ONe-Key 安省省提名在线系统账号注册指南 OINP e-Filing Portal Online Account Registration

OINP 在线系统账号注册指南 - 飞出国

2017年 OINP 在线申请基本都会采用在线系统来提高处理效率,同时也有利于减少申请人纸墨浪费和邮寄成本。安省省提名在线系统将寄托于 ONe-key 电子安全访问服务。

A ONe-key account gives you secure access to Ontario Government programs and services.

安大略省大量在线系统都基于 ONe-key 系统来提供安全访问服务。当前 OINP 在线申请系统已经与 ONe-key 集成,在 OINP 网站点击登录时会进入 ONe-key 登录系统,登录成功后会被跳转会 OINP 系统。

Sign in with your ONe-key ID

After logging in, you will be returned to Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

ON e-key is a unique electronic credential that allows you to communicate securely with online Government services.

The associated ON_e-key_ ID and password can be used to access the ON_e-key_ Enabled Services listed below.

ON_e-key_ Enabled Services

打算使用 OINP 在线系统,需要先注册 ONe-Key 账号,与大量加拿大系统类似,需要选择安全的 ID 和 Password,同时需要留 email (重置密码,接收信息离不了 email)。

ONe-key ID 需要是全局唯一的,最少8位,最少一个字符,不能包含* \ + " 和空格。比较有意思的是这个 ID 注册完成后是可以修改的。

Your ONe-key ID must conform to the following security rules:

  • must be between 8 to 100 characters long
  • may include letters, numbers and some special characters
  • must contain at least one letter
  • ID must not contain the following characters: * \ + " space

You can change your ONe-key ID after completing the registration via the “Change ONe-key ID” function available in the “Manage My Account” menu.

ONe-key Password 对于账户安全极为重要,因此设定了比较严格的安全规则,例如不能与账号相同,8-16位,最少一个大写字母,最少一个小写字母,最少一个数字,最少一个特殊字符,不能包含空格,同时是大小写敏感的。

ONe-key Password

The password is mandatory. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. Never share your password with anyone. Note that the password is case sensitive (i.e. G@alt is NOT the same as g@alt).

Your password must conform to the following security rules:

  • must be different from your ONe-key ID
  • must be between eight and sixteen characters
  • must contain at least one upper case letter
  • must contain at least one lower case letter
  • must contain at least one number
  • must contain at least one symbol that might be ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ + = - ? : ; | ] [ , . < > { }
  • must not contain spaces


安省在线系统对浏览器的要求并不高,大部分电脑都可以符合这些要求,IE 的话需要打开 javascript 和 cookie。

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox 19 or higher
  • Google Chrome 27 or higher


1 个赞

飞出国 OINP:加拿大时间 2017年2月21日安省快速通道无雇主offer无紧缺职业人力资源优先类别(EE HCP),俗称安省 400 分高分类别正式重新开放,并启用在线申请系统,该在线申请系统被称为 OINP e-Filing Portal,是基于 ONe-Key 系统的。

登录 OINP eFiling system 时跳转到 ONe-key 页面要求 “Enrollment Number and PIN” 是系统错误。重新进入官方提交页面注册 “ONe-key ID” 账户。有问题可以进一步联系 OINP ,系统新上问题肯定会有的。

ONe-key Enrolment Number and PIN issue

Please note: Some users of the OINP eFiling system are being redirected to a ONe-key page asking for an “Enrollment Number and PIN”. This is a system error.

If you are redirected to the page asking for an “Enrollment Number and PIN”, please follow these steps:

1. Go to the Stream’s application webpage

2. Click on the link to submit an application online:

3. Set up a NEW ONe-key registration by clicking: “Don’t have a ONe-key ID? Sign up now!”

4. After registering a new ONe-key account, you should be directed automatically into the OINP eFiling system.

5. If these actions do not resolve the issue, please repeat these steps.

The ONe-key system is currently experiencing performance and stability issues. You may need to repeat these steps several times before it is possible to access the OINP eFiling system.



