Cpaa 澳洲会计师职业评估

CPAA 澳洲会计师职业评估 - FLYabroad



一、CPAA 评估标准和要求 - 飞出国###

1. 技术移民职业评估标准:

  • 学历等同澳洲学士学位及以上;
  • 完成了对应评估职业要求的所有必修课程的学习;
  • 满足英语要求:A类雅思4个7。所有认可的英语考试及要求可以参考下图:

2. 485临时签证临时职业评估标准:

  • 澳洲学士学位或 or 12 Unit Master degree majoring in accounting;
  • 完成了对应评估职业要求的所有必修课程的学习;
  • 满足英语要求:A类雅思4个6。所有认可的英语考试及要求可以参考下图:

备注: CAE只认可2015.1.1之后参加的考试( *CPA Australia recognises CAE tests completed on or after 1 January 2015 only. )

二、CPAA 职业评估申请方式

  1. 可以在线申请,入口:

  2. 纸质申请,申请表下载地址: 404: Something's wrong | CPA Australia

三、CPAA评估需要的材料 - FLYabroad


  • 学历学位证书,会员证书;
  • 大学成绩单;
  • 英语成绩单或者SMIPA成绩单和结业证书;
  • 课程大纲;
  • 代理授权书(如有代理)。

The documents you need to submit with your application will depend on your qualifications. You will receive a list of documents you need to provide when you apply, but you will probably need to provide:

  • your academic awards (degree and membership certificates)
  • your academic transcripts (exam results or mark sheets)
  • recognised English test scores or Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA) transcripts and completion certificate
  • syllabus (subject descriptions, for non-accredited qualifications only)
  • signed letter of authority (if you have a third party acting on your behalf)


申请人提交的材料都必须是原件的certified true copies。认证件上需要列明认证日期,认证人员的姓名,联系方式和签名。需要表明此认证件是原件的真实副本。所提供材料可以由以下人员 certified:

  • a CPA or FCPA or member of an equivalent professional body
  • a commissioner for oaths
  • a Justice of the Peace
  • notary public
  • a police officer, sheriff, or sheriff’s officer
  • a bank manager, dentist, legal practitioner, medical practitioner, pharmacist, or veterinary surgeon
  • an Australian consular officer, or Australian diplomatic officer
  • any other official who, in your home country, is authorised to endorse documents and legal declarations or witness sworn affidavits
  • MARA-registered migration agent
  • CPA Australia employees

The certification must clearly indicate the date the originals were sighted, and include the name, contact details, and which of the above categories the signatory represents. The certification will need to state that the copies are true and unaltered reproductions of the original documents.

**CPAA 认可的学位(Accredited degrees) :**如果申请人的学位课程是CPA认可的课程,那么申请人就无需提供课程大纲。查看所有CPAA认可课程:

其他非CPAA认可学历: 对于非CPAA认可的学历,则都需要提供课程大纲。

课程大纲(Syllabus): 也被叫做 subject outlines 或 descriptions。申请人的所有会计学,财政学和商业学科都需要提供课程大纲。课程大纲中要表明,你所学的课程覆盖了哪些CPAA要求的课程。


  • 你学习的确切起止时间;
  • 你成绩单上列出的所有科目;
  • 英语书写。


中国学位认证: 持有非CPAA认可学位的中国申请人,需要申请VET的学位和成绩单认证。

四、CPAA 工作经验评估(Skilled employment assessment) - 飞出国


CPAA 工作经验评估申请要求:


  • 与职业评估函上的提名职业高度相关的工作经验;
  • 获得学士学位或更高学位之后获得的工作经验;
  • 带薪,持续,每周至少工作20小时。

CPAA 工作经验评估需要的材料:


  • 确切的工作持续时间;
  • 职位;
  • 工作起止时间;
  • 长期职位还是临时职位;
  • 全职还是兼职;
  • 每周工作小时数;
  • 每个职位的工作职责;
  • 工资;
  • 开具证明的人员的签名,姓名,职位和在公司的联系电话;

注意: 学习期间参加的志愿者工作不被认可。

Ensure that your testimonials are written on the official letterhead of your employer and include:

  • the exact period of your employment, including:
  • positions held
  • exact start and end dates
  • whether your positions were permanent or temporary
  • whether your positions were fullor part-time
  • your required working hours per week
  • the duties or responsibilities undertaken in each position
  • the salary you earned
  • the signature, name and position of the person who wrote the testimonial
  • the direct business contact number of the person who wrote the testimonial

**法定声明(Statutory Declarations) :**如果申请人无法提供雇主推荐信,可以提供法定声明。同时附上第三方证明文件,如税务凭证,劳动合同,工资单,同事出具的证明信等。

自雇申请人: 对于自雇申请人,可以提供公司行政,你担任的职位,工作类型,每周工作时间等信息。同时附上以下材料:

  • 公司注册证书;
  • 营业执照;
  • 年初,年中和年末的纳税申报表;
  • 至少提供2个客户的推荐信,打印在公司信头纸上,说明你公司的业务以及与推荐人业务开始时间。

If you have been self-employed, you should provide details of the nature of your business, your position, the type of work you did and how many hours you were employed by the business per week. You will also need to include certified copies of the following:

  • registration of your business name
  • practicing certificate
  • tax returns of first, a middle and final year (if relevant) of business operation
  • reference from two or more clients on letterhead, stating work done by your business and the time period your business was employed by the referee

