加拿大医务委员会-CA-MCC (The Medical Council of Canada) -3


报名资格 飞出国



  • 应试者必须是:
    • 国际医学毕业生;
    • 国际医学专业学生;
    • 美国骨科医学院校毕业生; 或者
    • 美国骨科医学院校学生。
  • 应试者必须已经顺利通过加拿大医务委员会评估考试(MCCEE)
    • 应试者必须首先参加MCCEE考试,判断自己是否具备足够的基本医学知识参加NAC考试。
    • 该要求确保只有那些最有可能通过考试的人士才会在加拿大参加NAC考试,并支付相关费用。
      • 医学学生
        • 在报考MCCEE考试时,递交过学生证明表的应试者,不必再次递交学生证明表。
          • 但是,递交学生证明表之后,无论发生任何变化都需要递交其他表格,反映变化的情况。
      • 医学毕业生
        • 报考MCCEE考试之后才毕业的毕业生,必须通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户为自己的学历/学位建立资源验证请求,并且必须递交一份学历/学位证复印件。


  • NAC考试每年只举行一次。
  • 自2011年起,每个人最多只能报考3次NAC考试。
  • 自2005年起,凡是NAC考试合格的应试者将不能再次报考该考试。
  • 2011年之后(包括2011年当年)没有通过该考试的应试者,可以报考一年一次的NAC考试,但最多只可以报考3次。
  • 应试者最近的考试结果将长期有效。如果应试者参加该考试不止一次,那么,只有最近的考试结果才有效。


  • 应试者可以通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户在具体报名时间段内报考NAC考试。
  • 注意:只有在具体报名时间段内且应试者符合所有报考条件时,其physiciansapply.ca个人账户才会出现报考该考试的选项。



  • 一旦系统确认考试资格证明文件已经接受MCC审查并获得其认可,很快就会通过其他途径得知自己的考试申请已经获得批准。


  1. 即将于2016年春天毕业的应试者可以在毕业时间之前20个月,也就是2014年秋天报考MCCEE考试。之前的要求是医学院校学生可以在毕业前12个月报考MCCEE考试。之所以时间限制由12个月变更到20个月,是为了方便国际医学毕业生可以在CaRMS截止时间之前同时报考MCCEE考试和NAC考试。

  2. 一旦MCCEE报考申请通过,应试者就必须参加2015年3月份的MCCEE考试。因为对于希望在2016年3月1日之前参加NAC考试的应试者来说,2015年3月份的MCCEE考试是最后一次机会。


  1. 2015年9月份的考试结果将会在CaRMS报考2016年3月份R-1 Residency过程中及时公布。

Accessibility and test accommodations

请查看: accessibility and test accommodations 信息与说明.

注意: 由AIMG项目审查合格的应试者在艾伯塔NAC考试现场会被优先安置。艾伯塔NAC考点考试座位采用先到先得的考试制度。



选择考试中心 飞出国###


  • 在线报考NAC考试时,可以按照优先次序选择3个考试中心。MCC会尽力满足优先选择的考试中心。如果只选择一个考试中心,被安排到一个具体考试中心的可能性不会更大。
  • 只有蒙特利尔考试中心的NAC考试才采取法语和英语两种语言。考试报名时,必须选择自己在蒙特利尔考试中心参加考试所使用的语言。
  • NAC考试可以在任何考试地点参加,而且,不论在哪儿参加考试,都可以获得移民项目的认可。所以,应试者参加考试的地点并不局限于他们申请移民的省份。


  • 考试中心安排之后,所有合格的应试者都会在7月初收到一份通知。该通知将告诉你怎样通过个人账户查看考试中心安排。
  • 之后大约2周,所有应试者还会收到另一份通知。该通知将告诉你目前可以通过个人账户查看准考证,此外,还会告诉你如何查看和打印准考证。
  • 尽管MCC通过与IMG项目合作尽量满足应试者考试中心要求,但是,MCC不能保证能安排到优先选择的考试中心。
  • 报名期间,当选择考试中心之后,必须明确一点,如果MCC不能安排优先选择的考试中心,是否接受安排的其他考试中心。
    • 报名期间,如果明确表示自己不会考虑其他考试中心,那么,如果MCC不能安排优先选择的考试中心,考试申请将被取消,部分可退还的NAC考试费将会退回你的个人账户。
    • 报名期间,如果明确表示自己可以考虑其他考试中心,那么你将会被安排到最近的考试中心。
  • 考试中心确定之后,有关2015年9月份考试的考试中心更改请求必须在2015年7月23日星期四之前递交给MCC,才有可能被考虑。




  • 你可以考虑请求更改2015年9月份考试的考试中心,但前提是,书面请求必须在2015年7月23日星期四之前递交给MCC,并且,申请的考试中心尚有可用考试座位。
  • 考试中心更改请求获得批准之后,你将必须通过个人账户支付一定相关费用。
  • 不允许更改考试时间。
    • 例如,你本来是参加2015年9月份的考试,但是,你打算把考试推迟到2016年3月份或更晚的考试,在这种情况下,你将不得不取消报考申请,再次申请报考该考试。

