PEI PNP 爱德华王子岛省提名-劳动力影响类别-关键性工人类移民项目(Critical Worker Stream)

飞出国:PEI PNP LABOUR IMPACT CATEGORY Critical Worker Stream 爱德华王子岛雇主如果已经认定或雇佣一名外国工人,他就有可能通过爱德华王子岛省提名关键性工人类移民项目来支持该员工获得加拿大永久居留权。那些拥有必要的技能并且该技能被列在国家职业分类(NOC)中C或D的人是合格的,前提是他们有大专学位/文凭并且他们对申请的职业有经验。此外,在该项目下被提名的人必须满足特定的条件。爱德华王子岛省提名通过让外国工人申请成为永久公民来填补劳动市场的空缺。被提供的工作必须是NOC技能水平C或D的工作,并且申请人必须完成了至少12年的教育,相当于高中学历或者正在工作培训。关键性工人类移民项目是一个试点项目,每年都要对它所代表的行业和申请人选择参加的职业进行审查。目前,这个试点项目中包括5个职业:火车司机、售后服务人员、工人、餐饮服务员和客房服务员。在该项目下被提名的申请人必须满足特定的要求。

关键性工人类移民项目选择标准 - 飞出国

  • 有爱德华王子岛雇主提供的NOC技能水平C或D的全职工作(长期或至少2年)邀请,且职位在以下范围内:卡车司机、售后服务人员、工人、餐饮服务员和客房服务员;
  • 已在爱德华王子岛工作半年以上;
  • 持有有效的工作许可证;
  • 在居住国有法律地位;
  • 如果需要的话,能够到移民服务部接受面访;
  • 至少拥有高中学历或高中同等学历;
  • 在21岁到59岁之间;
  • 在过去的五年中至少有两年的全职工作经验或相关的教育;
  • 拥有足够的英语和/或法语语言能力来执行爱德华王子岛的雇主提供的工作。语言能力的认证可以通过下列方式:提供一个有效的语言测试成绩,并且该成绩是近两年获得的。满足加拿大语言等级标准或加拿大是语言能力水平测试的听说读写分别为4分或以上;
  • 展示有足够的定居支持和财务资源,通过可转移资金来表示,这是为了展示申请人及其家人有能力支付移民费用,差旅费用和其他的定居费用以定居在爱德华王子岛。(资金要求:1万加元+2000加元/每个随行人员)
  • 展示在爱德华王子岛定居的真正意图。

PEI 雇主负责确保 - 飞出国

  • 向申请人提供的是全职工作(在某一特定时间终止的培训、实习或学徒不在此类)。
  • 雇佣合同的有效期是永久性的或至少2年。
  • 根据申请人的教育、培训和经验,向申请人提供与其能力相一致的工作。
  • 就业合同条款和条件符合省和联邦制定的工作标准和行业工资水平。
  • 申请人的就业不违反现有的工会协议或劳动争议。
  • 工作地点是在爱德华王子岛。
  • 某些需要许可证的职业,必须保证申请人持有相关的资格证。
  • 提供劳动合同,包括全职工作的条款和条件, 公司授权签署人员的签字以及接受该职位(包括就业条件)的员工 (申请人)的签字。
  • 提供定居支持以帮助申请人及其家庭在爱德华王子岛定居。
  • 如果适用的话,提供劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)。
  • 如果需要的话,能够到移民服务部接受面访。
  • 提供证明文件以证明该雇主在加拿大无法招聘到相应专业人员,且此职位对公司运作非常重要。



飞出国:PEI PNP 爱德华王子岛省提名技术移民关键性工人类别主要面向 卡车司机,客户服务代表,劳动者,食品和饮料服务器和家务助理(truck drivers, customer service representatives, labourers, food & beverage servers and housekeeping attendants)等 NOC Skill Level C,D 职业申请人,这些申请人只需要高中学历或岗前培训就可以从事,因此 PEI 要求这里申请人不仅有永久雇主offer,而且已经在 PEI 全职工作6个月以上,同时具有 CLB 4 级语言成绩及近5年内2年相关工作经验。年龄 21-59 周岁之间都可以申请。

PEI PNP LABOUR IMPACT CATEGORY Critical Worker Stream - Flyabroad

Prince Edward Island Employers that have hired a foreign worker may support that worker to obtain permanent residency to Canada through the PEI PNP Critical Worker Stream. The PEI PNP helps to facilitate filling labour market shortages through enabling foreign workers to apply to become permanent residents. The job being offered must fall under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill level C or D which requires the completion of a minimum of 12 years of education - equivalent to a high school diploma or on the job training. The Critical Worker Stream is a pilot program to be reviewed annually for both the impact on the industries represented and the occupations selected to participate. There are five occupations currently included in the pilot program: truck drivers, customer service representatives, labourers, food & beverage servers and housekeeping attendants. Furthermore, specific criteria must be satisfied to be nominated under the program.

Critical Worker Selection Criteria - flyabroad

Under the Critical Worker Stream, the applicant must flyabroad:

  • Have a full-time, long-term (i.e. permanent or minimum of 2 years) job offer from a Prince Edward Island employer at a NOC skill level C or D in one of the following occupations; truck driver, customer service representative, labourer, food & beverage server or housekeeping attendant.
  • Have worked a minimum of 6 months full-time for the Prince Edward Island employer.
  • Have a valid work permit.
  • Have legal status in country of residence.
  • Be able to attend an interview at the Office of Immigration, if required.
  • Possess a minimum education of high-school equivalent.
  • Be between 21 and 59 years of age.
  • Have at least two years of full-time work experience or relevant education within the past five years.
  • Provide a valid [language test] of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)/Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) 4 in each of the 4 categories (listening, reading, writing and speaking) is required.
  • Demonstrate sufficient settlement supports and financial resources as indicated by transferable funds in order for the applicant and family to pay the immigration costs, travel expenses and other settlement expenses to be able to establish in Prince Edward Island.
  • Demonstrate genuine intention to settle in Prince Edward Island.

The employer is responsible for ensuring - fcgvisa:

  • Employment is full-time (training, internship or apprenticeship positions that terminate on a specific date will NOT be considered).
  • Employment contract is for a permanent position or minimum length of 2 years.
  • Employment in the intended occupation is consistent with the applicant’s ability to perform the job based on the applicant’s education, training and/or experience.
  • Employment terms and conditions meet all applicable provincial and federal employment workplace standards and the comparable industry wage rate.
  • Employment of the applicant does not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements or employment disputes.
  • Employment is in Prince Edward Island.
  • Employment that requires provincial licensing or accreditation has been verified to ensure the applicant has the necessary credentials to be eligible to work in the occupation in Prince Edward Island.
  • Employment contract is provided, which includes the terms and conditions of the full-time job offer, signatures of the authorized signing officer of the company, and the employee (applicant) accepting the offer and conditions of employment.
  • Settlement support is provided to the applicant and the family to help them establish.
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is provided, where applicable.
  • Attendance at an interview at the Office of Immigration, if required.
  • Documentation is provided to demonstrate effort to recruit for the intended profession has been unsuccessful within Canada and the position is critical to the operation of the employers business.