哥伦比亚学院国际留学生要求 International Students' Requirements of Columbia College

哥伦比亚学院 Columbia College(阿省卡尔加里市) 继续讨论:

哥伦比亚学院国际留学生要求 International Students’ Requirements of Columbia College

1. 国际学生语言要求 Language Requirements of International Students

专业课程 Professional Programs 托福、雅思TOEFL
Test of English as a Foreign Language
雅思International English Language Testing System 学术英语 English for Academic Purposes 加拿大语言等级标准 Canadian Language Benchmarks
会计助理 Accounting Assistant 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
行政助理 Administrative Assistant 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
法律助理 Legal Assistant 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
口腔管理 Dental Administration 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
刑事司法 Criminal Justice 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
公共事业 Human Services 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
教学助理 Education Assistant 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
口腔管理 Dental Administration 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7-8
牙医助理 Dental Assistant 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 8
经验护士 Practical Nurse 83 总分5.5且单项不低于5.5 5.5 with minimum band score of 5.5 等级B Grade B 7
健康护理助手 Health Care Aide 71 总分5且单项不低于4.5 5 with minimum band score of 4.5 等级B Grade B 7

国际学生 International Students

  1. 英语成绩分数不能超过一年
  2. 以下国家的申请人不需要提供英语成绩证明
美属萨摩亚 American Samoa 福克兰群岛 Falkland Islands 毛里求斯 Mauritius 圣卢西亚岛 St. Lucia
安圭拉岛 Anguilla 斐济 Fiji 蒙特色拉特岛 Montserrat 圣文森特 St. Vincent
安提瓜岛 Antigua 加纳 Ghana 新西兰 New Zealand 特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago
澳大利亚 Australia 直布罗陀 Gibraltar 北爱尔兰 Northern Ireland 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 Turks and Caicos
巴哈马群岛 Bahamas 格林纳达 Grenada 太平洋岛屿 Pacific Island 乌干达 Uganda
巴巴多斯 Barbados 关岛 Guam 巴拿马运河区域 Panama Canal Zone 英国 United Kingdom
百慕大群岛 Bermuda 圭亚那 Guyana 琉球群岛 Ryukyu Islands 美国 USA
伯利兹城 Belize 爱尔兰共和国 Ireland (Republic of Eire) 苏格兰 Scotland 维尔京群岛 Virgin Islands
加拿大 Canada 牙买 Jamaica 塞舌尔 Seychelles 威尔士 Wales
开曼群岛 Cayman Islands 肯尼亚 Kenya 南非 South Africa 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe
多米尼加岛 Dominica 马尔他 Malta 圣海伦娜 St. Helena 尼维斯 Nevis
英格兰 England 马拉维 Malawi 圣基茨岛 St. Kitts

2. 国际留学生申请要求 International Students in Canada


  • 收到任意课程的邀请(有必要的证明文件)
  • 学生签证(取决于申请人的原国籍)
  • 无犯罪证明
  • 足够的资金证明
  • 学业结束时准时离境
  • 有效护照
  • You must be accepted by Columbia College into one of our programs (and be in possession of the necessary documentation attesting to that acceptance).
  • Depending on country of origin, you may be required to have a Study Permit. The Canadian Embassy or Consulate will instruct you if a permit is required.
  • Depending on country of origin, you may be required to have an Immigration Medical Examination. The Canadian Embassy or Consulate will instruct you if required.
  • You must be a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record and not be a risk to the security of Canada. You may have to provide a Police Security Clearance.
  • You must prove that you have enough money to pay for your tuition fees, living expenses for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada, and return transportation for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada.
  • You must satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada when you have completed your studies.
  • You must possess a valid passport.

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