加拿大医务委员会-CA-MCC (The Medical Council of Canada) -5


MEEQE考试第一部分 飞出国




  • 考试日期 : 2016年春季

  • Fee:$1,005

  • 报名信息 :

    • 有关资格要求,请参见:考试报名与报名资格
    • 初次报名截止时间: 2016年1月7日,星期四
    • 第二次报名截止时间: 2016年1月19日,星期二
    • 最终报名截止时间:2016年2月2日,星期二
  • 考试中心

    • Atla. Calgary, Edmonton
    • B.C. Kelowna, Prince George, Vancouver, Victoria
    • Man. Winnipeg
    • N.B. Moncton
    • N.L. St. John’s
    • N.S. Halifax
    • Ont. Hamilton, Kingston, London, Mississauga, Ottawa, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto
    • Que. Chicoutimi, Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières
    • Sask. Saskatoon
  • 考试结果 :

    • 春季考试:考试结果将于6月末公布。
    • 秋季考试: 考试结果将于12月末公布。


  • 有关考试日期,参见: 考试预约
  • 具体考试中心开放的具体天数取决于该考试中心日最大容量和其他相关要求。
  • 不同的考试中心,开放的具体天数和具体日期不同。
  • 考试中心开放的具体天数取决于许多因素,其中包括计算机实验室的可用性。此外,考试中心可以不连续开放。
  • 尽管任何考试中心都可以采用英语或法语考试形式,但是,人员和技术支持可能会局限于一种具体的语言。
  • 考试中心可以提供下列支持:
    • 在渥太华和蒙特利尔考试中心可以同时使用两种官方语言。
    • 在魁北克和新不伦瑞克考试中心主要使用法语。
    • 在其他考试中心主要使用英语。


考试 - 建议考试日期(待定)- 预期的考试报名开放日期





考试报名与报名资格 飞出国###


  • 国际医学专业学生或国际医学毕业生
  • 美国骨科医学院校学生或毕业生
  • 美国医学专业学生或美国医学毕业生
  • 加拿大医学专业学生或毕业生


  • 国际医学专业学生或国际医学毕业生
  • 美国骨科医学院校学生或毕业生
  • 美国医学专业学生或美国医学毕业生
  • 加拿大医学专业学生或毕业生



  • 一旦系统确认考试资格证明文件已经接受MCC审查并获得其认可,很快你就会通过其他途径得知自己的考试申请已经获得批准。

Accessibility and test accommodations

请查看: accessibility and test accommodations 信息与说明


  • 只有在具体报名时间段内,应试者才可以通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户报考MCCQE第一部分考试。
  • **注意:**只有在具体报名时间段内,且符合所有报名要求时,应试者个人账户中才会出现该考试报名的选项。



以国际医学学生或国际医学毕业生身份申请 飞出国####

**以学生身份申请: **


  • 必须已顺利通过MCCEE考试。
  • 毕业日期必须满足下列要求:
    • 春季: 同年11月30日
    • 秋季: 第二年3月30日
      • 更多信息参见:学生资格


  • 你必须递交You must submit a student attestation form which will be available during the online application.



  • 必须已经顺利通过MCCEE考试。


  • 如果之前从未通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户创建资源认证请求,你必须通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户创建一个资源认证请求,并递交个人最高医学学历(毕业证)复印件。



  • 只有在具体报名时间段内,应试者才可以通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户报考MCCQE第一部分考试。
  • **注意:**只有在具体报名时间段内,且符合所有报名要求时,应试者个人账户中才会出现该考试报名的选项。
  • 报名申请处理时间至少需要3周。
      • 一旦系统确认考试资格证明文件已经接受MCC审查并获得其认可,很快你就会通过其他途径得知自己的考试申请已经获得批准。


Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I

The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE) Part I is a one-day, computer-based test that assesses the competence of candidates who have obtained their medical degree, for entry into supervised clinical practice in postgraduate training programs. The MCCQE Part I assesses knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes as outlined by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Objectives.

The candidate is allowed up to 3 ½ hours in the morning session to complete 196 multiple-choice questions. The candidate is allowed 4 hours in the afternoon session for the clinical decision making component, which consists of short-menu and short-answer write-in questions.

Examination at a glance

  • Dates : Spring 2016

  • Fee:$1,005

  • Application information :

    • Eligibility requirements, see Application and eligibility.
    • Main application deadline: Thursday,Jan. 7, 2016
    • Second application deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016
    • Final application deadline:Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016
  • Examination centres*

    • Atla. Calgary, Edmonton
    • B.C. Kelowna, Prince George, Vancouver, Victoria
    • Man. Winnipeg
    • N.B. Moncton
    • N.L. St. John’s
    • N.S. Halifax
    • Ont. Hamilton, Kingston, London, Mississauga, Ottawa, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Toronto
    • Que. Chicoutimi, Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières
    • Sask. Saskatoon
  • Results :

    • Spring session:Results will be available by the end of June.
    • Fall session: Results will be available by the end of December.
      *The centres are subject to change.

Clarification regarding examination centres, dates and language:

  • For information regarding date selection, visit Scheduling
  • The number of days a particular centre runs depends on the maximum daily space capacity and the demand for that centre
  • The number of days and specific dates a centre runs vary from centre to centre
  • The specific days a centre runs depend on a number of factors including availability of its computer labs and may not necessarily be consecutive days
  • The examination may be taken in either English or French at any centre. However, staff and technical support may be limited to a specific language.
  • Support at the centres will be offered as follows:
    • In both official languages in the Ottawa and Montreal centres
    • Primarily in French in the Quebec and New Brunswick centres
    • Primarily in English in all other centres

Proposed future MCCQE Part I dates

Session - Proposed dates (to be confirmed) - Expected application opening timeframe

Fall 2016 - Oct. 31 to Nov. 10 - May 2016

Application to future MCCQE Part I examination sessions

To receive a notice when registration opens for future examination sessions, submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.


Application and eligibility

Appling to the MCCQE Part I for the first time as:

  • An international medical student (IMS) or as an international medical graduate (IMG)
  • A student or graduate from a U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • A U.S. medical student or U.S. medical graduate
  • A Canadian medical student or graduate

Reappling to the MCCQE Part I as:

  • An international medical student (IMS) or as an international medical graduate (IMG)
  • A student or graduate from a U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • A U.S. medical student or U.S. medical graduate
  • A Canadian medical student or graduate

Processing of your application

  • Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.
    • If the system determines that all documentation required to confirm your examination eligibility has already been reviewed and accepted by the MCC, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your examination application.

Accessibility and test accommodations

Please review the accessibility and test accommodations information and instructions.

Appling to the MCCQE Part I

  • Candidates can apply for the MCCQE Part I through their physiciansapply.ca account only during specific application periods indicated under Examination at a glance.
  • Please note that the option to apply to the examination will only appear in the candidate’s account during specific application periods and only if the candidate meets all eligibility requirements.

