移民哪个国家生活可能更幸福?HSBC Expat Explorer 2016 report

9月汇丰外籍人士调查报告 HSBC Expat Explorer 2016 report 已经发布,HSBC 通过对客户群体关于经济,生活体验和家庭体验三方面的问卷调查,给100多个国家进行的综合和单项排名。你如果要移民或者去境外投资可以参考一下。

首先,看看我们自己的国家,经榜排名21,生活体验排名44 ,家庭排名38,综合34。香港,台湾,荷兰,西班牙,俄罗斯,越南,日本,法国,应该,比利时,泰国,玻璃,印度,马来西亚,卡塔尔,沙滩,墨西哥,南非,综合排名都在中国之前。看来是雾霾和食品安全脱了后腿。当然,我们国家提升空间还是很大的。

飞出国:以上图片版权归 HSBC,图示说明了针对中国三个单项及overall排名情况,下表列举了综合排名前45的国家榜单。

  1. 新加坡 Singapore
  2. 新西兰 New Zealand
  3. 加拿大 Canada
  4. 捷克共和国 Czech Republic
  5. 瑞士 Switzerland
  6. 挪威 Norway
  7. 奥地利 Austria
  8. 瑞典 Sweden
  9. 巴林 Bahrain
  10. 德国 Germany
  11. 澳大利亚 Australia
  12. 阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates
  13. 香港 Hong Kong
  14. 台湾 Taiwan
  15. 荷兰 Netherlands
  16. 西班牙 Spain
  17. 俄国 Russia
  18. 阿曼 Oman
  19. 越南 Vietnam
  20. 日本 Japan
  21. 法国 France
  22. 英国 United Kingdom
  23. 比利时 Belgium
  24. 泰国 Thailand
  25. 波兰 Poland
  26. 印度 India
  27. 爱尔兰 Ireland
  28. 马来西亚 Malaysia
  29. 卡塔尔 Qatar
  30. 美国 United States
  31. 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia
  32. 墨西哥 Mexico
  33. 南非 South Africa
  34. 中国 China
  35. 科威特 Kuwait
  36. 南韩 South Korea
  37. 菲律宾 Philippines
  38. 印度尼西亚 Indonesia
  39. 火鸡 Turkey
  40. 肯尼亚 Kenya
  41. 智利 Chile
  42. 秘鲁 Peru
  43. 意大利 Italy
  44. 埃及 Egypt
  45. 巴西 Brazil


美国作为最大的移民国家,对外籍人士吸引力的综合排名只有 30 ,比中国好一些,其中因为家庭团聚移民办理困难,福利也一般,竞争也激烈,经济也大不如前,受访者的反馈都一般。


HSBC 没有单独给新西兰做报告,不过新西兰奥克兰一直是最宜居城市,除了经济不是太出类拔萃,生活还是很好的。



上面是飞出国从 HSBC Expat Explorer 2016 report 摘取的内部,该报告调查的人群重点不是新移民而是投资创业等人士,所以仅给移民申请人做参考,很多人移民加拿大是因为加拿大有亲属,是因为加拿大有更好的教育,甚至是因为以后想去美国读书或发展。

飞出国论坛(fcgvisa.com)为飞出国(flyabroad.hk)旗下网站,联系飞出国请访问 flyabroad.me

HSBC expat-explorer-9-2016-report-final 全文内容见附件:

Expat Explorer

Achieving ambitions abroad

Global Report


Expat life can be an exciting and challenging experience, often involving a leap into the unknown
to test one’s comfort zones. Expats embrace fresh challenges all the time while building their lives,
careers and families in many different locations around the world, from the peace of the Appalachian
Mountains to hectic Hong Kong.

In the ninth edition of this annual survey, nearly 27,000 expats from 190 countries and territories
shared their thoughts and experiences of expat life, creating the 2016 Expat Explorer report,
Achieving ambitions abroad.

This year’s findings suggest that whatever you are seeking in life, whether it is finding more fulfilment
in your career, immersing yourself in a new culture, buying a property or getting access to better
education for your children, expat life can help you reach that goal.

Every year, the research is used to create country league tables covering three aspects of life abroad:
Economics, Experience and Family. For the second year in a row, Singapore takes first place as the
best overall destination. Switzerland leads the economics league table, New Zealand tops our league
tables for expat experience, and Sweden is the best destination for expat families.

This year, for the first time, the report also explores the experience of expats living in cities around
the world. Using this unique insight, expats can find the country — and the city — that offer the best
opportunities to achieve their ambitions.

During their time abroad, expats may face unexpected new challenges or simply change their
priorities, but one constant is the need for information about their destination before they move
or when they first arrive. I hope that Achieving ambitions abroad and our Expat Explorer tools will
help expats around the world make the most of the opportunities available to them.

Thank you to all expats who have taken the time to share their views with us over the past nine years.

Dean Blackburn
Head of HSBC Expat

expat-explorer-9-2016-report-final-flyabroad-hsbc.pdf (4.0 MB)