加拿大林业职业协会联盟-CA-CFPFA (The Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations)





Welcome to the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations website for credential assessment of foreign-trained applicants and graduates from non-accredited programs. This website is designed for individuals wishing to practice forestry in Canada.

Welcome to CFPFA/FCAFP

##申请人信息 飞出国##



Applicant Information

The application process applies to foreign-trained applicants and to those who have graduated from educational programs in Canada that are not accredited by the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB). This process is administered by the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations (CFPFA) and its members: the provincial forestry regulatory bodies.

The Applicant’s Manual describes how the assessment procedure works, the steps to take to enter professional forestry practice in Canada and the information and documents required when making an application.


##申请人指南 飞出国##



  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省林业职业协会
  • 新不伦瑞克省注册专业林业人员协会
  • 萨斯喀彻温省专业林业人员协会
  • 阿尔伯塔专业林业人员大学
  • 安大略省专业林业人员协会
  • 新斯科舍省注册专业林业人员协会
  • 纽芬兰及拉布拉多省注册专业林业人员协会







林业职业在加拿大多数省是受管制的职业。在加拿大的英语名称是“Registered Professional Forester”。在一些省份作为RPF执业,必须是该省监管机构的会员。需要遵从许可管理条例。每个监管机构都有自己的网站,网站包含它管辖区域内林业实习的具体信息。这些监管机构和他们的网站会在指导手册提供。附件一总结了加拿大专业林业的实习。





  • 标准一:树木和林分动态
  • 标准二:森林景观:结构、功能和动态
  • 标准三:森林管理
  • 标准四:森林经济与管理
  • 标准五:领导技能:沟通能力和批判性推理
  • 标准六:信息获取和分析的能力
  • 标准七:职业规范与道德规范



  1. 毕业于四年制的科学学士学位课程或者同等的学力。
  2. 证明申请人满足当前认证标准的能力。
  3. 具备了当地知识、职业道德责任感并且具备良好品格。
  4. 有当地工作经验或者可接受的类似的经历。


Applicant’s Manual


The following forestry regulatory bodies of the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations(CFPFA) have guided this process and gratefully acknowledge the support of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) for making this project possible:

  • Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals
  • Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick
  • Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals
  • College of Alberta Professional Foresters
  • Ontario Professional Foresters Association
  • Registered Professional Foresters Association of Nova Scotia
  • Registered Professional Foresters of Newfoundland and Labrador

Do You Want to be a Registered Professional Forester in Canada?

Professional forestry is a challenging and rewarding career. Canada will benefit from practitioners who bring diverse skills and experience from other educational backgrounds. This handbook explains the procedures that graduates of nonaccredited universities must follow if they wish to have their education, training, and experience assessed for professional registration. It applies to both foreign-trained professionals and Canadian applicants from non-accredited institutions.

If you graduated from a non-accredited forestry program at a university or college in Canada, then this handbook will help you understand what you need to be recognized as a Registered Professional Forester (RPF).

Your current education, training, and experience will be assessed to determine if you meet the requirements for registration. The assessment procedures have been developed by the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations (CFPFA) and are designed for both foreign-trained individuals and graduates from forestry programs not accredited by the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board. These assessment procedures have been adopted by each regulatory body in Canada.

This handbook includes several appendices including a Glossary of terms. The first use of a term is hyperlinked to the glossary so that readers can immediately check the meaning of words or phrases.

Registered Professional Foresters

Professional forestry is a regulated profession in most Canadian provinces. The title used in English in Canada is “Registered Professional Forester” (RPF) 1 . To be an RPF and practice professional forestry in some provinces, you must be a member of the local regulatory body of that province. You may be responsible for following their licensing regulations. Each regulatory body has a website with specific information about forestry practice within its jurisdiction. The regulatory bodies and their websites are provided later in this handbook. Appendix One summarizes the practice of professional forestry in Canada.

The assessment process

The assessment process has been adopted by each of the regulatory bodies in Canada 2 . They work collectively through the Canadian Federation of Professional Foresters Associations (CFPFA) and have adopted a common set of competency-based requirements that applicants must demonstrate in order to become registered. These are termed Certification Standards. The assessment procedures provide a consistent method for regulatory bodies across Canada to verify your qualifications, knowledge, skills, and abilities (your competency) for formal recognition as an RPF.

