PEQ 魁北克经验类移民 QUÉBEC EXPERIENCE PROGRAM - Programme de l’expérience québécoise


面向魁北克留学生和工签持有者移民的 PEQ 项目 Programme de l’expérience québécoise - flyabroad

飞出国:魁北克经验类移民项目 PEQ (Programme de l’expérience québécoise)始于2010年2月14日,到现在已经6年多了,PEQ 主要针对18周岁以上的魁北克留学毕业生(将要毕业的魁北克留学生)及临时工签持有者。魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 不打分,不考虑配偶情况,不面试,没有配额限制且审理速度较快。

The Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ – Québec experience program) is an accelerated program for selecting skilled workers, which allows individuals to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec with a view to gaining permanent residence. This program is intended for Québec graduates or future graduatess and temporary foreign workers who hold a skilled job and who meet certain conditions, such as demonstrating advanced intermediate knowledge of spoken French.

The Programme de l’expérience québécoise does not involve a selection grid, does not take into account the spouse’s or de facto spouse’s characteristics and does not require an interview.

If you hold a post-graduate work permit, you can submit your application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec as a graduate or skilled temporary foreign worker based on the selection conditions that are the most advantageous for you, using the appropriate form.


  • 已经获得工作offer,近24个月内工作12个月以上,法语中高级水平;
  • 已经在魁北克留学,已经毕业或在未来6个月内可以毕业,年满18,法语中高级水平(一般衡量标准是B2水平,考试的话成绩有效期是2年,如果完成3年以上的法语授课则的高中或大学不需要考试成绩),至少获得魁北克认可学校的1800学时以上的学习(diploma,本硕博都没问题),该课程最少有50%是在魁省学习(在加拿大其他省份学习时间不能超过50%),毕业没有超过36个月。

PEQ 的目的是申请人可以快速融入劳动力市场,对留学生类别来说,如果毕业前已经申请了新的学习项目就不符合申请条件。当然,如果你留学的项目是公款资助或公派这些毕业后有法律约束需要回国的当然也不符合这种政策。


2016 年,PEQ 政策继续维持不变,2017 年后可能会有调整。年轻化是一个趋势,对语言的要求(魁北克最关注法语)也会越来越高。2017 年魁北克移民系统将使用 EOI 高分邀请,PEQ 因为当前不需要评分所以或许不会加入 EOI 系统,当然魁北克也可以设计一个类似加拿大联邦 Express Entry CRS 一样的评分系统,将所有技术移民统一归入 EOI,后续动态飞出国论坛会一直跟进。

魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 共性申请条件 - 飞出国



Conditions common to both PEQ components - flyabroad



  • meet all the conditions for the PEQ when the application is submitted
  • have complied with all the conditions of your stay (the certificat d’acceptation du Québec[CAQ –Québec Acceptance Certificate] and work permit or study permit
  • be legally in Québec if the application is submitted in Québec
  • commit to providing for your basic needs and those of your accompanying family members (for a period of three months)


  • Demonstrate advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French

Assessment factors:

  • Study program successfully completed entirely* in French in a Québec university or recognized institution, or
  • Successfully completed three years of full-time secondary or post-secondary studies entirely* in French in Québec or abroad, or
  • Test or diploma results recognized by MIDI, attesting achievement of advanced intermediate level, or
  • Attestation of fulfillment of language requirements from a professional order, or
  • Successful completion of an advanced intermediate French course followed in Québec in a recognized educational institution
* including a Master’s thesis or doctoral thesis when appropriate

飞出国 PEQ 魁北克经验类移民留学生类别申请条件

申请前的近3年获得了魁北克院校 1800 学时的 DEP + ASP 学历、技术类 DEC 学历或本硕博学位并且已经在魁北克大学或 MIDI 认可的魁北克教育机构完成了一个全日制的学习项目。

留学生可以在毕业前6个月或毕业后3年内申请 PEQ,如果申请人已经在魁北克开始了新的学习或者毕业已经超过36个月则无法申请。当然,公派留学的签有毕业后需要回本国工作的留学生也不能申请这类移民项目。


Québec Graduates –Specific conditions

  • Have obtained, during the three years preceding the application, one of the following diplomas from Québec:
    • DEP (Diploma of vocational studies) or DEP + attestation of vocational specialization (ASP), attesting to a minimum of 1,800 hours of continuous training and leading to the pursuit of a given trade
    • Technical DEC (Québec Diploma of College studies)
    • Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree or Doctorate
  • Have completed a full-time study program in Québec, in a Québec university or an educational institution in Québec recognized by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur

You are not eligible for the Programme de l’expérience québécoise if:

  • you hold a bursary with a clause stipulating a return to your country, unless you have already fulfilled this condition;
  • you have started a new study program in Québec.
  • more than 36 months have elapsed between the time you completed your study program in Québec and the date on which you submitted your application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec.