To receive a notice when registration opens for future examination sessions, submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.


Appling as an international medical student (IMS) or graduate (IMG)

**As a student: **


  • You must have successfully passed the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE)
  • You must be expected to fully complete all requirements to graduate on the following dates:
    • Spring sessions: on Nov. 30 of the same calendar year
    • Fall sessions: on March 30 of the following calendar year
      • See student eligibility for additional information

Documentation to submit

  • You must submit a student attestation form which will be available during the online application.

As a graduate


  • You must have successfully passed the MCCEE

Documentation to submit

  • If, and ONLY if, you have not previously done so, you must create a source verification request through your physiciansapply.ca account and submit a copy of your final medical degree (diploma)

NOTE: Complete source verification of the diploma (verification returned – passed) is required for eligibility to apply to the Medical Council of Canada (MCCQE) Part II.

Applying through physiciansapply.ca

  • Candidates can apply for the MCCQE Part I through their physiciansapply.ca account only during specific application periods indicated under Examination at a glance.
  • Please note that the option to apply to the examination will only appear in the candidate’s account during specific application periods and only if the candidate meets all eligibility requirements.
  • Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.
    • If the system determines that all documentation required to confirm your examination eligibility has already been reviewed and accepted by the MCC, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your examination application.


考试预约 飞出国


  • 在线报考NAC考试时,你可以按照优先次序选择3个考试中心。
  • 如果你只选择一个考试中心,那么,你被安排到一个具体考试中心的可能性不会更大。
  • MCC会尽力满足你优先选择的考试中心,但是,不能保证肯定能为你安排你选择的考试中心。


  • MCC工作人员会在二月底之前为所有合格的应试者安排好考试中心,之后,应试者会收到可以在线确认自己的考试中心安排的消息。
  • MCC官网也会公布相关通知。
  • 大约两周之后,所有应试者都会收到相关通知,可以通过个人账号查看考试入场卡包,其中还包括查看并打印考试入场卡包的具体操作。



  • 你必须在MCCQE第一部分考试规定的预约时间内通过个人账户预约个人考试日期。
  • 每个考试中心在计算机实验室大小以及可以提供考试的天数方面都有其局限性。
  • 即使指定的考试中心只开放一天,你也必须在线预约个人考试日期,因为只有这样你才可以获得个人身份编码(PIN)。考试当天你必须使用PIN才可以登陆电脑,并开始考试。
  • 如果在MCCQE第一部分考试规定的预约时间内,你没有预约个人考试日期,MCC工作人员将人工操作为你做相关安排。


  • 如果出现了任何重大冲突,例如:还有其他考试,国外旅行限制等等,应试者必须在MCCQE第一部分考试规定的预约时间之前提出必须错过某个具体考试日期的请求。
  • 你不可以变更考试期次。也就是说,当你的考试中心、考试日期以及考试时间都是在春季考试时,如果你打算推迟此次考试到下次秋季考试甚至更靠后的考试,那么,你必须撤销此次报考申请(必须支付一定考试管理费用),然后重新报考该考试。
  • 考试中心以及其所适用的考试日期一经确认,你必须马上告知类似重大冲突,同时递交相关辅助文件并支付提前预约相关费用。










考试日期预约说明 飞出国####


  • 目前合格应试者可以通过their physiciansapply.ca个人账号查看个人考试中心安排。
  • 查看考试中心安排的具体步骤:
    • 在个人账户首页点击考试
    • 在考试版块中选择当前考试,打开当前考试版块。
    • 查看打开版块中的信息。
  • 有关个人指定考试中心的具体考试日期,见考试日期
  • 虽然公布的考试日期是从10月26日到30日、从11月2日到5日,但是,并不是所有的考试中心在整个考试期间都开放,一些考试中心只开放1到2天。
  • 如果你被安排到了某个考试中心,那么该考试中心肯定会为你预留考试座位;但是,在第一部分考试预约时间内,你必须从该考试中心开放时间内选择某一天参加考试。

第一部分 预约说明








  • 登陆physiciansapply.ca。
  • 在左侧版块点击考试
  • 点击中心处2015年秋季MCCQE第一部分考试,打开当前考试版块。
  • 点击现在预约,打开预约考试版块。
  • 点击自己首选的日期。
  • 在右端底部点击预约日期,输入自己首选的日期。
  • 一旦点击预约日期,该日期将不可更改。


语言质量保证 飞出国###






  1. MCC内部编辑负责对比英语考题和法语翻译。
  2. 考试委员会中讲法语的成员负责另一种对比审查,其中包括大声朗读考试内容。
  3. 来自法国医学院会讲法语的专业医生负责另一轮的对比阅读。在该阶段,每个法语考题由2到3个会讲法语的医生负责审查。







考试准备资源 飞出国###




























评分 飞出国###



总分会结合多项选择题(MCQ) 和临床决策问题(CDM)进行计算。多项选择题回答正确得一分,回答错误零分。而临床决策问题每个问题最多得一分。对于一些问题例如其选项共包含四个正确选项,应试者可能会得部分分数,0.25分,0.5分,0.75分或者1分。MCCQE第一部分考试总分变化范围从50分到950分。各学科分数只包含多项选择题分数,而CDM分数会包含临床决策问题分数。









SOR包含应试者的最终考试结果、考试总分以及合格分数。其他信息包括各科和CDM各项分数以及比较信息都由SFR提供。有关SFR解读方法见帮助文件!SOR和SFR可以通过physiciansapply.ca account查看。


考试结果 飞出国###













  1. 由MCC重新评分
  2. 在MCC办公处应试者在场时进行重新评分Rescoring with the candidate present at the MCC’s office







Selecting a centre

  • During the online application process, you must select up to three examination centres, in order of preference
  • The likelihood of being assigned to a particular centre does not improve if you choose only one centre
  • The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) makes every effort to provide you with a space at one of your requested centres; however, it cannot guarantee your assignment to one of these centres

Confirmation of centre assignment

  • Once MCC staff has assigned centres for all accepted candidates, by the end of February, candidates will be sent a communication to confirm their centre assignment information online
  • A notice will also be posted on the MCC website
  • Approximately two weeks following the designated scheduling period, a message will be sent to all candidates informing them that their Entrance card package is now available through their account; instructions on how to view and print the entrance card package will also be provided in this message

Scheduling the examination date online

The MCC cannot guarantee that you will be able to schedule your examination on a specific day within the examination period.