安省在线申请提交小贴士 - 飞出国

提交安省在线首先要创建 ONe-key,支持最新版本的 IE,火狐,google和apple浏览器。忘记 ONe-key 无法恢复,只能创建新 Key,忘记密码可以通过邮箱恢复。

注册完成后需要填写 profile,完善 OINP Profile 时不要同时打开多个浏览器标签页,填写过程中可以保存(Save),每页填写完成后先 check(填写有问题时可以填写个人信息修改form通过 email 请求 OINP 帮助修改信息),所有页面信息填写完整,上传必须资料,支付申请费用后才能提交,后期可以在线查询处理状态。不完整的申请将不被处理,好在申请费会退回但却损失了机会。

OINP 在线申请系统只需要扫描件,且接受多种文件格式: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, .gif, or .tiff.

每个文件最大10M,一份文档(结婚证,护照,出生公证)尽量扫描到一个文件里。所有非英,法文件都要公证,认证或翻译,安省境内的翻译是需要是 ATIO 注册翻译完成的。

Profile 完善时限: 安省硕士,安省博士,安省 HCP 400 分类别可以在注册 14 天内完善信息,法语类别45天内完善就可以,企业家类别收到邀请后90天内提交申请。HCP 类别2017年2月23日发出的邀请有效期是 6 个月。

提交后在线系统只能在 “My Profile” 里修改 电话,邮箱,居住国家,其他信息只能通过填写“Change of Personal Information form” 通过邮件方法发给 OINP,申请过程中联系方式,移民状态,家庭成员变化必须尽快提供给 OINP ,但是,如果不是 OINP 主动要求补料,申请人不能主动通过邮件补充其他资料,也就是在线申请时要提供完整再提交。



1. LOGGING IN THROUGH ONe-key - flyabroad

  • You must create a ONe-key account and log in before you can access the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) e-Filing Portal.
  • The following browsers are supported by the e-Filing Portal:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer,
  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Google Chrome and
  • Apple Safari.

Please ensure that your browser is updated with the most recent version.

  • If you are redirected to a ONe-key page asking for an Enrollment Number and PIN, this is a system error. You must click on the applicable link above and set up a new ONe-key account by clicking on “Don’t have a ONe-key ID? Sign up now!” After registering, you should be directed automatically to the OINP e-Filing Portal.
  • If you forget your ONe-key password, you can recover your password by answering the security questions you set up during ONe-key account registration. If you have forgotten your ONe-key ID, you will need to create a new ONe-key ID and password, unless you provided your email address during registration. If so, please follow the on-screen instructions to retrieve your ONe-key ID. ONe-key will send you an e-mail containing your ONe-key ID.


  • You must register a profile in the OINP e-Filing Portal for each stream to which you would like to apply. Note: you may only submit one application per stream.
  • You must not open more than one window/browser tab at a time when registering a profile. This will create errors and lead to duplicate registrations.
  • If you have made an error entering your name or your date of birth while registering, you must contact the OINP by email at to request a correction. You will need to complete the Change of Personal Information form. For more information, please see section 8: Making Changes after Application Submission.
  • If your registration is successfully submitted, you will receive a case number, as well as a confirmation email to the email address provided in your profile. From there, you will be redirected to the main page of your OINP e-Filing Portal where you can access and complete your application.
  • Note: The OINP has implemented an intake limit for certain streams. As such, the program will only accept a certain number of registrations at one time. Once the intake limit has been reached, you will be unable to submit a registration. Please monitor the OINP website for news and updates on when streams will be reopened.
  • You may only register for the Human Capital Priorities Stream or the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream after you have received a Notification of Interest from Ontario through your Express Entry online account with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.


  • If you have a representative, your representative must first register for a ONe-key account. Once logged into the OINP e-Filing Portal, the individual must register with the OINP as a representative and complete a profile on your behalf. Once the profile is submitted, you will receive two emails from the OINP indicating that your representative has created a profile on your behalf. The first email will include your enrollment number and the second will include your PIN number. You will need to register for a ONe-key account using these two numbers.

