加拿大PEBC药剂师评估考试PEE(Pharmacist Evaluating Examination)


加拿大药剂学考试委员会PEBC(Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada) 继续讨论:

加拿大 PEBC 药剂师评估考试 PEE(Pharmacist Evaluating Examination) - 飞出国

如果是在线申请,申请人通过PDE评估后,PEBC会发一个 identification number 给申请人(大约需要2个工作日),申请人收到识别号 PEBC ID number 后,就可以在线申请PEE了。PDE通过后,申请人有5年的时间考PEE.

如果纸质申请PDE 和 PEE,需要将PDE和PEE的材料和申请费用一起提交。


加拿大 PEE 在线申请流程 - 飞出国

The online application is only available until 12 noon (Eastern time) on the application deadline date.

  • 通过PDE考试,获得 PEBC ID number;
  • 填写在线申请;
  • 在线支付申请费( by Visa or Mastercard);
  • 打印在线申请表和清单
  • Have your printed application form(s) and identification documents properly witnessed according to instructions provided.
  • 将完成的申请表、清单邮寄给PEBC

加拿大 PEE 在线申请入口:http://www.pebc.ca/index.php/ci_id/2169/la_id/1.htm

PEE 纸质申请流程 - 飞出国

  • 下载申请表,并完整填写

  • 由认可的witness在申请表上签字

  • 支付费用 - 飞出国:

    Offline application payment requirements outside of Canada:

    • International money order or bank draft
    • Drawn from a Canadian bank
    • Transit number of the bank printed at bottom of bank draft or money order, using standardized coding
    • Clearance method must be through the clearing system in Canada and not by collection
    • If your payment does not meet these requirements the bank will return it to PEBC
      and you will be charged a $50CAD fee to cover the bank charges
  • 将填写完成申请表、清单,一起寄给PEBC。

纸质申请表填写注意事项 - 飞出国:

  1. 准备2张1年以内拍摄的移民照片,申请表左上角订一张,右下角贴一张;
  2. 需要在 witness 的见证下,在申请表上签字;
  3. witness签署: city, date, name, signature and title/profession
  4. witness在申请表右下角的照片上 seal, stamp or sign签字要同时覆盖照片和申请表。

PEE 申请表和清单下载地址:http://www.pebc.ca/index.php/ci_id/4115/la_id/1.htm

You will need to find an acceptable witness with any of the following qualifications:

  • a notary public
  • a commissioner for oaths
  • a lawyer

加拿大 PEE 考试介绍 - 飞出国


PEE主要以笔试为主,全面涵盖了药学本科所有课程的内容,从生化有机到药理药剂,难至加拿大的法律发法规, 最艰难处在于将所学知识转成英文考试。

PEE 考试完成 - 飞出国



考试通过的申请人的名单会在PEBC 网站上登出,只显示ID number。


PEE 考试未通过 - 飞出国

考试未通过的申请人可以申请review,即hand scoring ,需要提交书面申请,写上ID number,并附上75加币的申请费(certified cheque or money order (cash is not accepted))。review需要在收到结果后的60天内提交。

申请人也可以申请重考,每人有2次重考机会。如果3次考试都未通过,并且 you have presented evidence, acceptable to the Board, of successful completion of remediation that is according to Board specifications (as outlined in your results letter)的话,PEBC会考虑给你第4次考试机会( final (fourth) attempt)。Documentation confirming completion of remediation must be received at PEBC at least three weeks before the date of the examination.

加拿大 PEBC 药剂师评估考试PEE官网链接: http://www.pebc.ca/index.php/ci_id/3122/la_id/1.htm