  • You will be required to schedule your examination date through your account during the designated MCCQE Part I scheduling period
  • Each centre has restrictions based on the size of its computer lab and the number of days it can provide the examination
  • Even if your assigned centre is only running for one day, you must schedule your examination date online in order to obtain your Personal Identification Number (PIN), which is required to log onto the computer on examination day
  • If you do not schedule your examination date during the designated MCCQE Part I Scheduling period, an MCC staff member will manually assign you to one of the remaining available days at your assigned centre

Request for scheduling

  • In the event of a significant conflict (for example, another examination, overseas travel restrictions, etc.), a candidate may request consideration, in advance of the designated MCCQE Part I scheduling period, to not be scheduled on a specific day
  • You cannot ‘change’ examination sessions. If you are assigned a centre, date and time to take the examination in the spring session, and wish to delay taking the examination until the following fall session or beyond, you will need to withdraw your application (the withdrawal administration fee will apply), and reapply when you wish to take the examination
  • Notice of such a conflict, with supporting documentation and payment of the pre-scheduling fee, should be submitted once confirmation of centre assignment is obtained and the dates available at each of the centres are known

Examination date changes after centre assignmet

Deadlines, fees, procedure for centre change requests:

After you have been assigned to a centre, a request for a centre change (within the session you applied for) will be considered, provided that a written request is submitted to the MCC by Tuesday, March 22, 2016 and space is available at the requested centre
A centre change fee will apply if the requested change can be accommodated
When submitting a centre change request, you should keep in mind that if the MCCQE Part I scheduling period has already begun or has ended, the dates available at the requested centre will likely be very limited

Examination date changes after the date has been scheduled

Deadlines, fees, procedure for date change requests:

A request for a date change will be considered provided that a written request is submitted to the MCC no later than Tuesday, March 22, 2016 and space is available on the requested date
A date change fee will apply if the requested change can be accommodated
If a centre change is required to accommodate the requested date change (and only if you approve this change), only the centre change fee will apply


Date scheduling instrctions

Centre Assignments and Centre Dates

  • Accepted candidates can now verify the centre to which they have been assigned through their physiciansapply.ca account.
  • To view your assigned centre:
    • Click on Examinations on the Home page of your account.
    • Select your current examination listed on the Examinations panel to open the Current Examination panel.
    • Review the information displayed on both panels.
  • To view the dates that your assigned centre will be running, see Dates available for centres.
  • Although the published examination dates are Oct. 26 to 30 (week 1) and Nov. 2 to 5 (week 2), not all centres will run the entire period and some centres may run for only one or two days.
  • Once assigned to an examination centre, you are guaranteed a space at that centre; however, you must select the day you will take the examination from the days available at your assigned centre during the designated Part I Scheduling period (see below for more information).

Part I Scheduling Instructions

Please note: MCCQE Part I date scheduling cannot be done with a mobile device or tablet. Scheduling will only be successful if done through a computer.

Accepted candidates must schedule their examination date (from the dates available at their assigned centre) through their physiciansapply.ca account, during the Part I Scheduling period as indicated above.

To view and make note of the scheduling start dates and times for your assigned centre, see Date scheduling start times (all start times are Eastern Time).

Once the scheduling period begins for your assigned centre, scheduling is done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Candidates should be prepared to take the examination on any of the days their assigned centre is running.

Because the MCCQE Part I is a computer-based examination, a limited number of spaces are available each day (daily capacities vary by centre).

To schedule your examination date:

  • Log into your physiciansapply.ca account.
  • Click on Examinations on the left panel.
  • Click on MCCQE Part I fall 2015 in the centre panel to open the Current Examination panel.
  • Click on Schedule Now to open the Schedule An Examination panel.
  • Click on the button next to your preferred date.
  • Click on Schedule Date at the bottom right of the page to register this date.
    • After you click on Schedule Date, you will not be able to change this date.


Language quality assurance

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) produces examination content in both official languages (English/French). It follows a comprehensive quality assurance process to ensure that examination content, whether in English or French, is of the highest quality.

Content development

MCC examination content is developed by the MCC’s test committees, made up of physicians from across Canada who are experts in their fields. The test committees include representation from both official language groups (English and French).

Translation process

Examination questions are initially created in English by the test committees. The MCC then sends the questions to professional translators who have medical terminology translation expertise. Once the translation is complete, the following quality assurance steps are taken and content revisions made as required:

  1. MCC in-house editors perform multiple comparative reads (comparing English questions to French translations).
  2. A Francophone test committee member performs another set of comparative reviews, which includes reading the content out loud.
  3. Francophone specialist physicians from French faculties of medicine participate in another round of comparative readings. Each French examination question is reviewed by two to three Francophone physicians during these sessions.

Candidate input

The MCC encourages candidates taking the examination to report any content that may be ambiguous or confusing. Candidates can also make comments in the “notes” section attached to each exam question. All candidate reports and comments about the quality of the content are reviewed by the committee prior to scoring the examination.

Question analysis

New content, whether in English or in French, is piloted before it is used as active content on the examination. Pilot questions do not count toward the candidate’s score. The MCC analyzes candidates’ response patterns after the examination. Any question that does not perform as expected is returned to the committee for review and revision, and is later re-piloted.

Should an active question not meet expected performance requirements, it is also flagged for review by the committee prior to scoring the examination. If it is determined that an error or flaw in the question could have affected performance, it will not count toward the candidates’ score.


Exam preparation resources

Self-Administered Qualifying Examination Part I

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) offers the Self Administered Qualifying Examination Part I (SAE – QEI), an online, 96 multiple-choice question practice examination intended for individuals wishing to test their level of preparedness for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE Part I). Multiple forms are available at any given time. The Self Administered Qualifying Examination Part I does not cover all material in the MCCQE Part I and is not meant to take the place of the MCCQE Part I. However, it does provide a sample of the type and style of questions that may be found in the MCCQE Part I and can serve as a study aid. All Self Administered Qualifying Examinations for Part I (QEI 1, QEI 2, QEI 3) are all at the same level of difficulty (e.g., QEI 3 is not more difficult than QEI 1 or QEI 2). Following completion, feedback is immediately e-mailed to participants on the number of correctly answered questions as well as a comparison of their performance to those of other MCCQE Part I participants.

Please note that unlike the MCCQE Part I examination, the SAE – QEI does not contain a clinical decision-making component. At present, the SAE – QEI can only be used to prepare for the multiple-choice component of the MCCQE Part I.

Examination demo

The MCC is pleased to offer demonstration versions of the multiple-choice question (MCQ) component and the clinical decision-making (CDM) component of the MCCQE Part I.

The MCCQE Part I Online Demo provides a demonstration of how the computer-based examination operates. Candidates will be able to familiarize themselves with the computer-testing environment and learn about each feature before using it in the actual examination. The MCCQE Part I Online Demo includes 28 questions in the MCQ section and six cases in the CDM. The correct answers are provided and answers that the user submits will not be scored. The last screen of the demo shows the Item Reviewing feature that replicates what will be seen on the actual examination.

View the MCCQE Part I MCQ demo.

View the MCCQE Part I CDM demo.

