魁省国际收养流程(Process for adopting a child residing abroad)

魁省国际收养流程(Process for adopting a child residing abroad) - 飞出国



向国际秘书处(SAI)申请 - 飞出国

SAI确认收养父母有资格收养子女,收养程序获得同意,并且收养程序即符合被收养人出生国的法律也符合魁省法律规定后,会向收养人发 无反对意见函 ( letter of non-opposition),信函中会声明,没有任何理由反对这个国际收养申请。

为收养子女申请加拿大公民身份 - 飞出国


担保国际收养子女 - 飞出国

如果申请人需要担保收养子女,移民部在收到 无反对意见函 后会直接跟申请人联系,告知申请人需要填写的表格 Undertaking application - Kit A – without financial requirements,表格填完后反馈给移民部。

如果担保的子女是你移民魁省之前收养的: 申请人必须确保已经获得了法院中止收养子女和其亲生父母关系的法院判决书,并且养子女已经和养父母建立了新的家庭关系。

担保来自中国的孩子- 飞出国


  • 如果CIC已经受理了担保申请,并且
  • 申请人接受了从中国收养子女的提议(也就是,国际秘书处签署了由中国机构签发的 “Letter Seeking Confirmation”)

申请人需要填写kit A中的所有表格Kit A of the undertaking application,并且提供需要的材料,将材料邮寄到:

Direction de l’immigration familiale et humanitaire

Mailing address or by appointment only:
285, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, 4e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1T8

移民局收到完整的申请后会 尽快开始处理。国际收养秘书处将 letter of non-opposition转交给移民局后,移民局马上会签发CSQ。

Process for adopting a child residing abroad

In Québec, the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale, under the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), coordinates activities related to international adoption.

To adopt a child residing abroad (even if the child is related to you), all Québec residents must first obtain authorization from the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale before beginning the process in the child’s country of origin.

These rules are valid for both permanent residents who do not yet have Canadian citizenship as well as for Canadian citizens and individuals with dual citizenship.

Obtaining authorization from the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale (SAI)

After ensuring that the adoptive parents are eligible for adopting a child, that the appropriate consents have been obtained and that the adoption conforms to the laws and regulations of the child’s country of origin and Québec legislation, the SAI authorizes the international adoption by issuing a letter of non-opposition in which it declares that it is not aware of any reasons to oppose the adoption of a child residing abroad.

Applying for Canadian citizenship for the child you wish to adopt

Since December 2007, the Citizenship Act allows a large proportion of children adopted abroad to obtain Canadian citizenship, thereby enabling adoptive parents to bypass the sponsorship process, which can be longer and more costly. For more information on obtaining Canadian citizenship for children adopted abroad, contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Adoptive parents who cannot or do not wish to apply for Canadian citizenship for the child they plan to adopt abroad must follow the sponsorship process. For more information, visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website or call the Telecentre at 1 888 242-2100.

Sponsoring a child for adoption (international adoption)

If you must sponsor the child you plan to adopt, the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion will communicate directly with you, as soon as it has received the letter of non-opposition from the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale, to ask you to download, complete and return the forms in the Undertaking application - Kit A – without financial requirements (this step does not apply to individuals who prefer to obtain Canadian citizenship for the child they plan to adopt).


  • Sponsoring a child adopted abroad before immigrating to Québec : If you have adopted a child abroad before immigrating to Québec and you wish to sponsor the child, you must make sure that the judgment obtained terminates the pre-existing filial relationship between the child and his or her original family and create a new filial relationship with the adoptive parent (plenary adoption).
  • Sponsoring a child from China : If the child to be adopted is from China, please consult the Notice to individuals in the process of adopting a Chinese child.

Notice to individuals in the process of adopting a Chinese child

You have begun the process of adopting a Chinese child. The Ministère has introduced a new procedure to allow you to obtain a Certificat de sélection (CSQ) for the child before your departure for China.

  • If you received a letter confirming the admissibility of your sponsorship application from Citizenship and Immigration Canada,

  • If you accepted a proposal to adopt a child from China (that is, the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale has signed the “Letter Seeking Confirmation” issued by the Chinese authorities),

you must absolutely obtain Kit A of the undertaking application, complete the forms in this kit and include the required documents with your application. To ensure that you correctly fill out all the forms, please consult the Sponsor’s guide (PDF, 168 Kb).

You must then return the forms duly completed and signed as well as all the required documents (see Documents submitted in support of the undertaking application (Dynamic PDF, 1 200 Kb)) to the Direction de l’immigration familiale et humanitaire.

Upon receipt of your complete file, the Ministère will start processing your undertaking application. As soon as the Secrétariat à l’adoption internationale has issued the letter of non-opposition and transmitted it to us, we will issue your child’s CSQ.

魁省国际收养流程 : http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/sponsors-sponsored/requirements-sponsor/specific-requirements/notice-adoption.html

担保来自中国的孩子 : http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/sponsors-sponsored/requirements-sponsor/specific-requirements/notice-adoption-chinese/index.html