注意: 考试中心安排工作启动之后,发生变动的可能性极小。

Application and eligibility


Requirements for first-time applicants

  • Candidates must be a/an:
    • International medical graduate;
    • International medical student;
    • Graduate of a U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine; or
    • Student of a U.S. School of Osteopathic Medicine.
  • Candidates must also have passed the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE)
    • Candidates need to take the MCCEE first to determine whether they have the basic medical knowledge for the NAC exam.
    • This requirement ensures that only those who are most likely to have success incur the expenses related to taking the NAC exam in Canada.
      • Students
        • Candidates are not required to resubmit a Student Attestation Form if they already did so when applying for the MCCEE.
          • However, if there are changes since submitting the Student Attestation Form, another form will be required reflecting the changes.
      • Graduates
        • Candidates who graduated since applying for the MCCEE must create a source verification request (SVR) for their diploma/degree through their physiciansapply.ca account and submit a copy of their diploma/degree.

Requirements for repeat applicants

  • The NAC examination can only be taken once per calendar year.
  • The NAC examination can be taken a maximum of three times (effective 2011).
  • Eligible candidates who have a pass standing on the NAC examination (most recent result) will not be eligible to retake the examination (effective 2015).
  • In the event of a fail standing in 2011 or later, eligible candidates can attempt the examination once per calendar year, to a maximum of three attempts.
  • A candidate’s most recent result remains valid indefinitely (no longer expires). If a candidate takes the examination more than once, the most recent result will be the valid result.

Application to the NAC examination

  • Candidates can apply for the NAC through their physiciansapply.ca account only during specific application periods indicated under Examination at a glance.
  • Please note that the option to apply to the examination will only appear in the candidate’s account during specific application periods and only if the candidate meets all eligibility requirements.

Processing of your application

Please allow up to three weeks for the processing of your application.

  • If the system determines that all documentation required to confirm your examination eligibility has already been reviewed and accepted by the MCC, you may quickly receive another communication confirming acceptance of your examination application.

Timing of MCCEE and NAC examination for candidates seeking a residency position on July 1, 2016

  1. Candidates graduating in spring 2016 will be able to apply for the MCCEE 20 months before their graduation date, i.e. as of fall 2014. Previously, the requirement was for students to take the MCCEE in the final 12 months of their medical school program. The change from 12 months to 20 months was made to enable international medical students to challenge both the MCCEE and the NAC examination prior to the CaRMS deadline.
  2. Once their application to the MCCEE is accepted, these candidates must take the MCCEE by the March 2015 session. The March 2015 session is the last possible chance for candidates to take the MCCEE if they also wish to take the NAC examination prior to the 2016 CaRMS R-1 Match.
  3. Candidates who have taken the MCCEE in March 2015 or earlier and who have received a pass result can apply for the September 2015 NAC examination in spring 2015.
  4. Results from the September 2015 NAC examination will be provided in time for the CaRMS application process for the 2016 R-1 Residency Match.

Accessibility and test accommodations

Please review the accessibility and test accommodations information and instructions.

Note: Candidates that are screened and deemed eligible by the AIMG program will be given priority placement at the Alberta NAC exam sites. Remaining available spaces at the Alberta NAC sites will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information on the AIMG program, visit http://www.aimg.ca.

Application to future NAC examination sessions

To receive a notice when registration opens for future examination sessions, submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.


Centre selection

Centre selection

  • When applying for the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) examination online, you can choose three examination centres in order of preference. The MCC will make every attempt to accommodate your exam centre preference. The likelihood of being assigned to a particular centre does not improve if you choose only one centre.
  • The NAC exam is offered both in French and in English only at the Montreal centre and is identified as Montreal (EN/FR). At time of registration, you must designate in which language you want to take the exam at the Montreal exam site.
  • The NAC examination can be taken at any of the examination sites and will be accepted by residency program directors regardless of where it was taken. Candidates do not have to take the examination in the province in which they will apply for residency.

Centre assignment

  • A message will be sent by early July to all accepted candidates once the examination centres have been assigned. This message will explain how to view your centre assignment through your account.
  • Approximately two weeks following centre assignment, a message will be sent to all candidates informing them that their entrance card package is now available through their account, and instructions on how to view and print the entrance card package will be provided in this message.
  • In collaboration with IMG partner programs, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) makes every effort to accommodate candidates’ centre choices; however, the MCC cannot guarantee assignment to your preferred centre.
  • Once you have chosen your centres during the online application, you must indicate whether or not you would accept assignment to another centre in the event that the MCC cannot assign you to one of your centre choices:
    • If you indicated, during the online application, that you did not wish to consider other centres, and the MCC cannot assign you to one of your centres, your application will be withdrawn and the refundable portion of the NAC examination fee paid (i.e., the examination fee minus the withdrawal examination fee) will be credited to your account.
    • If you indicated, during the online application, that you would accept assignment to other centers, you will be assigned to the nearest available centre.
  • Once a centre has been assigned, a request for a change of examination centre for the September 2015 session will be considered only if received by Thursday, July 23, 2015.

Scheduling conflict (centre assignment)

If you have a significant conflict with respect to your centre assignment, you must send a message through your account, accompanied by supporting documentation. If the request is approved, a centre change fee will apply.