*Please note that the time remaining functionality within the demo is no longer available in the actual MCCQE Part I. The site staff will inform candidates of the time remaining throughout the examination.

Instructional video

The MCC has created instructional videos for both the MCQ component and the CDM component. They are offered in French and English. Candidates are strongly encouraged to view these videos prior to the examination to become familiar with the examination interface and functionality. Each instructional video clip lasts approximately 20 minutes. There will be no time available to view these videos on examination day.

Objectives for the Qualifying Examination

Using the Objectives for the Qualifying Examination as a study guide may be helpful for candidates taking the MCCQE Part I. Note that the Objectives are organized in terms of clinical presentations. Under each clinical presentation is a set of learning objectives that are exactly what candidates have to know for any of the MCC examinations.

When studying for an examination, candidates should systematically go through each clinical presentation and carefully read the related objectives. If candidates feel that their knowledge or skills related to a given objective is weak, then they know that this objective needs further study and will require them to consult a medical reference/textbook. The MCC test committee members use the clinical presentations and learning objectives listed in this resource when creating test questions.

Transition to DSM-5

In May 2013 the American Psychiatric Association published the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Over 2014 and 2015, the MCCEE computer-based questions will be updated to include the new DSM-5 language. These updated questions will still include the DSM-IV-TR language, which will be featured in brackets after the DSM-5 terminology.

The first MCCQE Part I administration to include updated questions will be the spring 2014 session. For answers to MCCQE Part I clinical decision-making write-in questions, candidates will continue to receive full marks for correct answers regardless of whether they use DSM-5 or DSM-IV-TR language.

For more information, please visit Medical Council of Canada transition to DSM-5.

Reference books

The MCC has compiled a list of reference books that may be helpful in preparing for the examination.

Candidate instructions

Candidates are encouraged to review the instructions for the examination:

Multiple-choice questions (MCQ) component

Clinical decision making (CDM) component

Frequently asked questions

Candidates are encouraged to review the MCCQE Part I frequently asked questions page.




The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I is scored independently of the MCCQE Part II. To be awarded the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), a candidate must pass both the MCCQE Part I and Part II.

The MCCQE Part I, like all Medical Council of Canada (MCC) exams is a criterion-referenced exam. This means that candidates who meet or exceed the standard will pass the exam regardless of how well other candidates perform on it.

How are total scores and sub-scores calculated on the MCCQE Part I?

The total score is calculated by combining multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and clinical decision-making questions (CDMs). MCQs are scored 1 point for a correct answer and scored 0 for an incorrect answer. For CDMs, there is a maximum of 1 point per question. Some questions, such as a question whose answer includes four correct elements, allow candidates to receive partial marks (e.g., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1). The MCCQE Part I total score is reported on a scale that ranges from 50 to 950. Discipline sub-scores include scores from MCQs only and the CDM sub-score includes scores from CDMs.

How is the pass score established?

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) conducts a standard setting exercise every three to five years to ensure that the standard and the pass score remain appropriate. Standard setting is a process used to define an acceptable level of performance and to establish a pass score.

To this end, the MCC completed a rigorous standard setting exercise based on expert judgments from a panel of 17 physicians across the country that represented faculties of medicine, different specialties, and years of experience supervising students and residents. The Bookmark Method was used and has been successfully employed (and defended) with a number of large-scale exam programs around the world. Following the standard setting exercise, the new pass score was brought forward to the Central Examination Committee (CEC), which reviewed and approved the recommendation. The CEC is represented by physicians and medical educators from across the country. The members of this Committee are appointed by our Council annually. The CEC is responsible for the quality of our examinations and awards final results to our candidates (e.g., pass, fail).

Using the spring 2015 results of all MCCQE Part I candidates, the new scale was established to have a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100. Candidates results from the spring 2015 and subsequent exam sessions will be reported on this new scale allowing us to compare candidate performance across sessions beginning with the spring 2015 session. For example, a mean score of 510 on a future session would indicate a stronger performance of that group than the spring 2015 group that had a mean of 500. On this new scale, the pass score that was recommended from the standing setting panel and approved by the CEC is 427. This pass score will remain in place for subsequent MCCQE Part I sessions.

Prior to 2015, the pass score for the MCCQE Part I was 390 on the old 50 to 950 scale. The new pass score (427) translates to 440 on this old scale.

How is a pass/fail decision made?

A candidate’s final result (e.g., pass, fail) is determined by his or her total score and where it falls in relation to the examination pass score. A total score equal to or greater than the pass score is a pass and a total score less than the pass score is a fail. The candidate’s performance is judged in relation to the examination pass score and not judged on how well other individuals perform.

What will appear on the Statement of Results and Supplemental Feedback Report?

The SOR includes the candidate’s final result and total score, as well as the pass score. Additional information about discipline and CDM sub-scores and comparative information is provided on the SFR. See the help file for additional information on how to interpret the SFR. Both the SOR and the SFR are made available through the candidate’s physiciansapply.ca account.



Release of results

Examination results are confirmed by the MCC Central Examination Committee, which meets in June for the spring administration and in December for the fall administration. After result confirmation, candidates will receive an email notification stating that they can verify their pass/fail result through their physiciansapply.ca account. The Statement of Results and the supplemental feedback report will be posted in candidates’ physiciansapply.ca accounts shortly thereafter.

To prevent errors or fraud and for reasons of confidentiality, results cannot be given over the phone, by fax or by email.

Candidates applying to an organization that requires submission of certified copies of the Statement of Results or the supplemental feedback report can request that the MCC send certified copies. There is an administrative fee for this service.

How results are communicated

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) issues candidates a Statement of Results through their physiciansapply.ca account. The Statement of Results includes the candidate’s final result and total score as well as the score that was required to pass the examination. The MCC also provides supplemental feedback on candidates’ examination performance through their physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC provides an example of a previously issued Statement of Results and the supplemental feedback report for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE Part I).


The MCC does not limit the number of times a candidate may attempt the MCCQE Part I. However, candidates who have been awarded a pass result on the MCCQE Part I cannot retake the examination in an attempt to obtain a higher score.

Rescore requests

Only candidates who have failed the MCCQE Part I can request a rescoring of their examination; candidates with a pass result are not eligible for the rescoring service. Rescore requests must be submitted by Sept. 1 for the spring exam, or by March 1 for the fall exam. Requests will be accepted upon receipt of a written request and a credit card payment of the applicable fee.

Candidates can choose between two rescoring options:

  1. Rescoring by the MCC
  2. Rescoring with the candidate present at the MCC’s office

After the examination, all final results are verified at least three times before being sent to the candidates. Borderline results (i.e., those within a close range of the passing score) undergo increased review. Given the additional scrutiny that the MCC gives to borderline results, it is unlikely that rescoring the examination will produce a change in result. Three potential outcomes can occur as a result of the rescoring of the examination: no change in score, change in score but no change in the fail result, or change in score and change in fail to pass result. If the rescoring produces a change in score or a change in score and final result, the MCC will issue a new Statement of Results and supplemental feedback report to the candidate through his or her physiciansapply.ca account.


