NSW RIVERINA 2018年新州瑞瓦瑞纳偏远地区489担保

2018-2019 年度 NSW RIVERINA RDA 489 偏远担保职业清单 - 飞出国

飞出国:该 NSW RIVERINA RDA 489 偏远担保职业清单于 20180702 更新。

ANZSCO NSW RIVERINA 偏远地区489担保职业(20180702) - 飞出国 其他要求-飞出国
121211 棉农 / Cotton Grower
121213 水果或坚果种植者 / Fruit & Nut Grower
121214 谷物,油籽草种植者 / Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower
121216 混合作物农民 / Mixed Crop Farmer
121221 菜农(澳洲) / Vegetable Grower
121317 农民人畜混 / Mixed Livestock Farmer
121321 家禽饲养 / Poultry Farmer
233513 生产或工厂工程师 / Production or Plant Engineer
234711 兽医 / Veterinarian
241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 / Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher
252411 职业治疗师 / Occupational Therapist
252511 物理治疗师 / Physiotherapist
252611 足病诊疗师 / Podiatrist
253411 精神科医生 / Psychiatrist
253912 急诊医学专家 / Emergency Medicine Specialist
253913 产科医生和妇科医生 / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
253917 诊断和介入放射科专家 / Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist
253999 其他医疗执业人员 / Medical Practitioner (nec)
254111 助产士 / Midwife
254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation
254412 注册护士(老年护理) / Registered nurse (aged care)
254415 注册护士(重症监护和紧急) / Registered nurse (critical care and emergency)
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)
254418 注册护士(医学) / Registered nurse (medical)
254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered nurse (mental health)
254423 注册护士(围手术期) / Registered nurse (peri operative)
254424 注册护士(手术) / Registered nurse (surgical)
254499 其他注册护士 / Registered Nurse (nec) At least 2 years work experience in Australia
272311 临床心理学家 / Clinical Psychologist
272511 社工 / Social Worker
311111 农业技术员 / Agricultural Technician
311399 初级产品检查员NEC / Primary Products Inspector
321211 汽车技工(普通) / Motor Mechanic (general) Experience in industrial/plant machinery has priority At least 2 years work experience
321212 柴油汽车技工 / Diesel Motor Mechanic
322211 钣金行业工人 / Sheet metal trades worker
322311 金属构造工 / Metal Fabricator
322313 焊工(甲等) / Welder (first class)
323211 钳工(普通) / Fitter (General)
323213 钳工,焊工 / Fitter-Welder
323214 金属机械师(甲等) / Metal Machinist (First Class)
324111 钣金工人 / Panel Beater
331111 瓦工 / Bricklayer
331211 木工和细木工 / Carpenter & Joiner
331212 木匠 / Carpenter
331213 细木工 / Joiner
331112 石匠 / Stonemason
333211 纤维泥水匠 / Fibrous Plasterer
333212 固体泥水匠 / Solid Plasterers
333411 墙和地板瓦工 / Wall & Floor Tiler
334111 管道工(普通) / Plumber
334112 空调和机械服务水管工 / Air-conditioning & Mechanical Services Plumber
341111 电工(普通) / Electrician (General)
342111 空调和制冷技工 / Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic
351111 面包师 / Baker
351311 主厨 / Chef At least 2 years work experience
394111 细木工 / Cabinet Maker

下面清单是201807之前 NSW RIVERINA 489 担保清单,留作参考。农业科学家职业被删除。

ANZSCO代码 Riverina Occupation-flyabroad before 201807 职业名称-飞出国 状态
121213 Fruit & Nut Grower 水果&坚果种植者
121216 Mixed Crop Farmer 混合作物农民
121221 Vegetable Grower 蔬菜种植者
[234112] Agricultural Scientist 农业科学家
234711 Veterinarian 兽医
252411 Occupational Therapist 职业治疗师
252511 Physiotherapist 物理治疗师
252611 Podiatrist 足病诊疗师
253411 Psychiatrist 精神科医生
253912 Emergency Medical Specialist 急诊医学专家
253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 妇产科医生
253917 Diagnostic & Interventional Radiologist 诊断和介入放射科专家
253999 Medical Practitioners nec 其他医疗执业人员
254111 Midwife 助产士
254411 Nurse Practitioner 执业护士
254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 注册护士(老年护理)
254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emergency) 注册护士(重症监护及急救)
254417 Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation) 注册护士(残疾和康复)
254418 Registered Nurse (Medical) 注册护士(医疗)
254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 注册护士(心理健康)
254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 注册护士(围手术期)
254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical) 注册护士(手术)
254499 Registered Nurse (nec) 注册护士(其他未分类) 暂停
272311 Clinical Psychologist 临床心理学家
311111 Agricultural Technician 农业技术员
311399 Primary Products Inspector 其他初级产品检查员
321211 Motor Mechanic (general) 汽车修理工(普通)
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic 柴油汽车修理工
322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker 钣金工
322311 Metal Fabricator 金属构造工
322313 Welder (First Class) 电焊工(甲等)
323211 Fitter (General) 钳工(普通)
323213 Fitter-Welder 钳工和焊工
323214 Metal Machinist (First Class) 金属机械师(甲等)
324111 Panel Beater 钣金工人
331111 Bricklayer 瓦工
331112 Stonemason 石匠
331211 Carpenter & Joiner 木工和细木工
331212 Carpenter 木匠
331213 Joiner 工匠
333211 Fibrous Plasterer 纤维泥水匠
333212 Solid Plasterer 固体泥水匠
333411 Wall and Floor Tiler 墙壁和地面瓷砖工
334111 Plumber (General) 管道工(普通)
334112 Air-conditioning & Mechanical Services Plumber 空调和机械服务水管工
341111 Electrician (General) 电工(普通)
342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 空调和制冷技工
351111 Baker 面包师
351311 Chef 主厨
[351411] Cook 厨师 暂停
394111 Cabinetmaker 家具工
[411411] Enrolled Nurse 在编护士