符合魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 要求的学历类型-飞出国:

Eligibles diplomas

Québec diplomas eligible under the PEQ are:

  • a bachelor’s degree (university undergraduate);
  • a master’s degree (and an MBA);
  • a doctorate;
  • a Diplôme d’études collégiales techniques (DEC – diploma of college studies, technical training);
  • a Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) attesting to 1800 hours of study or more;
  • a Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP – diploma of vocational studies) followed by an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP – attestation of vocational specialization) attesting to a minimum of 1800 hours of continuing education and leading to a particular trade.

To be eligible, these diplomas must have been:

  • obtained during the 36 months preceding submission of the application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec;
  • issued by a Québec university or an educational institution recognized by the Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche;
  • obtained following a full-time study program in a Québec institution located in Québec.

不符合魁北克经验类移民的魁北克学历 - 飞出国:

You are not eligible for the PEQ if:

  • you hold any other diploma than those cited above (e.g., Attestation of Vocational Studies, Attestation of College Studies, Graduate Diploma in Specialized Studies, post-doctorate);
  • you submit two diplomas of vocational studies (DEPs) for which the duration of each program is less than 1800 hours;
  • you submit a diploma of vocational studies (DEP - double program) for which the duration of each of these programs is less than 1800 hours;
  • you have not lived in Québec for at least half the duration of your study program.

飞出国:PEQ 经验类移民临时工人申请条件

近24个月内已经在魁北克全职在 0,A,B 职业工作 12 个月,毕业后工作,青年交换项目,学徒培训都可以算作工作经验。


Temporary specialized foreign workers


  • Have occupied full-time employment in Québec at the management, professional or technical level (levels 0, A or B under the NOC) for at least 12 to 24 months before you submit the application (continuous or discontinuous periods)
  • Occupy such a position when the application is submitted


Other professional experiences can be considered:

  • Post-graduation work
  • Youth Exchange Program (Working Holiday Program, Young Professionals, International Co-op Internship)
  • On-the-job training (not related to a study program in Québec)

全职工作的定义是一周工作 30 小时。兼职工作,自雇工作及自己运营企业都不被认可为 PEQ 工作经验。

A full-time job implies a minimum of 30 hours of paid work per week.

Full-time work experience gained in the framework of the post-graduation work permit program, a youth exchange program (e.g., Working Holiday, Young Professionals, International Co-op) or an employment internship that is not connected to a study program in Québec may be taken into account if they meet all the requirements of the PEQ.

No part-time work period can be taken into account for eligibility under the PEQ.

A job occupied by a candidate as a self-employed worker or for a business that he or she owns, in whole or in part, is not considered under this program.

PEQ 魁北克经验类移民的优势是申请速度快,大概20个工作日就有结果,并且不受正规技术移民配额限制,可以随时申请。

同时,移民政策总在变化之中,打算通过留学移民的申请人而选择 1800 学时课程的会有不小政策风险,一旦移民要求更改,为移民而选择短期课程的申请人可能会浪费时间,浪费金钱。技术移民不仅看重学历也看重工作经验。留学与工作是矛盾的,申请人需要权衡,做决定前可以具体咨询飞出国有没有其他更省钱更有效的出国途径。

飞出国:Create Your future after studies in quebec: Presentation_LivingQuebecAfterStudies.-20161019-flyabroad.pdf (605.8 KB)。

2017年1月魁北克留学生经验类移民持续之前要求,2017年上半年可能会做调整,当前 PEQ 的要求是在魁北克完成至少一半课程,法语听说达到中级(B2),毕业3年内申请。魁北克学历和法语是核心。

Conditions to satisfy as Québec graduate or future graduate - flyabroad PEQ

You must satisfy all of the conditions of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise at the time of submission of your application for a Certificat de de sélection du Québec:

  • have the intention of settling in Québec to hold a job;
  • have lived temporarily in Québec with the primary goal of studying and have respected the conditions of your stay;
  • have lived in Québec for at least half of the duration of your study program;
  • hold an eligible Québec diploma or expect to complete your study program within six months of the date of submission of your application;
  • demonstrate advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French;
  • undertake to provide for your needs and, where applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec, for a minimum period of 3 months;
  • be at least 18 years old and hold a valid passport and, if you are submitting your application from Québec, be legally residing in Québec at the time of submission of your application.

If you hold a post-diploma work permit, you can also submit your application under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise as a skilled temporary foreign worker if the selection conditions are more advantageous for you.

You are not eligible for the Programme de l’expérience québécoise if:

  • you hold a bursary with a clause stipulating a return to your country, unless you have already fulfilled this condition;
  • you have started a new study program in Québec.
  • more than 36 months have elapsed between the time you completed your study program in Québec and the date on which you submitted your application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec.