Any MCCQE Part I candidate who has been denied standing, including any denial of entry to future examinations, or who considers that the results of an examination have been prejudiced by the conduct of the examination may appeal to the Appeals Committee. Candidates cannot seek to appeal the content of the examination.

Any candidate wishing to launch an appeal must notify the Executive Director in writing within 45 days of the decision of the Central Examination Committee. For more information on the appeal process for the MCCQE Part I, please review the MCC bylaws.








自今年起实行 - MCC变动了MCCQE第二部分考试合格标准。PGY-1应试者如果在2016年6月30日之前能够完成第一年的住院医生实习期,就可以报考2016年春季MCCQE第二部分考试。针对PGY-1应试者的注册时间将于2016年1月开放,报名人数将会非常有限。



  • 预先注册阶段 - 2015年11月16日起开放一周。

    • 该注册阶段只适用于在预先注册名单的应试者。
    • 这些应试者原本打算报考2015年秋季考试,但是由于当时报考名额已满,没有完成报名流程,于是选择登记预先注册。
  • 普通考试报名将于2015年11月23日起开放一周。

  • PGY-1 注册 – 据估计将于2016年1月4日起开放一周。

  • 有关考试中心安排,请访问考试中心页面。

  • MCCQE第二部分考试不采用双语的形式,每个考试中心采用英语或法语一种形式。

  • 应试者将会被安排在考试周的某两天参加两场考试。


考试期次 - 考试日期 - 预期考试报名开放时间表

2016春季 - 4月30日和5月1日(已确认) - 2015年11月和2016年1月

2016年秋季- 10月29日和30日(拟定) - 2016年5月

有关2016年秋季MCCQE第二部分考试 - 普遍注册的通知



考试人数 飞出国###


注意: 目前MCCQE第二部分考试报名渠道已经关闭。据估计2016年春季MCCQE第二部分考试报名将于2015年11月开放。





















考试报名与报考资格 飞出国###


  1. 必须已顺利通过MCCQE第一部分考试。
  2. 最高医学学历证书必须已经过资源认证。
  3. 必须已完成不少于12月的研究生临床医学培训或研究生骨科培训,或者将于同年6月30日春季考试之前或同年12月31日秋季考试之前完成12个月的研究生临床医学培训。



  • 国际医学毕业生 (IMG)
  • 美国医学毕业生
  • 美国骨科医学毕业生
  • 加拿大医学毕业生
  • 拥有加拿大培训经历的国际医学毕业生或美国毕业生



  • 当所有资格认证文件经过MCC审查并获得认可之后,你很快就会收到相关通知,确认自己考试报名已经通过。

Assessibility and test accommodations

Please review the accessibility and test accommodations information and instructions.


  • 只有在考试报名期间应试者才可以通过physiciansapply.ca报考MCCQE第二部分考试。
  • **注意:**在考试报名期间,只有应试者符合所有报考资格时,个人账户中才会出现考试报名选项。
  • 为了解决报考人数过多的问题,同时为了保证历届考试的可靠性、有效性和可比性,2015年秋季MCCQE第二部分考试采用了报考名额限制措施。



以国际医学毕业生的身份报考 飞出国####


  1. 必须已顺利通过MCCQE第一部分考试。
  2. 最高医学学历证书必须已经过资源认证。
  3. 必须已完成不少于12月的研究生临床医学培训,或者将于同年6月30日春季考试之前或同年12月31日秋季考试之前完成12个月的研究生临床医学培训。



  • 填写一份有关研究生临床医学培训(PGT)的资源认证请求(SVR)。由于MCCQE第二部分考试报考人数有限,MCC建议国际医学毕业生最好在考试报考开放之前就递交研究生临床医学培训文件。
    • 通过physiciansapply.ca填写有关PGT的SVR。
    • 如果PGT文件不是英语或法语语言,必须附带相关翻译文件。


  • 只有在考试报名期间应试者才可以通过physiciansapply.ca报考MCCQE第二部分考试。
  • **注意:**在考试报名期间,只有应试者符合所有报考资格时,个人账户中才会出现考试报名选项。
  • 报名处理时间至少要经过3周。
    • 当所有资格认证文件经过MCC审查并获得认可之后,你很快就会收到相关通知,确认自己考试报名已经通过。


备考资源 飞出国###


  • 可以参考下列范例:
    • 在病史采集与身体检查的检查点,包括应试者的一段录像,针对应试者的一些操作说明,监考官评分表,以及分钟的互动后测试考题(附有正确答案)。
    • 10分钟的病史采集与身体检查的检查点,包括针对应试者的一些操作说明以及监考官评分表。
    • 病史采集与身体检查的检查点。所有这些范例都包括针对应试者的一些操作说明,监考官评分表以及分钟的互动后测试考题(附有正确答案)。
    • 10分钟的病史采集检查点包括针对应试者的一些操作说明和监考官评分表。

有关临床检查点的更多信息,请访问: mcc.ca/examinations/mccqe-part-ii/clinical-stations

Candidate orientation presentation

The interactive orientation presentation is now available.
















Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part II

The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part II assesses the competence of candidates, specifically the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for medical licensure in Canada prior to entry into independent clinical practice.

This examination consists of a series of clinical stations including pilot stations that do not count towards a candidate’s total score. At each station, a brief written statement introduces a clinical problem and directs the candidate to appropriately examine a standardized (simulated) patient as well as perform activities such as obtaining a focused history, conducting a focused physical examination, or assessing and addressing the patient’s issues. Candidates may be asked to answer specific questions related to the patient, interpret X-rays or the results of other investigations, make a diagnosis and/or write admission orders.

This examination includes problems in Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Preventive Medicine and Community Health, Psychiatry and Surgery, as well as in similar disciplines considered essential for competence in general medicine and health care.

As a result of the new exam structure for family medicine starting in 2016, MCC is seeing increased candidate demand for the MCCQE Part II across sessions. Capacity limits were in place for the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II. Candidates who attempted to apply for the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II after capacity limits had been reached were able to select to be added to a preregistration list for the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II.

Candidates on the pre-registration list will be able to apply during the pre-registration period in November 2015. General registration, which will open after the pre-registration period has closed, will be available to all physicians who have completed their training or who are in their PGY-2 year or above. MCC expects to have enough capacity during the pre-registration and general registration periods for all eligible PGY-2+ candidates (including physicians who have completed their training).

New this year – the MCC has changed the eligibility criteria for the MCCQE Part II . PGY-1 candidates completing their first year of residency by June 30, 2016, will be able to apply to the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II. The registration period for PGY-1 candidates will open in January 2016, and capacity will be very limited.

