HCP 安省EE下技能优先类别申请要求及流程(OINP Express Entry Application Guide for Ontario Human Capital Priorities Stream)




Temporary Pause on Intake of Applications for Select, High-volume Streams

May 09, 2016 – As a result of changes Ontario has made to more closely align the streams of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) with the needs of its labour market, the province has already received the sufficient number of OINP applications to meet its 2016 federal allocation, and has placed a temporary pause on the intake of applications for select, high-volume OINP streams.


安省大概今年11月份开放名额吧? 请问安省也是需要抢名额么?比如在线抢?
还是说假如够400分,就等着11月份以后安省主动发PT notificatio of interest?

另外,EE中意向省份填All provinces可以吗?



好的,必须要填写安省是么?不能选all provinces/terroteries?


1 个赞

好的 谢谢。那申请魁省省提名,需要把意向省改成魁省吗


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为 2017 年做准备,附件是 2016 年最新的 OINP 技能优先类别申请指南 Ontario Express Entry: HCPS-Human Capital Priorities Stream:

oinp_en_hcps-20160404-flyabroad.pdf (750.4 KB)

OINP 2016年2月26日起已经暂停技能优先类别申请 Human Capital Priorities Stream 。2017 年后如果 OINP HCP 还是针对 EE 400 分以上申请人的话竞争会更激烈,因为新 EE 评分标准会让 400 分之上的申请人增加不少。

You may not apply to OINP under the Human Capital Priorities Stream if:

  • You have not received a PT Notification of Interest from Ontario through your MyCIC account;

OINP-HCP-confirmation-of-nomination-flyabroad - OINP 技能优先类别提名函样本-飞出国:

OINP 12 月又发邀请了,应该是 2016-11-19 最新 CRS 评分标准实施后的第一轮邀请。

安省 EE 下技能优先类别 Human Capital Priorities Stream 2017年2月将重开(暂停接近一年)并启用在线申请系统,OINP HCP 类别申请费用 1500 加币,需要先提交加拿大联邦EE,达到 400 分的有希望被邀请。之前是先到先得,采用在线系统后可能(只是飞出国猜测)先挑分数高的,分数相同的选提交早的,早提交才能早获得邀请。获得 OINP 邀请后 45 天内提交完整申请。

另外一个需要注意的是如果是按照加拿大联邦技术移民 FSW 类别进入的 Express Entry Pool 的话 OINP 要求申请人近5年内必须有1年工作经验,而不是10年内1年。如果是按加拿大经验类移民 CEC 进入的 EE Pool,要求与 CEC 一样,近3年内在加拿大有1年工作经验就可以。

无论是按 FSW 还是按 CEC ,进入 EE Pool 后大家比的是 CRS 下的分数,当前 EE 直接获邀的分数已经降到 447,再加上加拿大 2016年11月19 调整 EE 分数,400 分以上的申请人明显增多,这个项目的竞争会更加激烈。另外飞出国分析认为,如果是获得了其他省份的job offer加了50分达到400但无法被EE直接捞取也是无法申请 OINP HCP 的,理由应该很简单。

OINP HCP 2017年资金要求已经调整如下。相关指南飞出国论坛已经在上面帖子里上传。

Number of
Family Members
Funds Required
(in Canadian dollars)
1 $12,300
2 $15,312
3 $18,825
4 $22,856
5 $25,923
6 $29,236
7 or more $32,550

  • OINP searches the Express Entry pool and identifies potential candidates who:
    •     Have a minimum score of 400 on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) in CIC’s Express Entry system, and
    •     Meet the criteria of Ontario’s Human Capital Priorities Stream (see Section 2 for more information).
  • If OINP identifies you in the Express Entry pool, you will receive a PT Notification of Interest from Ontario through your MyCIC account. This notification will invite you to apply to OINP for nomination under the Human Capital Priorities Stream.


在收到PT Notice of Interest之前什么也做不了吧?需要在安省网站注册什么吗?



加拿大时间2017年2月21日 OINP HCP 400 分高分类别正式开放,实施 OINP e-Filing Portal 在线申请。官方指南已更新到 2017-02-21 版。

oinp_en_hcps-20170221-flyabroad.pdf (950.0 KB)

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me


OINP 2017 HCP 类别对于 EE 400 分的具体说明:

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Score - OINP HCP

All applicants must score a minimum of 400 points in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) in IRCC’s Express Entry system. Your score must remain at or above 400 during both the Ontario nomination processing stage and at the federal application for permanent residency processing stage.

If a change in circumstance results in your CRS score falling below 400, it is your responsibility to inform the OINP.

安省 HCP 对工作经验的要求还是在收到 NOI 前的5年内必须满足有1年工作经验。

Work Experience OINP HCP - flyabroad

within the last five years from the date of the Notification of Interest from Ontario.

OINP 提名通过后 30 天内在联邦EE系统里接受提名,获得EE邀请后90天内提交资料(2016年11月刚刚更新的要求)。

If your application is approved by Ontario, you will receive a letter from OINP through your IRCC online account notifying you of your nomination. You have 30 calendar days to accept the nomination from Ontario in the Express Entry system.

Once you receive an invitation to apply from IRCC, you have 90 calendar days to submit your application for permanent residence to IRCC.

OINP HCP 400 分类别 2017 年申请流程-飞出国:

  • 首先提交加拿大联邦 EE profile,意向移民目的地选安省(Ontario),比选择“All Provinces and Territories” 获邀概率更高
  • OINP 会在 EE pool 里选,申请人不需要主动申请
  • 申请人收到安省邀请 NOI 后通过安省 OINP e-Filing Portal 提交申请,后面走联邦EE签证申请程序

When you create a profile in Express Entry, you must either indicate your interest in immigrating to Ontario or “All Provinces and Territories.”

OINP searches the Express Entry pool on a regular basis and identifies potential candidates who meet the Human Capital Priorities Stream criteria

If OINP identifies you in the Express Entry pool, you will receive a Notification of Interest (NOI) from Ontario through your IRCC online account. After you receive an NOI, and if you meet the stream requirements, you may apply to the OINP for nomination under the Human Capital Priorities Stream.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me