Certification Standards

An applicant’s qualifications will be evaluated against seven Certification Standards for the practice of professional forestry in Canada. The Standards are available from the CFPFA website. Each standard is described by demonstrable competencies with related performance indicators:

  • Standard 1: Tree and Stand Dynamics
  • Standard 2: Forest to Landscape: Structure, Function and Dynamics
  • Standard 3: Forest Management
  • Standard 4: Economics and Administration of Forestry
  • Standard 5: Leadership Skills: Communication and Critical Reasoning
  • Standard 6: Information Acquisition and Analysis
  • Standard 7: Professionalism and Ethics.

Registration requirements

To be considered for registration, applicants must meet the following four requirements:

  1. Graduated from a 4-year, science-based baccalaureate degree program, or equivalent.
  2. Demonstrate that you meet the competencies of the current Certification Standards.
  3. Demonstrate local knowledge and a commitment to professionalism and meet requirements for good character.
  4. Have local work experience or acceptable equivalent experience.

The process outlined in this manual is used to assess criteria 1 and 2 above. Although work experience may contribute to demonstrating competencies in criterion 2, each regulatory body has its own processes regarding criteria 3 and 4. One of the provincial regulatory bodies will advise and evaluate applicants regarding their specific application processes and fees, work experience, good character and local knowledge/jurisprudence requirements. Applicants should contact the regulatory body where they plan to work to familiarize themselves with these requirements.

###申请概览 飞出国###



  1. 毕业于四年制的科学学士学位项目或者同等的学力。
  2. 证明满足当前认证标准的能力。
  3. 证明职业道德责任
  4. 具有认证标准里描述的工作经历




图表 1:非认证林业课程申请人专业注册途径


  • 关于完全具备要求的能力的申请人。


  • 关于为了执业必须获得额外的能力或者必须升级已有能力的申请人。

  • 这个途径涉及技术的升级、继续教育和重新评估。




申请人可以在任何时间开始评估过程。潜在申请人需要一开始就联系省级监管机构来了解程序、要求和下一步的步骤。在预审和申请阶段 [ 1-8 ],申请人将会被通知具体省的情况。为避免以后延迟,申请阶段询问问题,澄清要求至关重要。






1. 评估费用:

  • 评估费:500加币
  • 申请文档递交时必须支付费用
  • 针对性的能力二次评估费:200加币
  • 只适用于发现具体的能力不足之后要求再次评估
  • 再次评估费用:500加币
  • 只适用于发现能力不足之后要求整体的申请再次评估。

2. 监管机构费用:


  • 登记费(是变化的,由监管机构决定)
  • 管理费100加币(适用于申请和评估阶段,也适用于差距填充期间监管机构要求的程序工作、管理和再次评估)
  • 考试费(是变化的,决定于监管机构是否有注册或者法律知识考试)
  • 年度会费和注册费(如监管网站上所公布)

3. 其他费用


  • 成绩单和翻译费用(如果适用)
  • 证书评估费用
  • 填补能力差距费用(例如学费)








  1. 是在另一个国家执业的专业人员。
  2. 具有与林业相关领域的经验和培训,例如地理信息系统(简称GIS)、野生动物生物学、水文、工程以及其他。
  3. 毕业于加拿大非认证林业项目。
  4. 毕业于除了加拿大以外的国家的林业项目。
  5. 具有满足评估项目要求的充足的教育和相关经验。







Application at a Glance

**What are the requirements? **

To be considered for registration, you:

  1. Have graduated from a four-year, science-based baccalaureate degree, or equivalent
  2. Can demonstrate that you meet the competencies of the current Certification Standards.
  3. Can demonstrate your commitment to professionalism.
  4. Have work experience as described in the Certification Standards.

**What must I do to become registered? **

You will use the process outlined in this manual to demonstrate the requirements of (1) and (2) above. Requirements (3) and (4) will be assessed separately by each regulatory body. Regulatory bodies will advise you and should be your first contact when thinking about applying under this process.

The following diagram outlines the two pathways to recognition as a suitable candidate for professional forester status that are supported by this manual:

Figure 1: Pathway to professional registration for applicants from non-accredited forestry programs.

**Pathway to registration: **

  • For applicants who fully demonstrate the required competencies.

Pathway to skills upgrading:

  • For applicants who must obtain additional, or must upgrade existing, competencies in order to practice.
  • This pathway may involve skills upgrading, continuing education, and/or reassessment.


Alternate Occupations - for those who do not appear qualified or are likely to become qualified with reasonable effort, the regulatory body may o"er suggestions regarding alternative occupations. The extent of such support will vary among the provinces.