Application for the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II

MCC will provide three application periods for the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II:

  • The pre-registration period – opening the week of Nov. 16, 2015

    • This registration period is available only for those candidates who are on the pre-registration list
    • These candidates attempted to apply for fall 2015 after the exam capacity was reached and could not complete the application process at that time, and selected to place their name on the pre-registration list
  • General application will open during the week of Nov. 23, 2015

  • PGY-1 registration – expected to open the week of Jan. 4, 2016

  • For information regarding centre assignment, please visit the Centre selection page

  • The MCCQE Part II centres are not bilingual; each centre is designated as either English (E) or French (F)

  • Candidates will be scheduled for two short sessions over the two days of the weekend

Proposed future MCCQE Part II dates

Session - Exam dates - Expected application opening timeframe

Spring 2016 - April 30 and May 1 (confirmed)- November 2015 and January 2016

Fall 2016- Oct. 29 and 30 (proposed) May 2016

Notice for spring 2016 MCCQE Part II – General registration

To receive a notice when general registration opens for the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II, please submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.


Exam capacity

How will the capacity limits be applied?

Note: Application to the MCCQE Part II is now closed. We anticipate that application to the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II exam will open in November 2015.

The MCC must ensure that a large enough sample of first-time Canadian graduate candidates take the exam in each session to maintain the reliability, validity and comparability of scores.

Having a large enough sample of first-time Canadian graduate candidates in each session ensures that candidates taking the exam in a given session are not penalized or advantaged if they receive more difficult or easier OSCE stations. The level of difficulty can be determined and exam scores adjusted.

Capacity limits are also in place for other candidates. This will ensure that the exam is taken by a diverse group of candidates across both sessions, thus enabling physician examiners to better assess against a common standard.

MCC reserved a proportional number of spots in the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II session for eligible candidates who will pass the spring 2015 MCCQE Part I or fail the spring 2015 MCCQE Part II.

The caps for these three groups (first-time Canadian graduates; IMGs, US graduates and Canadian graduate repeat test takers; and candidates receiving results from the spring exams) have been further subdivided by English and French exam spots, as exam centres are language-specific. The caps have been proportionally set based on historical candidate volumes. Historical withdrawal rates were also taken into account and added to the number of spots available.

What happens after a capacity limit is reached?

Candidates who apply will be able to register until the cap for their group has been reached. Depending on the rate of application, candidates in certain groups will be able to continue to apply for the exam after capacity has been reached for other groups.

Once the limit has been reached for a specific group, candidates from that group going through the application process will be notified that spots are no longer available, and will be asked whether they want to be added to a pre-registration list for the following session.

Candidates on the pre-registration list will be provided the option of registering for the spring 2016 MCCQE Part II before general registration opens in fall 2015. The option of being added to the spring 2016 pre-registration list will only be available during the fall 2015 exam’s registration period to candidates who started the application process and could not submit an application because the limit had been reached for their group.

Why are capacity limits being introduced for the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II?

Over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in the number of candidates taking the MCCQE Part II. Exam sites have been able to accommodate the increased candidate numbers because they were more or less evenly distributed over the spring and fall session every year. Now, with the announcement of a new exam structure for family medicine starting in 2016, MCC is expecting that candidate demand for the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II will be very high.

After exploring several options to address this issue, the MCC will implement specific capacity limits – or caps – across candidate groups. This approach will allow the MCC to maintain the rigour and psychometric validity of exam scores while also ensuring that the exam will be offered in as many centres as possible across both the spring and fall sessions.

Can the exam capacity be increased?

The MCC has already added capacity to the fall 2015 exam (more than seven per cent increase over fall 2014 candidate volumes). We will also add more candidate spots in the fall of 2016. Additional capacity will be available given that the harmonized examination will not be offered. The “spots” from the harmonized exam will be transferred to the MCCQE Part II.

Can candidates be added to a wait list?

To be equitable, the MCC decided to add historical withdrawal rates to the number of spots available across all candidate groups instead of implementing a waiting list.

Implementing a waiting list might negatively impact fairness for candidates. For example, if we had someone withdraw after the registration closed, we would have candidates from the different groups on the waiting list. We would not necessarily be able to offer the spot to the person “next on the list”, given that we also have to ensure that a minimum number of first-time Canadian graduates take the exam across both sessions.

Are the limits impacted by the candidate’s centre choices?

The capacity limits are independent of the candidate’s centre choices. Once capacity has been reached for a given group (e.g., for English first-time Canadian graduates), any additional candidate from that group will be notified that this limit has been reached. Separate limits have been established for the three groups and then further sub-divided by language, but they are not impacted by the candidate’s centre choices.


Applicaion and eligibility

For eligibility to MCCQE Part II,the following must apply:

  1. you must have successfully passed the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I
  2. your final medical degree diploma must be successfully source verified
  3. you must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training (PGT) or of osteopathic postgraduate training,
    will have completed 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training (PGT) on or before the deadline of June 30 for the spring exam of the same calendar year or Dec. 31 for the fall exam of the same calendar year

For detailed application information, see the link below that applies to you.

Apply to the MCCQE Part II for the first time as:

Reapply to the MCCQE Part II as:

  • an international medical graduate (IMG)
  • a US medical graduate
  • a US medical graduate in osteopathic medicine
  • a Canadian medical graduate
  • an IMG or a US graduate with Canadian training

Processing of your applicaion

Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.

  • If the MCC has already reviewed and accepted the documentation confirming your eligibility, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your exam application.

Assessibility and test accommodations

Please review the accessibility and test accommodations information and instructions.

Applying for the MCCQE Part II

  • Candidates can apply for the MCCQE Part II through their physiciansapply.ca account only during specific application periods indicated under Examination at a glance.
  • Please note that the option to apply to the examination will only appear in the candidate’s account during specific application periods and only if the candidate meets all eligibility requirements.
  • To address anticipated high volumes of candidates and to maintain the reliability, validity and comparability of scores across exam sessions, capacity limits for the fall 2015 MCCQE Part II are being introduced. For additional information see Exam capacity.

To receive a notice when general registration opens for future examination sessions, submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.


Applying as an international medical graduate


  • you must have successfully passed the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I
  • your final medical degree diploma must be successfully source verified
  • you must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training (PGT) or will have completed 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training (PGT) on or before the deadline of June 30 for the spring exam of the same calendar year or Dec. 31 for the fall exam of the same calendar year

Note: Clerkships, clinical fellowships, memberships, and research or work positions do NOT qualify as postgraduate clinical medical training.

