Eoi 工作经验只填10 年以内的吧

在ACS评估的结果, 我2005~2006的实习 也算是相关的(2009年4月份之后算skill employement),不需要填在EOI表上了吧? 不填EOI 表上,也就不需要提供 收入证明,对吗?

The following employment after April 2009 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled
level and relevant to 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.

Dates: 09/05 - 11/06 (1yrs 2mths)
Position: Senior Software Engineer
Employer:xxx Co., Ltd.
Country: CHINA

Dates: 04/07 - 10/12 (5yrs 6mths)
Position: Senior Software Engineer
Employer:xxx Co., Ltd.
Country: CHINA


anniej 的回复一如既往 准确明了,谢谢!

工作证明材料也就是 reference letter?还是后面移民局会要求(必须是)社保、工资单什么的?
