如果在中国申请到新西兰IRD Number

过去再申请IRD的话, 需要二三周时间才能拿下来, 想趁着在国内的时间, 把IRD先申请下来.

可以参考一下这个链接 http://www.ird.govt.nz/how-to/irdnumbers/

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offshore 申请用下面表格但 2015年10月后要求的前提是先有 “fully functional New Zealand bank account” 。具体看下面申请表里的说明。

You must have a fully functional New Zealand bank account before Inland Revenue can issue you with an IRD number

IRD number application - non-resident/offshore individual IR742

(published February 2016)


Offshore person definition

For an individual an offshore person is someone who:

  • is a New Zealand citizen and has been overseas for the last three or more years continuously, or
  • doesn’t have a New Zealand residence class visa granted by Immigration New Zealand, or
  • has a New Zealand residence class visa and has been overseas for the last twelve or more months continuously.
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