Once you are logged in to your account, you can authorize your representative by clicking on “Authorize” found on the section entitled “My Representative”. Your representative will only be able to complete your online application once he/she/they has/have been authorized to do so by you.

  • If you have already created a profile in the OINP e-Filing Portal and you now wish to authorize a representative, you must complete the following steps:
    • Provide your representative with the application number found under “Case Number” on the main page of your OINP e-Filing Portal.
    • Your representative must then log in to his/her/their ONe-key account and select “Add an Existing Application” on his/her/their main page.
    • Your representative will need to enter your “Case Number” and your email address in the boxes provided.
    • Once the application is found, your representative can click on “Add this Application”.
    • At that time, you will receive an email notification from the OINP asking you to log in to your ONe-key account to authorize this representative. You can do so by clicking on “Authorize” found on the section entitled “My Representative”.
    • Once authorized, your representative will be able to log in to his/her/their ONe-key account and view and/or continue your application.
    • Note: Any fields that you have already filled out in your application will appear as read-only for your representative.
  • You can cancel your representative by logging into your ONe-key account and selecting “Cancel” under the “My Representative” section. Once you have cancelled your representative, he/she/they will no longer be able to access any information about your application with the OINP, nor will he/she/they be authorized to conduct any business on your behalf.


Masters Graduate Stream:

  • After you successfully register a profile, you must submit your application to the OINP within 14 calendar days.

PhD Graduate Stream:

  • After you successfully register a profile, you must submit your application to the OINP within 14 calendar days.

Human Capital Priorities (HCP) Stream:

  • After you successfully register a profile, you must submit your application to the OINP within 14 calendar days.
  • Any NOIs sent as of February 23, 2017 will be valid for six months for applications to the HCP stream.

French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream:

  • Under the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream, you must submit your application within 45 calendar days from the date that your Notification of Interest from Ontario was issued.

Entrepreneur Stream:

  • Once you receive an invitation to apply, you have 90 days to submit an application under the Entrepreneur Stream. There is no deadline to register an Expression Of Interest for this stream.

For All Streams:

  • You can save your application and return to it at any time, provided that you submit it within the deadlines outlined above. There are three ways to save your application:
    • Click the “Save” button at the bottom right corner of each page. Use this button to save as you go (recommended to ensure that none of your information is lost if you lose connectivity while completing your application);
    • Click the “Next” or “Previous” buttons at the bottom of each page; or
    • Click the “Check for Errors” button at the bottom right corner of each page.
  • Please do not open multiple browser tabs/pages to access and/or complete your online application. This can create errors in your application.
  • Note that saving your incomplete application does not submit your application to the program. Your application will only be submitted once you have answered all mandatory questions, uploaded all required documentation, and paid your application fee.
  • To determine whether you have missed any mandatory questions or to see if there are errors in your application, click the “Check for Errors” button at the bottom right corner of each page or at the end of your application. Please ensure that you click on the red circle beside the section header when reviewing your errors. If you click directly on the section hyperlink, the errors will disappear.
  • Once you make the payment, your application will be submitted to the OINP and you will not be able to make any changes.
  • Your application will not be deemed complete until it is assessed as such by the OINP. If your application is found to be incomplete, it will not be processed and your payment will be refunded.


  • Some users have experienced difficulties uploading and/or viewing their uploaded documents. If you receive an error when uploading a document, you should first exit out of your browser and log in again. If the error persists, send an email to OINP.technical- providing a description of the issue and citing the error message.
  • The OINP no longer requires original hard copies of your supporting documents. All supporting documents must be scanned and uploaded in your online application. This includes copies of your degree and transcripts.
  • Please ensure that all supporting documents are clear and legible. Documents that are blurry or illegible will not be accepted.
  • Your supporting documents must be uploaded using one of the accepted document formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, .gif, or .tiff.
  • The maximum file size is 10MB per document. It is recommended that you scan your documents at a lower resolution to reduce the size of your documents and allow for a faster upload.
  • Please ensure that all pages for a specific document are uploaded into one file (if the size limit permits). For example, all pages of a passport should appear in one file, rather than a separate file for each passport page.
  • If a supporting document is provided in a language other than English or French, you must provide a copy of the document and a complete, certified translation of the document. If you are applying from within Ontario, the translations must be completed by a certified translator accredited by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO). If you are applying from outside Ontario, the translation can be completed by any translator; however, the translation must be notarized.


