

工作这块需要雇主 offer,要求如下:

Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letter head.

The letter must be:

  • signed and dated by a person authorized to hire employees
  • sign signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer

In addition, the offer of employment must include:

  • your job title and duties
  • your rate of pay
  • your standard hours of work
  • that the position is indeterminate and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year round)
  • any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid vacations)
  • if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement


BC-PNP-Skills-Immigration-and-Express-Entry-BC-Program-Guide-201609-flyabroad.pdf (846.5 KB)
