魁北克翻译家协会认证翻译服务 - Certified Translation - OTTIAQ recognized translator

魁北克翻译家协会 (OTTIAQ) 是 加拿大魁北克省 的翻译师注册管理机构,通过该协会认证的翻译专业人员的翻译会被大部分机构所认可。申请人可以通过 OTTIAQ 在线目录查找翻译人员。如果你是翻译且希望获得认证可以申请注册成为 OTTIAQ 会员。

If you require the services of a language professional, visit our online directory. Our 2,100 members offer quality services in a multitude of subject areas, using nearly thirty different languages.

魁北克翻译家协会 (OTTIAQ) 是魁北克职业理事会 (Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec) 的下属协会。该职业理事会代表魁北克省广大的专业技术职员,例如护士、工程师和注册会计师。魁北克翻译家协会的使命是确保和促进其成员在翻译领域的专业能力和专业精神。协会将努力履行其保护公众利益的使命。



The Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) is a professional order representing translators, terminologists and interpreters in Quebec. As a professional order, the OTTIAQ provides its members with a “reserved title”: Certified Translator (C. Tr.), or, in French, traducteur agréé (trad. a.); Certified Terminologist (C. Term.), or, in French, terminologue agréé (term. a.); and Certified Interpreter (C. Int.), or, in French, interprète agréé (int. a.).

OTTIAQ’s goals include providing information and training for members, and thereby promoting the advancement and raising the profile of the three professions of its members.

OTTIAQ can trace its history back to 1940, when the Société des traducteurs du Québec (STQ) was founded (letters patent granted in 1943), making it the oldest association of its type in the province.

In 1968 the STQ merged with the Cercle des traducteurs and the Corporation des traducteurs professionnels du Québec. On April 1, 1992 the STQ became the Corporation professionnelle des traducteurs et interprètes agréés du Québec (CPTIAQ) and on October 15, 1994, in compliance with the Act to amend the Professional Code and other Acts respecting the professions, the Corporation changed its name to the Ordre des traducteurs et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTIAQ).

On July 12, 2000 the National Assembly of Quebec unanimously approved the addition of the title “terminologues” to its name and OTIAQ officially became the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec. On September 11, 2000 the Board adopted a resolution approving the modified acronym, OTTIAQ.

On June 11, 2012, OTTIAQ withdrew from the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council.

飞出国:魁北克翻译家协会(OTTIAQ)网站: www.ottiaq.org .