加拿大医务委员会-CA-MCC (The Medical Council of Canada) -2


考试当天 飞出国


  • 必须携带2种政府签发的有效身份证件到Prometric考试中心。
    • 这两种身份文件必须包含个人照片和签字。
      • 符合条件的身份证件包括:
        • 护照
        • 驾照
        • 其他政府签发的附有照片的有效证件。
  • 身份证件中的名字必须和MCCEE考试网上报名信息中的名字保持一致。
  • 身份证件中的名字和MCCEE考试报名中的名字不一致时,请在预约考试日期之前尽快联系MCC。
  • 没有合适的身份证件,不但不能参加考试,考试报名费用也将被没收。
  • 有些应试者,包括所有在加拿大考点参加考试的应试者,必须经过指纹确认后才可以参加考试,此外,进入考场后,必须保证诚信考试、不作弊、不携带违反考试规定的考试工具、不进行任何违反考试规定的行为。


  • 在预约的考试日期当天,请提前30分钟到达Prometric考试中心。
  • 当不了解预约的考试日期相关信息时,可以随时在Prometric官网查看考试中心地址和预约的考试日期和开始时间。
  • 查询该信息时,必须知道自己预约考试时间时获得的16位数字确认号码。
  • 如果在预约的考试日期当天没有按时到达考试现场,那么,很可能不能参加该考试,考试费用也会因此被没收。



  • 向考试工作人员提供2种身份证件。
  • 签字。
  • 把所有个人物品存储在储物柜中。


  • 考试之前,必须根据考试中心工作人员的要求把携带的任何笔记、书籍、纸张、收音机、手机、录音机、相机、电子记事本、有记忆功能的手表以及其他机械或电子设备存放在考试中心个人安全储物柜。
  • 考试过程中禁止使用这些材料,即使任何未经预约的间歇也不允许。进入考场之后,考试工作人员会提供草稿纸,考试结束之后,必须把草稿纸也一起上交。


  • 考试工作人员会带领你到考试区域内指定电脑旁。
  • 考试期间,考试中心工作人员负责考试的监考工作。
  • 视频监控:根据MCC考试管理规定以及为了保证考试质量,一些考试中心会安装摄像机对每个考试地点的考试行为进行监控和记录。而且,考试中心会张贴通知,告知应试者该考试将会进行录像。视频文件中所包含的应试者的所有个人信息都会根据MCC隐私策略有关规定进行处理。
  • 考试结束之前,除非有考试中心工作人员的陪同,否则,不能离开考场。考试期间,不允许与外界人员有任何接触。




使用说明: 考试开始之前,你会首先接触到一段简短的使用说明,有助于你熟悉计算机考试软件的操作。操作使用说明时选择的答案不会影响考试成绩。如果已经熟悉了该使用说明,可以选择直接进入考试。

**注意: **








根据《Standard 8.2 of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing》有关规定,MCC保护所有应试者考试成绩的隐私并匿名保留所有应试者的综合数据。


考试准备资源 飞出国###




MCC提供的自我管理评估考试(SAE-EE)是一个包含96道多项选择题的在线实践考试,主要面向国际医学毕业生和打算检测自己的水平为MCCEE考试做准备的国际医学生。该考试在任何时间都有多种考试形式。尽管SAE-EE不涉及MCCEE所有材料,但是提供的样题类型和风格很可能出现在MCCEE中,所以,可以辅助MCCEE考试。所有的SAE-EE考试(包括EE 1、EE 2、EE 3、 EE 4和 EE 5)试题难度都一样。考试结束之后,你会马上收到考试结果邮件,得知自己回答正确的考题数量以及考试表现和其他应试者的考试表现的比较。


把资格考试目标作为学习指南,将有助于应试者准备MCCEE考试。注意: 资格考试目标包含在临床资料中。每个临床考试资料中都包含一套学习目标,这些实际上是所有MCC考试应试者都应该了解的。



注意: MCCEE在线测试当前版本旨在为应试者考试相关信息,目前正在处于更新状态,最新版本完成后将会第一时间在MCC官网发布。











Exam Day

Identification documentation

  • You must take two pieces of valid government-issued identity documentation with you to the Prometric examination centre.
    • The two identity documents must contain your photograph and signature.
      • Examples of acceptable identity documentation include:
        • a passport
        • a driver’s license
        • other valid, government-issued pieces of photo identification.
  • The name on your identification documents must match the name that you indicated on your online MCCEE examination application.
  • If the name on your identification documents is not consistent with the name on your MCCEE application, please contact the MCC as soon as possible before your scheduled examination date.
  • If you do not have proper identification, you will not be allowed to take the examination and your examination fee will be forfeited.
  • Some candidates, including all those taking the examination in Indian test sites, will be required by Prometric to provide their fingerprints for entry to the exam and upon their exit from the exam to, amongst other things, preserve the integrity of the exam, guard against exam fraud and proxy testing, and to investigate misconduct.

