我已经拿到Confirmation of Permanent Resident, 还未登陆魁省,准备结婚,现在该未婚夫如何提交魁省申请呢

我已经拿到了Confirmation of Permanent Resident, 还未登陆魁省,准备结婚。
现在未婚夫如何提交魁省申请呢? 还是我们结婚后他再申请呢?
如果是申请express entry, 他现在的打分已经够了,只是他的雅思还有四个月就满两年了。他自己申请express Entry 比较好还是和我结婚后申请魁省的呢?
他是澳洲的PR, 对申请加拿大或在加拿大找工作有帮助么?

配偶单独申请Express Entry更好。雅思在提交签证申请的时候有效即可。

如果是申请express entry, 雅思成绩在申请时还在有效期内但是等到获邀时如果已经过期,需要再重新考么?

雅思需要在获得 EE 邀请后递交移民签证申请前一直有效,也就是后期递交签证申请时还要有效。雅思有效期不足的提前重考。

How long language test results are valid for

Your test results must be less than two years old when you submit your application for permanent residence.

If you have been invited to apply, check that your language test results will still be valid when you plan to apply for permanent residence. If you haven’t been invited, you may want to make sure your results are valid for the rest of the time you will be in the pool.

If your results will expire before you can apply, you should:

  • be tested again,
  • apply before your test results expire, or
  • decline the invitation and go back into the pool to be considered in the future.

If you apply for permanent residence with language test results that have expired, we will refuse your application.