  • Before you can submit your application, you must pay the application fee online.
  • You will only be able to pay the fee once you have answered all mandatory questions and uploaded all required documentation. Once ready, you will be redirected to CCPay, where you will be required to make an electronic payment by credit card (VISA or MasterCard). Note: The OINP e-Filing system does not store any personal banking or credit card information.
  • After you have successfully paid the processing fee, your application will be submitted to the OINP. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application, as well as a payment receipt.
  • The program has been advised that some applicants are not receiving their acknowledgement email and payment receipt. Please check your junk folder to verify whether the email was misdirected. If you still have not received an acknowledgement email, you can confirm the status of your application in the OINP E-Filing Portal. If the status beside your application indicates ‘Submitted’, your application has been successfully submitted to the program.
  • If you have submitted your application and made payment, but your status in the OINP e- Filing Portal reads “waiting for submission”, please contact your bank/financial institution or review your credit card statement. If there is a record of payment, please be advised that the OINP has received your application and will soon issue an acknowledgement email confirming that your application and payment were successfully received.
  • Note: the OINP cannot process an application fee unless an application has been received. The “waiting for submission” case status is a system error that the OINP is working to resolve as soon as possible.
  • Please note that fees are non-refundable (unless your application is deemed to be incomplete). The Province of Ontario charges fees to recover the cost of administering the OINP. Since the application fee helps pay for the cost of processing applications, fees will not be refunded if the application is refused, if the applicant withdraws the application at any stage of the process after payment is submitted, or if the province cancels or withdraws the nomination.


  • After you have submitted your application, you can log into the OINP e-Filing Portal through your ONe-key account to check the status of your application. Look for the column labeled ‘Status’ on your main page. As your application makes its way through the various processing stages, your application status will be updated.
  • Please ensure that you check your status online before sending an inquiry to the OINP.
  • Note: If you have submitted an application and your payment, but your application status reads as “waiting for submission”, this is a system error that the OINP is working to resolve as soon as possible.


  • You must notify the OINP of any changes to information provided in your application, including (but not limited to):
    • Change in contact information
    • Change in immigration status (expiration or change in temporary work permit)
    • Change in family composition due to:
      • Marriage or common-law relationship
      • Birth of a child
      • Change of custody of a child
      • Divorce/separation
      • Death
  • After you submit your application, you will only be able to make changes to your telephone number, email address and country of residence online. You can do so by logging into the OINP e-Filing Portal and clicking on “My Profile” on your main page. After the change has been made, click “Save”.
  • For all other changes, you must complete the Change of Personal Information form. Once completed, you must send the form by email as an attachment to indicating in the subject line “Application Change Notice – [File number]”.
  • You must not send in additional documents and/or information to the OINP unless you need to notify the program of a change, or unless you have received a request for additional information. In both cases, you must contact the OINP via email. Paper documents will no longer be accepted by mail or in person.


  • Due to a high volume of visitors, you may experience delays or errors when accessing the OINP e-Filing Portal. When this occurs, please continue to monitor the page, hit refresh or try again later. Please do not open multiple browser tabs/pages to access the OINP e- Filing Portal. This can create errors in your registration/application.
  • If there are functionality issues with the system while you are in the process of completing your application, you may lose data entered on the application page you were on at that time if you have not saved the information manually. The information completed in the previous pages will be automatically saved. It is recommended that you click the “save” button as you complete the fields within a tab to ensure that your information is saved should you lose your connection.
  • If you experience technical issues, send an email to the OINP at and include as much detail as possible about the issue. OINP staff will review your email and respond to you as soon as possible.



需要fan qiang才能进行这些步骤吗?