**What are the timelines for application? **

An applicant may begin the assessment process at any time. Potential applicants must make initial contact with the provincial regulatory body to understand the process, requirements, and the next steps to proceed. During the prescreening and application periods [1-8], you will be informed of specific provincial conditions. To avoid delays later on, it is important to ask questions and clarify requirements during the application stage.

The regulatory body will clearly communicate the next assessment deadline date and identify when complete
application portfolios must be received.

**What are the costs associated with application? **

Applicants are responsible for all the costs associated with the application and the assessment process. The CFPFA will try to keep assessment costs as low as possible. CFPFA and any regulatory body fees are non-refundable and must be paid to the local regulatory body no later than the time the application portfolio is submitted.

Assessment fees (all amounts in Canadian funds) may be adjusted from time to time in order to accommodate actual costs incurred for assessment.

Fees for assessment include the following:

**1. Assessment Costs: **

  • Assessment fee: $500
  • Payable no later than the submission of the application portfolio
  • Targeted Competency Reassessment fee: $200
  • Applies only if you request reassessment of specific competencies that were found to be deficient.
  • Complete Reassessment fee: $500
  • Applies only if you request a total reassessment of your submission, after you are found to have deficient competencies.

2. Regulatory Body Fees:

These are set and applied at the discretion of the individual regulatory body. Check with your provincial regulatory body to determine if any of these will apply.

  • Enrolment fee (variable, depending on regulatory body).
  • Administrative fee of $100 (may be applied during the application and assessment phases, and during gap-
    filling, when procedural work, supervision, and reassessment by the regulatory body are required).
  • Exam fee (variable and dependent upon whether or not the regulatory body has a registration or jurisprudence exam).
  • Annual membership dues and registration fees (as posted on regulatory websites).

3. Other Costs:

Costs payable to other organizations (if applicable):

  • Costs of transcripts and translation (if applicable).
  • Costs of credential assessment.
  • Costs of filling competency gaps (i.e., tuition).

Who pays for my assessment?

All costs for the application and assessment are to be paid by the applicant.

What about language?

While this assessment process does not involve language proficiency criteria or testing, applicants must be able to complete the application process, communicate well with regulatory bodies and assessors, and meet articling or experience requirements. Proficiency in the language(s) of the intended province of practice will be a distinct asset. The application documents must be submitted in the language(s) of the regulatory body to which the application is being made.

Please note that although the regulatory bodies do not have a specific language requirement, a significant level of language and interpersonal communication skills are essential for employment.

Do I have the potential to qualify?

Applicants may have a variety of educational and professional backgrounds. For example, applicants may:

  1. Be professionals who practice in another country.
  2. Have experience and training in a field related to forestry, such as geographic information systems (GIS), wildlife biology, hydrology, engineering, or others.
  3. Be graduates of non-accredited forestry programs in Canada.
  4. Be graduates of forestry programmes in countries other than Canada.
  5. Have sufficient education and related experience to meet the requirements of the assessment process.

Brief applicant profile examples appear in Appendix Two.

When Can I apply?

You may have your education and experience recognized under this process at any time. Make early contact with the
regulatory body in the province where you expect to practice.

If you are currently practicing forestry in another country, and plan to immigrate to Canada, some of the work required to complete an application can be done before coming to Canada. Collecting the required documentation, including transcripts, educational, and witness materials, will likely be easier if you start before emigrating

Assessments are conducted twice a year.

Deadlines for applications are January 1 and July 1. This is the date before which you must receive
written confirmation from the provincial regulatory body that your submission portfolio is complete.

###申请概况 飞出国###




图表二: 下面的图表描述了从准备申请到注册的整个评估过程。


Application Overview

The application process includes several components to assist you with your application as well as to determine your competencies. There may be some variation depending on your intended province of practice and the unique enrolment, registration, and membership requirements of each regulatory body.

The Application Process

The following diagrams outline the steps you must follow to become an RPF.

Figure 2: Flowchart showing the complete assessment process from pre-application to registration.

