南澳提醒申请人登陆后及时在线注册 Please register your arrival in South Australia (reminder)


Dear XXX,

Our records show that you have been granted a state nominated skilled visa and have not registered your arrival online.

Immigration SA is required to monitor your residence in South Australia for the first two years after your arrival.

If you have arrived in South Australia, as required as part of your nomination approval, please register online as soon as possible. You are not required to register your arrival if you are only visiting Australia to validate your visa and then returning to your home country. You also are not required to register the arrival of any of your dependents.

Please register via the link below:

If you haven’t arrived in South Australia, please keep this email and register when you have arrived.

If you are not XXX, please let us know. Send an email to dsdimmigrationsaregistrations@sa.gov.au

Immigration SA Team