五、会计职业技术移民实习项目SMIPA - 飞出国

会计学技术移民实习项目 Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA),是由澳洲移民局DIBP提供的一个专业年项目,适用于在澳洲完成了2年会计学习并获得会计学位,同时持有485临时签证的海外留学生。完成SMIPA的申请人,可以在技术移民评分时加5分。

SMPIPA 由澳洲三大会计师协会:CPAA,ICAA和IPA联合开发,但是这3个协会并不直接提供课程,而是由这3大协会批准的注册机构教授课程。

The Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA) is a professional year program approved by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) (formerly known as the Department of Immigration and Citizenship), available to overseas students who have an Australian accounting degree qualification as a result of at least two years’ study in Australia.
SMIPA was developed by CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and the Institute of Public Accountants, and is delivered by registered providers who have been approved by all three professional accounting bodies.
The professional accounting bodies do not have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in SMIPA and do not gain any financial benefit from SMIPA. Enrolment in any of the accounting bodies’ professional programs is independent of an individual’s participation in SMIPA or any other DIBP-approved pathways to permanent residency


  • 至少44周的培训,包括在相关公司的12周的实习;
  • 专业发展和实践学习,着重学习工作中的文化、道德等部分;
  • 是485临时签证持有人申请永居的途径。

SMIPA involves:

  • a minimum of 44 weeks’ training, including a 12-week internship placement with a relevant host company
  • professional development and practical hands-on learning, with an emphasis on workplace preparation: Culture, ethics and expectations
  • recognition as a pathway for 485 graduate visa holders seeking permanent residency under general skilled migration (GSM)


六、申请评估之后相关信息 - 飞出国

评估函有效期: CPAA评估函有效期为2年。

如何申请CPAA职评加急 :如果申请人的签证申请还有2周到期,申请人可以向CPAA申请加急。申请人需要提供签证邀请的扫描件,发到邮箱: ,邮件主题写上: VISA DEADLINE: application ID, family name, first name

评估函要求申请人继续深造: 申请人有两种方式完成:


更新职评结果: 如果申请人当前持有临时职业评估,想申请正式职业评估;或者申请人第一次评评估未通过,后来又参加了学习或者提高了英语成绩,都可以填写此表来更新评估结果: Supplementary services application form

更换职评代码: 如果申请人已经收到了职评结果,想要更换提名职业,可以将职评原件寄给CPAA,同时提交一个review申请:更新职评结果: 如果申请人当前持有临时职业评估,想申请正式职业评估;或者申请人第一次评评估未通过,后来又参加了学习或者提高了英语成绩,都可以填写此表来更新评估结果: Supplementary services application form

CPAA 官网: Skills assessment services | CPA Australia


1 个赞

按照上面说明 CPAA 也认可 PTE,TOEFL iBT 等成绩。

其他变化是课程要求由 12 门调整为 9 门:

English language requirements

General skills assessment

CPA Australia recognises the following programs or tests as meeting the English proficiency requirements of the general skills assessment:

Minimum scores for each of the components will need to be achieved in the IELTS Academic, PTE Academic and TOEFL iBT tests:

Listening Reading Writing Speaking
CAE* 185 185 185 185
IELTS Academic 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
TOEFL iBT 24 24 27 23
PTE Academic 65 65 65 65

*CPA Australia recognises CAE tests completed on or after 1 January 2015 only.

Provisional assessment

CPA Australia recognises the following tests as meeting the English proficiency requirements of the temporary visa (subclass 485) skills assessment:

  • Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)*
  • IELTS General or Academic
  • PTE Academic

Minimum scores for each of the components will need to be achieved:

Listening Reading Writing Speaking
CAE* 169 169 169 169
IELTS 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
TOEFL iBT 12 13 21 18
PTE Academic 50 50 50 50

*CPA Australia recognises CAE tests completed on or after 1 January 2015 only.

The English proficiency requirement for the skills assessment is not related to Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s (DIBP) English language threshold. Exemptions on the basis of holding a passport from or citizenship of certain countries are not available for the skills assessment.

Why is CPA Australia’s English proficiency requirements different to DIBP’s?

To ensure all applicants are assessed equally and according to criteria that will ultimately help to generate employment outcomes in accounting related occupations, the migration assessment’s English proficiency requirement may sometimes differ from other English proficiency requirements you encounter throughout your visa application process. In order to achieve a positive migration assessment from CPA Australia, you will need to ensure that you meet the English proficiency requirements set out above.

More information on each of the recognised English tests

请问后续取得工作经验,还可以要求update或者review嘛? 如何处理

CPAA 主要评估学历和专业课程,工作经验不属于强制评估范围,后续工作经验州担保或签证申请阶段提供就可以,不需要 CPAA update 或 review。

CPAA 会计职业评估需要申请人有本科学位。

Degree requirement

To meet the degree requirement for the general skills assessment, you will need a qualification that is assessed by CPA Australia as equivalent to at least an Australian Bachelor degree. CPA Australia uses the guidelines issued by the Australian Government’s Department of Education (formerly AEI-NOOSR) when assessing the comparability of overseas qualifications.

To meet the degree requirement for the provisional assessment, you will need an Australian Bachelor degree or 12-unit Master degree in accounting, business, commerce or economics.