魁北克经验类移民 PEQ 要求申请人法语听说达到中高级水平(advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French),一般的衡量标准是欧洲语言测试标准的7-8级,B2水平。

首先 PEQ 认可的法语证明有很多种,包括:

  • 魁北克技术移民认可的7类法语考试成绩达到听说B2
  • 纯法语教学环境下完成3年中学或3年高中后学历课程
  • 通过魁北克移民部认可的魁北克境内培训机构的中高级法语培训课程(an advanced intermediate level French course)
  • 对受管制职业获得了魁北克从业需要的执照,注册等资格(达到了对应机构法语要求)

其中 PEQ 可以认可法语培训提供的课程(只需要通过机构的考试)让很多中介看到了机会,其中包括很多移民机构自己或联合某些教育机构先获得 MIDI 认可,然后在资质掩护下推行宽进宽出的培训课程。这对那些没信心没时间通过自身努力达到B2的申请人很有吸引力,加上2011年后魁北克技术移民收紧,留学魁北克然后转 PEQ 的项目近几年比较火。不过移民局已经察觉到了这个漏洞,2016年8月后中国申请人通过 training 机构获得培训合格证明来申请 PEQ 的人们有很多被要求面试(正常情况下 [PEQ] 是不面试的),预拒。即使2017年4月1号后关于法语证明的要求不改变,投机取巧的方式也有很大难度了,踏实学法语是正道。

PEQ Knowledge of French - Conditions and procedure - flyabroad

You must demonstrate an advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French and, depending on your situation, present one of the following official documents:

If you are a skilled temporary foreign worker, you can submit:

  • an attestation of results of an oral French test or diploma recognized by the Ministère that demonstrates attainment of a level of competency in oral comprehension and oral production of 7 or higher on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or to its equivalent (level B2 or higher of the Common European Framework of Reference).

The attestation must be issued by organizations that offer these tests (Centre international d’études pédagogiques, Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France) to be recognized by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion and the results must have been issued less than two years prior to the date your application was submitted.

The following tests and diplomas are recognized by the Ministère:

*For the DELF and DALF test results to be eligible, you may have to provide the original diploma or a certified true copy issued by the Centre international d’études pédagogiques.

  • The minimum passing grades for the DELF and DALF test, to satisfy the PEQ language requirements are:
    • DELF B2: 16/25 or more for the two oral exams;
    • DALF C1: 8/25 or more for the two oral exams;
    • DALF C2: 16/50 or more for the oral exam.
  • a final transcript attesting to the successful completion of at least three years of secondary or post-secondary full-time study, pursued entirely in French (including the master’s and doctoral theses, if applicable) and, if the national language of instruction is not exclusively French, an attestation from the issuing institution indicating the duration of the study program and the language of instruction;

  • a final transcript attesting to the successful completion of an advanced intermediate level French course taken in Québec, in a recognized educational institution included on the list of French courses eligible under the PEQ:

  • Secondary level (in French)

  • College level (in French)

  • University level (in French)

  • a regular licence to practise from a professional order in Québec or an attestation of fulfilment of the language requirements of a professional order in Québec or an attestation of successful completion of an examination administered by the Office québécois de la langue française for the purposes of obtaining a regular licence to practise.


PEQ 不使用 Mon Projet Québec 在线系统。

Is the tool for applicants who wish to submit an application under the PEQ?

No. Applicants who wish to submit an application under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ - Québec experience program) must follow the instructions provided on the page Applying for a Certificat de selection du Québec (CSQ – Québec selection certificate). This page also contains the forms to be completed.

Everything you need to know about Mon Projet Québec




魁北克PEQ项目(Programme de l’expérience québécoise)始于2010年2月14日,到现在已经6年多了,2018 年 PEQ 可能进一步调整。年轻化是一个趋势,对语言的要求(魁北克最关注法语)也会越来越高。这里对2017年PEQ做一个关门说明。


  • 已经获得工作offer,近24个月内工作12个月以上,法语中高级水平;
  • 已经在魁北克留学,刚刚或在未来6个月内可以毕业,年满18,法语中高级水平(一般衡量标准是B2水平,考试的话成绩有效期是2年,如果完成3年以上的法语授课则的高中或大学不需要考试成绩),至少获得魁北克认可学校的1800学时以上的学习(diploma,本硕博都没问题),该课程最少有50%是在魁省学习(在加拿大其他省份学习时间不能超过50%),毕业没有超过36个月。

PEQ 的目的是申请人可以快速融入劳动力市场,对 留学生类别来说,如果毕业前已经申请了新的学习项目就不符合申请条件。当然,如果你留学的项目是公款资助或公派这些毕业后有法律约束需要回国的当然也不符合这种政策。


最新魁北克 PEQ 留学毕业生或应届生类别官方介绍:

最新魁北克 PEQ 临时签证持有者类别官方介绍:

