创新移民 Queedsland Business Innovation - Business Innovation and Investment

澳大利亚昆州 188A/888A 商业创新类投资移民 - 飞出国。

Queedsland Business Innovation - Business Innovation and Investment - subclass 188 / 888

188A 是一种投资移民临时签证,有效期4年,满足相关要求后,可申请 888A 永久签证。188A888A 都需要有州担保,昆士兰(Queedsland Qld)有其自己要求,飞出国下面做具体说明。

澳洲移民部 188A 类别基本要求 - 飞出国:

  • 满足 188 评分标准 的65分,年龄超过 55 周岁的需要州豁免才能申请
  • 获邀申请前4年内的2个财年里,每年营业额达到50万澳币
  • 根据年营业额需要满足占有公司股份要求:不足40万,51%;超过40万,30%;上市公司 10%
  • 家庭净资产不低于80万澳币,且在获得188签证后的2年内要转到澳洲账户下

昆士兰移民事务处提名 188A 的具体要求 - 飞出国:

满足上述 DIBP 具体要求后,昆士兰州只要求申请人可以在签证获批后的2年内将 80 万澳币净资产转移到昆州,在昆州定居并至少投资20万澳币在昆州创办企业。188A 签证是 4 年临时签证,届时无法满足 888A 转永居要求的可以延期2年。

Business Innovation (Provisional) visa (subclass 188A)

In addition to the DIBP criteria, applicants seeking Queensland state nomination must meet the following criteria:

  • demonstrate that you have **net business and personal assets of at least A$800,000** to be transferred to Queensland within 2 years of your visa being granted, including a minimum of A$200,000 for investment into a business
  • reside in Queensland.

You are permitted to extend your provisional Business Innovation visa for an additional two years.

昆士兰 888A 永久签证申请条件 - 飞出国:

申请人在持 188A 签证在澳洲2年后如果符合澳洲移民部 888A 签证申请条件后并满足昆士兰对具体申请人额外要求后就可以通过 888 签证转永居了。

澳洲 DIBP 888 innovator stream criteria:已经在澳大利亚担保的州运营2年并实际参与企业管理,满足持股要求(年营业额40万澳币以下,51%,40万澳币以上30%,上市公司10%),递交申请前1年内的企业净资产 20 万澳币,或企业和个人净资产 60 万澳币或申请前2年内雇佣至少2个全职雇员。

昆士兰 888A 转永居额外要求 - 飞出国:

除了满足上述 DIBP 888A 转永居要求外,昆州对 188A 申请人转永居的具体规定包括,已经在布里斯班或黄金海岸地区创办的企业里投资50万澳币,或在昆士兰其他偏远地区投资 30 万澳币,可以是最多两家昆州企业投资总额。并且这些企业需要获得昆士兰州的确认。

888 Business innovation stream (Permanent)

This is a pathway to permanent residency for holders of the 188 visa subclass.

In addition to the DIBP criteria, applicants seeking Queensland state nomination must meet the following criteria:

  • provide evidence that a minimum of AUD$500,000 was invested in a main business (or two main businesses) located in Brisbane or the Gold Coast.


  • provide evidence that a minimum of AUD$300,000 was invested in a main business (or two main businesses) located in other regions of Queensland.

AND one of the following:

  • confirmation that the business or two main businesses were approved by Business and Skilled Migration Queensland


  • a copy of the written approval from Business and Skilled Migration Queensland to change your business (if your current business is different to that initially approved as part of your subclass 188 application). This approval must be granted before proceeding to change your business.
