塞浦路斯投资移民新政发布 Changes in Cyprus Citizenship Programme by investment 2019


  1. 增加捐款15万欧(其中7.5万欧给政府创新基金,7.5万欧给土地发展协会);
  2. 房产投资持有年限由之前的三年改为五年,即5月15日新政实施后房产持有满五年后才能出售,并且还要保留价值至少50万欧的自住房产,五年内可以更换投资;
  3. 年满18岁的申请人必须持有有效的申根签证;
  4. 如果有其他欧盟国家移民拒签史将无法再申请塞浦路斯护照;
  5. 如果申请人购买新房,将维持200万欧的投资额不变;如果客户购买二手房,并且此二手房的持有者曾使用它申请塞浦路斯护照,那么申请人需要再额外增加50万欧的房产投资额;
  6. 投资50万欧元于政府债券现已废除。

Changes in Cyprus Citizenship Programme by investment 2019

The Cyprus Cabinet approved a series of changes in the Cyprus Investment Programme in order to make the Cyprus Investment Programme even more targeted and trustworthy, Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said.

the Minister pointed out the mandatory contribution to the Foundation for Research and Innovation to further encourage the creation of an eco-system of business innovation and the mandatory contribution to the Cyprus Land Development Corporation in order to finance affordable housing.

The main changes on the plan are:

  • Investors will be required to make a donation of €75,000 to the “Cyprus Land Development Corporation” (effective from May 15, 2019)
  • Investors will be required to make a donation of €75,000 to the “Research Promotion Foundation” (effective from May 15, 2019)
  • Instead of the previous 3 years’ requirement, investors shall keep their investments for a period of at least 5 years
  • For any investments in real estate a Planning Permit, a Certificate of Completion of the property (if finished) or a bank guarantee from the seller of the property to the buyer (for non-finished properties) should be provided (effective from May 15, 2019)
  • Applicants should hold a valid Schengen visa
  • If the residential property is purchased from someone who previously used this property to gain citizenship, the required investment amount is increased from €2m to €2.5m (effective from May 15, 2019)
  • If the applicant has already applied for citizenship in another EU Member State, and the application was rejected, then the citizenship application in Cyprus would be automatically rejected
  • The possibility to invest in government bonds is abolished
  • The possibility to invest in shipping will be soon permitted.

飞出国: 修正案将在2019年5月15日正式实施,投资200万欧房产即可拿欧盟护照、房产投资三年后即可出售让投资款回流、宽松背景调查宽松资金来源解释总周期只要八个月左右的欧盟身份项目2019年5月15日之后将成为历史,护照项目全面趋严。