Note that process numbering is referenced in square brackets [#] throughout this document

###准备申请 飞出国###









  • 与监管机构简单地讨论一下自身资格、能力和评估过程。
  • 对将与评估一起产生的登记和/或注册过程有一个了解。
  • 询问监管机构考虑申请人的资格、经历以及职业目标,这个过程是否适合自己。
  • 保证联系人回答问题。例如,如果没有至少四年的理科学士学位或者同等的学位,监管机构可能会给出建议,认为这个评估过程对申请人是不理想的。








筛选和收集监管机构的反馈 [4]





  • 证明申请人出示或者提供材料的演示或者研讨会安排和记录。
  • 野外营地课程概要。
  • 专业的工作成果文档,例如林业发展计划、社区火灾保护计划、害虫防治计划、管理计划、土地使用计划、森林管理计划、提案申请、最终项目报告或者其他、建议书(申请人准备的投标报价书或者提案申请)、开发或者交付的培训材料、专业发展计划、来自雇主或管理者的专业发展评论以及自我学习和考试的概要。

















在一个Word文档里插入行号,选择:文件、页面设置、布局、添加行号、连续的。在Windows Vista Word里选择:页面布局、行号、连续的。






  • 评估提交表,包括完整的申请材料清单
  • 最新的简历(简称CV)
  • 申请人声明(参照附件五)
  • 教育机构出具的成绩单
  • 按省监管机构的要求将成绩单翻译成英语或者法语
  • 课程概要,有自我评估模型中认证的课程的完整的具体信息和必要的翻译
  • 由独立的和认可的第三方完成的正式证书评估
  • 自我评估模型,包括证明申请人自我评估有效性的证人的签字
  • 的能力和品格证人反馈表格
  • 费用(按监管机构的指示支付)






  • 申请人可能已经获得了要求的多方面的资格、知识、技术和才能(能力),例如学术项目内容、有记录的工作经历和额外的继续教育与研讨会;
  • 如果申请人记录了怎样获得每项能力,所有的学习方法将会平等地进行考虑;
  • 如果申请人毕业于非CFAB认证的课程并且有林业相关领域的工作经验,记录工作与专业的林业的相关性是十分必要的;
  • 即使申请人拥有丰富的工作经验,每个监管机构都有自己的指南,这些指南可能会限制所涉及到的不相关和相关的可在加拿大认证的专业工作年限;
  • 以所申请的监管机构的语言递交申请文档。如果不清楚请查看监管机构的说明;
  • 收集证明和材料来记录和展现自身能力会花费一定的时间和精力。给自己足够的时间去做好这一部分的工作,之后会节省时间和金钱;
  • 即使证人在自我评估模型的具体指标和显著能力方面签字,如果教育和经历不足够,评估会识别出这些领域的能力差距。



Preparing to Apply

Follow the steps outlined below when you begin the application process.

Visit the website for information, forms and procedures [1].

This website includes a brief introductory video, contact information for the provincial regulatory bodies and all of the forms required to complete the application process

See www.cfab.ca/cfpfa-fcafp for general information as well as digital materials that will help you with
your application

Contact the regulatory body in the province where you plan to practice [2]

Regulation of professions is a provincial responsibility in Canada. Begin by contacting the regulatory body in the province where you plan to practice. The website has an interactive map to assist with this.

If you plan on practicing in more than one province, discuss this with each of the regulatory bodies. You will be assigned a “lead” regulatory body that will guide you through the application and assessment process. You will only pay the assessment fee once. However, you must subsequently register in each province where you intend to practice and pay fees in each

When you make contact be sure to:

  • Briefly discuss your qualifications, competencies, and the assessment process with the regulatory body.
  • Get an understanding of the enrolment and / or registration process that will occur along with the assessment.
  • Ask the regulatory body if this process is appropriate given your qualifications, experience, and career goals.
  • Ensure the contact person responds to your questions. For example, if you do not have at least a four-year,
    science-based baccalaureate degree or equivalent, the regulatory body might advise that this assessment
    process is likely not ideal for you

Complete the self-assessment matrix [3]

The Self-Assessment Matrix lists the required certification standards, demonstrable competencies and performance indicators. The matrix will help you identify your competencies. It also helps you to identify key pieces of evidence as proof of these competencies. The matrix outlines the demonstrable competencies that graduates from an accredited forestry program must have to meet the certification requirements. The Certification Standards provide more information on each standard, demonstrable competency, and performance indicator

A sample self-assessment matrix is provided on the applicant website to give an example of the level of detail required.

Do not use acronyms or forestry jargon. Writing clearly will demonstrate professionalism and ensure that assessors understand the type and extent of your evidence.

Completing the self-assessment matrix will allow applicants to understand the degree to which they meet the competency requirements. After completing the matrix, you must have witnesses to sign on your portfolio, as described below in the Witness section.