Arrival time

  • On the date of your scheduled examination appointment, please arrive at your Prometric examination center thirty minutes before your scheduled start time.
  • If you did not note the information at the time of scheduling your examination appointment, you can view the address of your examination centre and your scheduled examination date and start time at any time through the Prometric website.
    • In order to access this information, you will need the 16-digit Confirmation Number that you obtained at the time of scheduling your examination appointment.
  • If you arrive late for your scheduled examination appointment, you may not be allowed to take the examination, in which case your examination fee would be forfeited.

Registration on examination day

When you arrive at the examination centre, you will be asked to:

  • Present your two pieces of identification to the examination staff.
  • Sign in.
  • Store all of your personal belongings in a locker.

You will not be allowed to bring any materials with you into the examination room (e.g. documents, paper, cell phones or other electronic devices).

  • Candidates who may have brought any notes, books, paper, radio, cellular phone, tape-recorder, camera, pager, electronic organizer, watch with a memory capability, or any other mechanical or electronic device into the examination centre must deposit them with the examination center staff before the examination begins, for storage in a personal secure locker provided at the examination center.
    • Use of these materials is prohibited while the examination is in progress including during unscheduled breaks.Writing materials will be provided to you once you have entered the examination room. You must return these writing materials to the examination staff once you have completed the examination.

In the examination room

  • An examination centre staff member will lead you to your assigned computer in the testing area.
  • During the examination, candidates will be monitored by examination centre staff.
  • Video surveillance: In accordance with the rules governing the administration of MCC examinations and for quality control purposes, video cameras are installed in certain examination centres to allow the surveillance and recording of the conduct of the examination at each testing station. Notices will be posted in those examination centres to advise candidates that the examination session will be videotaped. Candidate’s personal information contained in the video recordings will be treated according to the provisions contained in the MCC Privacy Policy.
  • You will not be permitted to leave the examination room before having completed the examination, unless accompanied by a member of the examination centre staff. No outside contact is allowed during the examination session.

Improper benaviour

If a candidate appears to be giving or receiving information during the examination, the personnel in charge of the examination is authorized to change the candidate’s location in the examination room or to immediately terminate the examination for this candidate. The examination centre staff is required to make a full report of all such occurrences to the MCC, which may lead to serious consequences, including, but not limited to, being barred from future MCC examinations.

Taking the examination

Tutorial: The examination will begin with a brief tutorial to help you become familiar with how the computer and examination software work. The answers that you choose during the tutorial do not contribute to your score on the examination. If you are already familiar with the tutorial, you can choose to skip it and proceed directly with the examination.

Note: The MCC website also offers the Online Demo MCCEE Sample Test which demonstrates how the computer-based examination works and which you can take before your examination date.

You will have four hours to complete the examination. Once you start the examination, you cannot stop the examination clock. The computer will keep track of how much time you have left to complete the examination. Your examination appointment is over when you complete the examination or when you run out of testing time, whichever happens first.

Once your examination is over, you must sign out and retrieve your personal belongings from the locker. At that time, you will be given a Test Completion Notice, which is a confirmation of having taken the MCCEE. This notice does not include your examination results/score.

Rules of conduct

The MCC maintains strict security of the content of the MCCEE before, during and after each examination. All Examination Materials are the property of the MCC and are protected by Copyright.

Any unauthorized reproduction or dissemination of any Examination Materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. You must abide by the MCCEE Terms and Conditions that you agreed to as part of your online application to the examination. The MCC may take disciplinary measures and legal remedies against any candidate or others who violate these Terms and Conditions.


The MCC protects the privacy of all candidate results and maintains the anonymity of candidates in any aggregate data produced by the MCC in accordance with Standard 8.2 of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.

For further information, please see the MCC Privacy Policy.


Exam preparation resources

Frequently asked questions

Candidates are encouraged to review the MCCEE frequently asked questions page.

Self Administered Evaluating Examination

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) offers the Self Administered Evaluating Examination, an online 96 multiple-choice question practice examination intended for international medical graduates and international medical students wishing to test their level of preparedness for the MCCEE. Multiple forms are available at any given time. The Self Administered Evaluating Examination (SAE – EE) does not cover all material in the MCCEE. However, it does provide a sample of the type and style of questions that may be found in the MCCEE and can serve as a study aid. All Self Administered Evaluating Examination (EE 1, EE 2, EE 3, EE 4, EE 5) are all at the same level of difficulty, (e.g., EE 5 is not more difficult than EE 1 or EE 2, etc.). Following completion, feedback is immediately emailed to participants
on the number of correctly answered questions as well as a comparison of their performance to those of other MCCEE participants.