Centre change request

  • A centre change request will be considered for the September 2015 session, provided that a written request is submitted to the MCC by Thursday, July 23, 2015 and space is available at the requested centre.
  • The applicable centre change fee will be charged to your account only if the change can be accommodated.
  • You cannot “change” examination sessions.
    • For example, if you are assigned to take the examination in the September session and you wish to delay taking the examination until the March 2016 session or beyond, you will need to withdraw your application and reapply.

Note: Opportunities for change are very limited once the centre assignment process has taken place.

以下内容来源: StackPath

退出考试 飞出国


  1. 点击页面左侧的考试
  2. 点击页面中心底部退出考试,然后按照步骤进行操作。





  • physiciansapply.ca个人账户中的退款金额是申请费用减去退出管理费用,这些留在个人账户中的退款可以以后使用。
  • 如果打算取出退款,必须通过physiciansapply.ca个人账户向我们递交相关信息,我们收到信息后会将退款退还到你最初支付时使用的信用卡。
  • 考试报名期间支付的其他管理费用都不可退还。





OSCE考点描述 飞出国###









以下内容来源: StackPath


To withdraw from the September 2015 session of the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) examination, you must do so through your physiciansapply.ca account as follows:

  1. Click on Examinations in the left panel
  2. Click on Withdraw from an exam at the bottom of the centre panel and follow the steps

Transfers to a later session are not permitted. You must withdraw and reapply when you wish to take the examination.

Partial refund eligibility

You will be eligible for a partial refund only if you withdraw your application through your physiciansapply.ca account, by the withdrawal deadline date of July 2, 2015 – 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time.

Partial refund:

  • The application fee will be returned to your physiciansapply.ca account minus a withdrawal administration fee and the reimbursed funds will remain on your account for future use.
  • If you wish to obtain a refund, you must submit a message through your physiciansapply.ca account informing us of this and once we receive your message, the refund will be applied to the original credit card you used to make payment.
  • Any other administration fees paid in the course of the examination application are non-refundable.

Please note that all funds on a candidate’s account that remain in an inactive state for three (3) full calendar years will be forfeited as of Dec. 31 of the third full calendar year.

Late withdrawal or absence on the day of exam

All fees will be forfeited if you did not withdraw before the withdrawal deadline date or if you are absent on the day of the examination.


OSCE station description

The National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) examination consists of a series of stations based on presentations of clinical scenarios. For a given administration, each candidate rotates through the same series of stations including pilot stations that do not count towards a candidate’s final score. Each station is 11 minutes in length with two minutes between stations. Note: As of 2014,Therapeutic knowledge will be assessed within the OSCE portion of the examination. There is no longer a written component to this exam.

At each station, a brief written statement introduces a clinical problem and outlines the candidate’s tasks (e.g. take a history, perform a physical examination, etc.). In each station, there is at least one standardized patient and a physician examiner. A standardized patient is either a healthy person or a person with chronic stable findings who has been trained to present a real patient’s signs and/or symptoms in a reliable and consistent manner. Candidates should interact with standardized patients as they would with their own patients. This includes draping a patient as appropriate for different elements of a physical examination (regardless of their gender). Most standardized patients that are to be physically examined are already in hospital gowns, but the gowns may be removed as part of the examination. Interacting with standardized patients also includes questioning them and responding to their problems, as you would with a real patient. Your interaction with the standardized patient is part of what the physician examiner is assessing.

In general, you will not interact with the physician examiner. An examiner may prompt you once if he or she believes that you have misunderstood the directions; e.g., you are pursuing a history during the physical examination station. They may also intervene if they believe there is a problem for the standardized patient.

The physician examiner observes the patient encounter. For most stations, the candidate will be asked to respond to a series of standardized oral questions asked by the physician examiner after eight minutes with the standardized patient. The candidate instructions (posted on the door and in the room) will indicate whether there are physician examiner oral questions at the eight-minute mark or not.

It is not your ability to do and be all things at each station that contributes to a good assessment; it is your ability to focus on the assigned task, as well as the given patient problem. For example, if you are asked to conduct a focused physical examination on a patient with acute onset of shortness of breath, the challenge is to prioritize, organize and conduct a physical examination that is appropriate to the degree of respiratory distress presented by the standardized patient in the time allowed for the station. The ability to decide what is necessary for a patient problem, given limited information and time, is critical to success on the examination.

Physician examiners may intervene to provide you with information or results. For instance, in a physical examination station, a physician examiner may be directed to give a blood pressure reading or results of an ophthalmoscopic examination. They can only do this if they are so instructed by the scoring instruments and only if you have initiated the examination maneuver. The intention is to save you time by allowing you to move on to other sections of the physical examination.

Similarly, physician examiners may provide results for some tests. This only occurs at those stations where you are expected to order tests or investigations. However, results are not given for all the tests or investigations that are ordered. This point is important, as ordering a certain laboratory investigation may be a correct procedure, even if no results are forthcoming.

In some administrations there may be observers or second examiners. These individuals are introduced as part of the quality assurance process and for ongoing assessment.

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