Documentation to submit

  • you must complete a Source Verification Request (SVR) for your PGT document. Given limited capacity for the MCCQE Part II, the MCC encourages international medical graduates to submit their PGT document before application opens for the examination.
    • complete a SVR for your PGT through your physiciansapply.ca account
    • if your PGT document is in a language other than English or French, a translation will be required

Applying through physiciansapply.ca

  • Candidates can apply for the MCCQE Part II through their physiciansapply.ca account only during specific application periods indicated under Examination at a glance.
  • Please note that the option to apply to the examination will only appear in the candidate’s account during specific application periods and only if the candidate meets all eligibility requirements.
  • Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.
    • If the system determines that all documentation required to confirm your examination eligibility has already been reviewed and accepted by the MCC, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your examination application.


Exam preparation resources

Clinical station examples

  • You can take a look at the following examples:
    • a history-taking and physical examination couplet station that includes a video of a candidate in the station, the candidate’s instructions, the examiner’s checklist and the post-encounter probe questions (with correct answers)
    • a ten-minute history-taking and physical examination station that includes the candidate’s instructions, and the examiner’s checklist
    • a history-taking and a physical examination couplet station. Both of these examples include the candidate’s instructions, the examiner’s checklist, and the post-encounter probe questions (with the correct answers).
    • a ten-minute history-taking station that includes the candidate’s instructions and the examiner’s checklist

For more information on clinical stations, please visit the following page: mcc.ca/examinations/mccqe-part-ii/clinical-stations

Candidate orientation presentation

The interactive orientation presentation is now available.

Objectives for the Qualifying Examination

The Medical Council of Canada uses the Objectives for the Qualifying Examination as the basis for the MCCQE Part I and II. The Objectives have been defined in behavioural terms, and reflect our expectations of competent physicians.

The assumption has been made that it is better to prevent than treat, and that rational treatment is possible only after a diagnosis has been established. The Objectives deal with data gathering, diagnostic clinical problem solving, and the principles of management, which are applicable, in part of or whole, to clinical situations faced by physicians.

The MCCQE Part II is based on common or critical patient presentations related to the Objectives. Consider organizing your study similarly, rather than studying by disease or body system. Working from common or critical presenting problems from different disciplines, by yourself or with others, will align your studying with the format of the examination. For each patient presentation, identify key diagnoses, the critical information needed for diagnosis (and to rule out the differential diagnoses) and to treat, list key aspects of the physical examination, and consider what investigations might be needed, as well as summarizing key aspects of initial management of each problem.

Transition to DSM-5

In May 2013 the American Psychiatric Association published the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Over 2014 and 2015, the MCCEE computer-based questions will be updated to include the new DSM-5 language. These updated questions will still include the DSM-IV-TR language, which will be featured in brackets after the DSM-5 terminology.

Candidates answering questions asked by the physician examiner, or providing written answers on the post-encounter probe, can use either DSM-5 or DSM-IV-TR language where appropriate.

For more information, please visit Medical Council of Canada transition to DSM-5.

Reference books

The Medical Council of Canada has compiled a list of reference books that may be helpful to you in your studies.

Common mistakes

Review a list of common mistakes candidates make when taking objective structured clinical examinations.

Other important information for candidates

To find out more about the examination, read about how to prepare for the OSCE station format.


评分 飞出国###





** OSCE评分方式**










为了这个最终目的,加拿大医务委员会咨询了20位来自全国各地、可以代表所有医学院的医生的意见,因为他们不仅各有所长,而且都具有多年监督医学生和住院医师的经验,之后才进行了严格的标准设定练习。MCC所使用的Borderline Group Method一直被世界上许多大型考试项目所运用。标准设定练习之后,中央考试委员会提出了实行这种全新的合格分数,该建议接受审查并获得了通过。中央考试委员会的成员是来自全国各地的医生和医学教育者,且嗾使考试委员会成员,由MCC负责选拔。该委员会负责保证考试质量并为所以应试者评定最终考试结果。






SOR包含应试者的最终考试结果、考试总分以及合格分数。其他信息包括总分和各项分数都由SFR提供。总分采用50到950分的标准分数范围。SFR中第一项中的分数显示的是应试者各项分数,表明其在4个方面的优势和劣势。所以,总分数和SFR中的分数无法进行比较,因为它们采用不同的评分范围。SOR和SFR可以通过physiciansapply.ca account查看。



该图表将各个检查点划分了等级,但是,实际上应试者在各个检查点的表现在某些情况下是相同(接近相同)或者没有差异的。 出现这样的变动之后,2015年的补充性反馈报告将由2页内容变成1页内容。


考试结果 飞出国###
















  • 通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户递交相关信息,包括请求重新评分的原因以及邮寄地址。
  • 填写信用卡认证表,其中包含相关费用。
  • 勾选同意MCCQE第二部分考试重新评分请求。
  • 将完整表格发送邮件到service@mcc.ca或发送传真到613-248-5234。




  • 各个考试部分的证明,包括一份完整评审文件(事件报告和医生意见)。
  • 计算机扫描答卷异常的认证,包括试卷破损、污迹等。
  • 医生鉴定完整的答卷与原始计算机数据不一致的认证。
  • 成绩单上的分数与计算机储存分数不一致的认证。










The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II is scored independently of the MCCQE Part I. To be awarded the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), a candidate must pass both the MCCQE Part I and Part II.

The MCCQE Part II, like all Medical Council of Canada (MCC) exams is a criterion-referenced exam. This means that candidates who meet or exceed the standard will pass the exam regardless of how well other candidates perform on it.

The MCCQE Part II component is evaluated by physician examiners based on the candidate’s performance at each station.

How are OSCE stations scored

Objectivity is achieved through the use of standardized guidelines, the training of physician examiners and of standardized patients, and the use of predetermined station-specific scoring instruments for objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) stations.

OSCE stations are scored by the physician examiner using a checklist of tasks (see sample OSCE cases below for details). In almost all stations, the physician examiner also scores selected rating scale items related to the candidate’s interactions with the patient. For example, the physician examiner may be rating the candidate on “Questioning Skills” and/or “Organization of Physical Examination” and/or “Rapport with Person”.

In the case of couplet stations where the candidate is required to answer written questions, the candidate is also scored on his or her answers in the post-encounter probe. Physician examiners score candidates’ answers following the exam. For examples of the post-encounter probe questions and the correct answers, view the post-encounter probe for the history-taking station or the physical examination station below.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate appropriate, ethical and professional behaviour. When filling out the physician examiner checklist, physician examiners are asked whether the candidate’s performance was unsatisfactory and to specify the reason(s) for the unsatisfactory performance. Physician examiners must also answer the question: Did this candidate demonstrate a lapse in professional behaviour? If answering “yes”, the physician examiners must then elaborate on the observed lapse.

How are total scores and subscores calculated on the MCCQE Part II?

Each station is worth the same as every other station and a candidate’s total score is the average of his or her station scores. The total score is adjusted to reflect the level of difficulty of the stations experienced by candidates on a given exam date. The MCC reports scores on a standard-score format ranging from 50 to 950.