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


NSW - Riverina 里弗赖纳489担保 - 飞出国

NSW Riverina 瑞瓦瑞纳地区(也叫里弗赖纳地区)包括 加的郡 the shires of Wagga、 加的市 Wagga City、格里菲斯市 Griffith City、利顿 Leeton、库塔蒙达 Cootamundra、纳兰德拉 Narrandera、冈德盖 Hay、Gundagai、蒂默特 Tumut、特莫拉 Temora、洛克哈特 Lockhart、朱尼 Junee、库拉门 Coolamon、马兰比季河西 Murrumbidgee West Wyalong、卡拉苏尔 Carrathool。

NSW Riverina 地区489申请条件 - 飞出国

  • 满足DHA基本要求,获得EOI评分65分(包括偏远地区担保的10分,201807后新要求);
  • 提交申请之时,申请人的年龄低于45岁;
  • 能够提供所需语言成绩的认证副本;
  • 能够提供职业评估的认证副本;
  • 能够提供包括所有之前工作经验的简历,需指明每一工作的起始和终止时间;
  • 职业在Riverina紧缺职业列表之上;
  • 支付770澳币提名费。

NSW Riverina 地区489申请流程 - 飞出国

将个人履历、英语考试成绩以及职业评估文件发送至 migration@rdariverina.org.au。

NSW Riverina 地区489申请费用 - 飞出国


Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 489)

This visa is referred to as the Subclass 489 visa. Applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to Skill Select.

RDA-Riverina welcomes overseas skilled workers to apply for regional nomination. Skill shortages exist in many parts of Australia, in particular regional Australia, which allows RDA-Riverina to nominate skilled workers to come to the Riverina. This is just one way the organisation is committed to addressing skill shortages and to enhance business development in the region.

The long term objective is to encourage these people to stay in the region. This visa is valid for up to four years, however, after two years of living in regional Australia, including at least 12 months full time working in regional Australia; sponsored skilled workers are able to apply for a permanent visa.

Am I eligible for this Visa?

To determine if you are likely to be eligible for nomination it is best to ensure that you:

  • Meet the basic requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs and obtain at least 65 points in the General Skilled Migration Points Test including 10 points for Regional nomination.

  • Be under 45 years of age when applying (provide a certified copy of passport).

  • Provide a certified copy of the English Language Test

  • Provide a certified copy of the Skills Assessment from the authorised Australian Assessing Authority.

  • Provide a resume including all previous work experience with full dates of employment.

  • Have an occupation which is in demand in the Riverina region. View the Riverina Skills in Demand List to see if your occupation is listed.

  • Be able to pay the Nomination Fee of AUD $770.00 (incl. GST).
    For details contact the Skilled Migration Officer.

We occasionally put a hold on some nominated occupations until the need increases. Applications are assessed on a case by case basis depending on the region’s skills needs.

Nominations for Production or Plant Engineer (ANZCO 233513) and Registered Nurse - Critical Care and Emergency (ANZCO 254415) are currently on hold due to a high volume of Expressions of Interest.

How do I apply for a Visa nomination?

If you fulfil the requirement above and would like to apply, make sure you read below for how the process works.

  • Send an email to our Skilled Migration Officer - migration@rdariverina.org.au, that includes a copy of your CV/resume, English Language Test and Skills Assessment. This acts as an Expression of Interest (EOI). This is not an application, and you do not need to pay at this stage.
  • Our Skilled Migration Officer will then review your expression of interest and advise of your eligibility
  • After your EOI has been reviewed and accepted you will be sent an email with the application details, including paperwork and bank details to make payment.
  • You will then need to complete the NSW Form R, make the payment and send your application
  • Your application will then be processed by RDA Riverina and you will be advised on your nomination outcome.
  • The approved NSW Form R will be forwarded to the NSW State Government who will then nominate you on SkillSelect for regional Nomination.
  • An invitation from Department of Home Affairs will be sent to you to complete apply for your subclass 489 Visa.
  • When your visa has been granted you are required to contact our Skilled Migration Officer to advise of your plans to relocate to the Riverina region.

Additional Information

Administration fee

RDA-Riverina provides these services through its Skilled Migration Officer and an administration fee applies for assessing and processing applications. This amount is in addition to any Visa application fee payable to the Department of Home Affairs.

The fee for certification/nomination is as follows and is payable by cheque or direct deposit (credit cards not accepted). For bank details please contact the Riverina Skilled Migration Officer.

Effective from 1 July 2017 RDA Riverina Administration fees are:

RSMS Subclass 187 visa

  • AUD$770 (incl. GST)

Skilled Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) subclass 489 visa

  • AUD$770.00 (incl GST) for onshore applicants
  • AUD$770.00 for offshore applicants

NB: Applications received for offshore applicants are GST free.

The Administration Fee is non-refundable, regardless if sponsorship is granted or not.

RDA-Skills in Demand list for the Riverina Region of NSW-July 2018.pdf (236.3 KB)


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