Objectives for the Qualifying Examination

Using the Objectives for the Qualifying Examination as a study guide may be helpful for candidates preparing for the MCCEE. Note that the objectives are organized in terms of clinical presentations. Under each clinical presentation is a set of learning objectives that are exactly what candidates have to know for any of the MCC examinations.

When studying for an examination, candidates should systematically go through each clinical presentation and carefully read the related objectives. If candidates feel that their knowledge or skill related to a given objective is
weak, then they know that this objective needs further study and will require them to consult a medical reference/textbook. MCC test committee members use the clinical presentations and learning objectives listed in this resource when creating test questions.

MCCEE Online Demo

NOTICE: Please be advised that the current version of the MCCEE Online Demo is presently being updated and is only intended for information purposes. The latest version will be posted on the MCC website as soon as it is available.

View the MCCEE Online Demo.

The MCCEE Online Demo provides a demonstration of how the computer-based Evaluating Examination operates. Candidates will be able to view a series of screens to familiarize themselves with the computer testing environment. This will give candidates an opportunity to learn about each feature before using it in the actual examination. They will be instructed on how to use the mouse and the different parts of the screen.

The MCCEE Online Demo includes 10 sample questions. The correct answers are not provided and answers to these questions will not be scored. The last screen of the sample test shows the Item Reviewing feature
that replicates what will be seen on the actual examination. The Item Reviewing feature has not been activated for the MCCEE Online Demo and is only shown as an example of the Item Reviewing screen.

Multiple-choice question examples

A free demonstration of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I can be taken online and contains similar multiple-choice questions to those on the MCCEE.

Transition to DSM-5

In May 2013 the American Psychiatric Association published the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Over 2014 and 2015, the MCCEE computer-based questions will be updated to include the new DSM-5 language. These updated questions will still include the DSM-IV-TR language, which will be featured in brackets after the DSM-5 terminology.

We expect that the first MCCEE administration to include updated questions will be the November 2014 session.

For more information, please visit Medical Council of Canada transition to DSM-5.

Reference books

The MCC has compiled a list of reference books that may be helpful in preparing for the examination.


评分 飞出国









考试成绩 飞出国###



















The Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) is a four-hour computer-based examination consisting of 180 multiple-choice questions. Of these 180 questions, 150 are scored questions and 30 are non-scored questions.

The 30 non-scored questions are included for quality assurance and/or research purposes, as well as to monitor the performance of the overall examination or specific test questions. While the non-scored questions do not count toward the final score or final result, they are not identified as non-scored questions. Candidates are encouraged to do as well as they can on every question.

Test questions are calibrated on an ability scale resulting in a difficulty being assigned to each question.The determination of each candidate’s final score and pass/fail result take into account the question difficulty, as well as whether or not the candidate answered the question correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers. Therefore, it is always advantageous to make a “best guess” even when uncertain of an answer.

MCC examination scores are reported in a standard-score format, which are distributions scaled to have a predetermined mean and/or standard deviation. A candidate’s pass/fail result is based on where his or her standard score falls in relation to the pass/fail mark established for the examination. A candidate’s performance is judged in relation to the pass score for the examination and not judged on how well other individuals have performed on the examination. Candidates can, however, compare their performance to other candidates because standard scores also provide information on where a candidate stands in relation to other candidates.

The MCCEE results are reported on a standard-score scale that ranges from 50 to 500. The scores are reported on a scale on which the mean or average score is approximately 271, the standard deviation is 50, and the pass mark is always 250. Due to the nature of the examination and the different difficulty for each question, results are not presented as a percentage. The MCCEE scores can be interpreted in relation to the mean MCCEE score. For example, a score of 321 is one standard deviation above the mean score of 271 (271 + 50). A score of 371 is two standard deviations above the mean score of 271 (271 + (2*50)). The distance from the mean MCCEE score of 271 indicates, in general, how performance for one candidate relates to other candidates that have taken the same examination.

In addition to providing candidates with their final score, the MCC provides supplemental feedback on candidates’ examination performance. The MCC has prepared a help file to assist candidates in interpreting their MCCEE supplemental feedback report.

Note that the MCCEE was scored differently prior to 2007. Candidates who took the examination prior to 2007 would have had their scores established and reported differently than those of current candidates. As such, scores obtained prior to 2007 should not be compared to those obtained after this period. For more information, please contact us.