Sub-scores are calculated by converting each item to a percentage (i.e., checklist, rating scale, written or oral questions) across the 12 stations and taking the average of the percentages associated with each domain. There are four domain sub-scores reported on the MCCQE Part II: Data Acquisition, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Patient/Physician Interaction, and C²LEO (the Considerations of the Cultural-Communication, Legal, Ethical, and Organizational aspects of the practice of medicine).

How is the pass score established?

The MCC conducts a standard setting exercise every three to five years to ensure that the standard and the pass score remain appropriate. Standard setting is a process used to define an acceptable level of performance and to establish a pass score.

To this end, the MCC completed a rigorous standard setting exercise based on expert judgments from a panel of 20 physicians across the country that represented faculties of medicine, different specialties, and years of experience supervising students and residents. The Borderline Group Method used by MCC has been successfully employed (and defended) with a number of large-scale exam programs around the world. Following the standard setting exercise, the new pass score was brought forward to the Central Examination Committee (CEC) which reviewed and approved the recommendation. The CEC is represented by physicians and medical educators from across the country. The members of this Committee are chairs of our examination test committees and are appointed by Council. The CEC is responsible for the quality of our examinations and awards final results to our candidates (e.g., pass, fail).

Using the spring 2015 results of all MCCQE Part II candidates, the new scale was established to have a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100. Candidate results from the spring 2015 and subsequent exam sessions will be reported on this new scale allowing us to compare candidate performance across sessions beginning with the spring 2015 session. For example, a mean score of 510 on a future administration would indicate a stronger performance of that group than the spring 2015 group that had a mean of 500. On this new scale, the pass score that was recommended from the standard setting panel and approved by the CEC is 509. This pass score will remain in place for subsequent MCCQE Part II sessions.

Prior to 2015, the pass score for the MCCQE Part II was 475 on the old 50 to 950 scale. The new pass score (509) translates to 494 on the old scale.

How is a pass/fail decision made?

A candidate’s final result (e.g., pass, fail) is determined by his or her total score and where it falls in relation to the examination pass score. A total score equal to or greater than the pass score is a pass and a total score less than the pass score is a fail. The candidate’s performance is judged in relation to the examination pass score and not judged on how well other individuals performed.

What will appear on the Statement of Results (SOR) and on the Supplemental Feedback Report (SFR)?

The SOR includes the candidate’s final result and total score, as well as the pass score. Additional information about the total and sub-scores is provided on the SFR. The total score is reported on a standard-score scale ranging from 50 to 950. In contrast, the score profile in Figure 1 of the SFR displays a candidate’s domain sub-scores that indicate a candidate’s relative strengths and weaknesses in four areas. As a result, total scores cannot be compared to the score profile in the SFR as both are reported on different scales. Both the SOR and the SFR are made available through the candidate’s physiciansapply.ca account.

New in 2015 – changes to the SFR

Candidates from previous sessions may recall that their report contained a table with stations listed from high performance to low performance. As of 2015, the MCC has removed this table from the SFR as the information it contained, while correct, could be misinterpreted and/or misleading.

The table provided a rank order of stations, but candidate performance in some cases was equal, close to equal, or not equidistant across all stations. As a result of this change, in 2015 the report will be one page instead of two.



Release of results

Examination results are confirmed by the MCC Central Examination Committee, which meets in June for the spring administration and in December for the fall administration.

After result confirmation, candidates will receive an email notification stating that they can verify their pass/fail result through their physiciansapply.ca account. The Statement of Results and the supplemental feedback report will be posted in candidates’ physiciansapply.ca accounts shortly thereafter. For candidates who have passed the examination, the MCC will also send out a package by mail with the candidate’s Licentiate documents.

Candidates applying to an organization that requires submission of certified copies of the Statement of Results or the supplemental feedback report can request that the MCC send certified copies. There is an administrative fee for this service

To prevent errors or fraud and for reasons of confidentiality, results cannot be given over the phone, by fax or by email.

How results are communicated

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) issues candidates a Statement of Results through their physiciansapply.ca account. The Statement of Results includes the candidate’s final result and final score as well as the score that was required to pass the examination. The MCC also provides supplemental feedback on candidates’ examination performance through their physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC has prepared a help file to assist candidates in interpreting their MCCQE Part II supplemental feedback report.

Licenciate packages

Candidates should ensure that the mailing address the MCC has on file is up to date so that the Licentiate packages are sent to the correct address. The MCC must receive an address change at least two weeks before the mailing of Licentiate packages. If a candidate does not submit a change in address, he or she will be required to wait for the original package to be returned to the MCC so that it can be redirected to the new address. Candidates should update their mailing address through their physiciansapply.ca account.


The MCC does not limit the number of times a candidate may attempt the MCCQE Part II. However, candidates with a pass result on the MCCQE Part II cannot retake the examination in an attempt to obtain a higher score.

Rescore requests

Only candidates who have failed the MCCQE Part II can request a rescore; candidates with a pass result are not eligible for the rescoring service.

It is important for candidates to note that scores are verified several times before results are released. Given this scrutiny, it is unlikely that rescoring the examination will produce a change in result.

Candidates who wish to have their examination rescored must:

  • Submit a message through their physiciansapply.ca account that includes an explanation for the rescore request and their mailing address
  • Complete a Credit card authorization form including the applicable fee
  • Check the box next to “Other Fee” and indicate “Rescore request – MCCQE Part II
  • Send the completed form by email (service@mcc.ca) or fax (613-248-5234)

Fees are refunded if a rescore leads to a change in the final result (i.e., change from fail to pass).

Deadlines for filing MCCQE Part II rescore requests are September 1 for the spring exam and March 1 for the fall exam.

An MCCQE Part II rescore includes the following steps:

  • Authentication of all parts of your examination, including a complete file review (incident reports and physician comments)
  • Verification of the computer-scanned answer sheets for anomalies (torn sheets, stray marks, ink marks, etc.)
  • Verification of raw computer data against physician-completed answer sheets
  • Verification of the computer file scores against those reported in the result letter

A rescore does NOT include a re-evaluation of the candidate’s performance by additional examiners.

If the rescoring produces a change in final result, the MCC will issue a new Statement of Results and Supplemental Feedback Report to the candidate through his or her physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC will also send out a package by mail with the candidate’s Licentiate documents.

Rescores are processed within four to six weeks from the date they are received.


Any MCCQE Part II candidate who has been denied standing, including any denial of entry to future examinations, or who considers that the results of an examination have been prejudiced by the conduct of the examination may appeal to the Appeals Committee. Candidates cannot seek to appeal the content on the examination.

Any candidate wishing to launch an appeal must notify the Executive Director in writing within 45 days of the decision of the Central Examination Committee. For more information on the appeal process for the MCCQE Part II, please review the MCC bylaws.

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