Release of results

Approximately seven weeks after the last day of the examination session, candidates will receive an email notification stating that they can verify their pass/fail result through their physiciansapply.ca accounts. The Statement of Results and the supplemental feedback report will be posted in candidates’ physiciansapply.ca accounts shortly thereafter. In order to prevent errors or fraud and for reasons of confidentiality, results cannot be given over the phone, by fax or by email.

How results are communicated

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) issues candidates a Statement of Results through their physiciansapply.ca account. The Statement of Results includes the candidate’s final result and total score as well as the score that was required to pass the examination. The MCC also provides supplemental feedback on candidates’ examination performance through their physiciansapply.ca accounts. The MCC has also prepared a help file to assist candidates in interpreting their MCCEE supplemental feedback report.
Candidates applying to an organization that requires submission of certified copies of the Statement of Results or the supplemental feedback report can request that the MCC send certified copies. There is an administrative fee for this service.


The MCC does not limit the number of times a candidate may attempt the MCCEE. However, candidates with a pass result on the MCCEE cannot retake the examination in an attempt to obtain a higher score.

Rescore requests

Only candidates who have failed the MCCEE can request a rescoring of their examination; candidates with a pass result are not eligible for the rescoring service. Requests for a rescoring from candidates who failed the examination will be accepted up to three months following the date of the examination, upon receipt of a written request and a credit card payment of the applicable fee.

To request a rescore, see Rescoring by the MCC.

After the examination, final results are verified at least three times before being sent to candidates. Borderline results (i.e., those within a close range of the passing score) undergo increased review.

Given the additional scrutiny that the MCC gives to borderline results, it is unlikely that rescoring the examination will produce a change in result. Three potential outcomes can occur as a result of the rescoring of the examination: no change in score, change in score but no change in the fail result, or change in score and change in fail to pass result. If the rescoring produces a change in score or a change in final result and score, the MCC will issue a new Statement of Results and supplemental feedback report to the candidate through his or her physiciansapply.ca account.


Any MCCEE candidate who has been denied standing, including any denial of entry to future examinations, or who considers that the results of an examination have been prejudiced by the conduct of the examination may appeal to the Central Examination Committee. Candidates cannot seek to appeal the content on the examination.

Any candidate wishing to launch an appeal must notify the Executive Director in writing within 45 days of the decision of the Evaluating Examination Composite Committee. For more information on the appeal process for the MCCEE, please review the guidelines for appeal.

Validity period of the MCCEE pass result

In November 2005, the policy that limited the validity period of the MCCEE pass result to five years was abolished. Therefore, there are no longer any restrictions on a candidate’s pass result on the MCCEE. The expiry date on the MCCEE result letters issued prior to November 2005 no longer applies. This policy change applies only to candidates whose last MCCEE status is a pass result, regardless of when and how long ago the examination was taken.

The Canadian regulatory and educational bodies have been advised of this change and have access to candidates’ examination result history and current status. MCCEE result letters that refer to the five-year validity period will not be re-issued.


National Assessment Collaboration

The National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) is an alliance of Canadian organizations streamlining the evaluation process for international medical graduates (IMGs) seeking a licence to practise medicine in Canada.

The NAC examination assesses the readiness of an IMG for entrance into a Canadian residency program. It is a national, standardized examination that tests the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for entrance into postgraduate training in Canada.

Comprising a series of clinical stations, the NAC examination presents typical clinical scenarios. The examination may include, but is not limited to, problems in medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, psychiatry and surgery.

Achieving a pass standing on this examination does not guarantee a training position in Canada. However, candidates receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses as assessed in the examination. Candidates can then choose to share this information with program directors as part of their application to residency training programs.

All NAC examination candidates are, at a minimum, required to have passed the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) before being eligible to take the NAC examination. Some jurisdictions may add region-specific criteria.

The Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) accepts NAC examination results as part of match application packages. Please contact CaRMS for further information on its match application requirements.

The NAC examination is not a prerequisite to obtain the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada. However, depending on the provincial IMG assessment program, a pass result on the NAC examination may be a prerequisite for eligibility for residency training programs.

The NAC examination can be taken at any of the examination sites and will be accepted by residency program directors regardless of where it was taken. Candidates do not have to take the examination in the province in which they will apply for residency.

For information regarding centre assignment, please visit the Centre selection page.


The Medical Council of Canada and the provincial programs offering the examination have worked together to establish a national fee which will apply to NAC examinations. For more information on the NAC examination fee, please visit the Examination and Service Fees page.

Application to future NAC examination sessions

To receive a notice when registration opens for future examination sessions, submit your email address below. The MCC will send this notification to your email address and not through your physiciansapply.ca account. The MCC cannot guarantee that the email notification will reach your inbox.

官网: StackPath