Language Tip

Be aware of the language used in the matrix to describe each indicator and competency. The verb used in each performance indicator indicates the type of competency required. The verb helps you decide if your skills and knowledge meet the indicator. Certain tasks require different levels of performance. Some require knowledge or comprehension while others require higher levels of performance such as application, analysis, or synthesis. A higher ability requirement would be the evaluation of products or activities within a competency area. For a list of verbs you may use to describe your own competency level and abilities, see Blooms Taxonomy in Appendix Three.

Pre-screen and gather feedback from the regulatory body [4].

After talking with the regulatory body, you should have a clear understanding of your potential for credential recognition and eventual registration as a professional forester. Should you decide to proceed, the regulatory body will direct you to the online application materials. The regulatory body will also explain details about format, timelines, fee structures, or specific provincial requirements. Take advantage of their expertise to clarify as much as possible.

Assemble supporting documents referenced in the Self-Assessment Matrix [5].

Evidence should be concise, authentic, and integrated. Provide explanations in Column E of the Self-Assessment Matrix to clarify exactly how the evidence you cite demonstrates your competency. Evidence is unique to each applicant, so you may have additional and appropriate items.

Assemble additional supporting documents that are referenced in the Self-Assessment Matrix. These documents must be in digital format according to the File Naming Protocol in Appendix 7. Supporting documents may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Presentation or workshop agendas and or minutes indicating that you attended or presented the material.
  • Field camp course outlines.
  • Portfolio of professional work products such as: forest development plans, community wildfire protection plans, pest management plans, stewardship plans, land use plans, forest management plans, requests for proposals, final project reports, or others, proposals (bid proposals or requests for proposals that you prepared), training materials that you developed or delivered, professional development plans. professional development reviews from your employers/supervisors, outlines of self-study and challenge exams.

Gathering evidence material will require significant time and effort. Give yourself enough time to do this part well.

Assessing your material will also require significant effort by the assessors and regulatory bodies. Make sure that your evidence is adequate to demonstrate your competency, but not excessive. One article of evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one competency.

Here is a summary of the other documentation required to complete your portfolio

Tips for Selecting Evidence:

You should provide as much relevant evidence as possible to describe your abilities. Do not provide fluff or superfluous material. Instead, provide only that information that show how you meet each competency. For example, you might have taken a course to provide you with the basic knowledge but have applied that knowledge on the job to become more competent in your performance of that competency. Remember that when assessors evaluate competency equal weighting is given to education and experience. Provide academic information (hyperlinks to current course outlines are helpful).Include work experience, job descriptions, work product descriptions, or other work-related documents that will help demonstrate your abilities. For each competency in the matrix cross-reference the evidence provided in your curriculum vitae, transcripts, course outlines, and other supporting documents. In cross referencing with your CV, use specific line numbers, not “lines 21-43”. You should provide evidence that demonstrates convincingly that you are capable of using the knowledge you have gained to perform the duties and responsibilities described.


Two types of witnesses are required to sign on your portfolio. The first is a character witness who can attest to the character and repute of an applicant. Three character witnesses are required. The second type of witness, called a competency witness, is one who can attest to your ability to perform the indicators and demonstrable competencies defined in the Self-Assessment Matrix. Each performance indicator that is validated with experience-based evidence (i.e., not validated by a course or course outline but instead by work or volunteer experience) is to be signed-on by at least one competency witness. When documentation for education is not available (for acceptable reasons as defined by the regulatory body) competency witnesses may also sign-o" on evidence for education-based competencies. You are likely to have several competency witnesses.

Witnesses may act as both character and competency witnesses. Ideal witnesses are registered professional foresters/ ingénieurs foresters or the equivalent forest professionals in other countries. Witnesses may come from other professions as well. However, a competency witness must be familiar with the competency for which he/she is attesting. For example, a professional geologist is not the ideal witness to sign-o" on a competency related to creating a forest management plan, although the geologist may have abilities in preparing certain parts of the plan. Witnesses should not be spouses or family members. Witnesses must complete the confidential Witness Feedback Form and provide it directly to the regulatory body. In addition they must review your Self-Assessment Matrix and initial the relevant performance indicators. If witnesses fail to provide completed forms, you will be informed that your application is incomplete and the assessment will not begin until the required Witness Feedback Forms are provided.

Arrange for official transcripts and certified translations

You should request official academic transcripts as soon as possible, especially if you are seeking documents from institutions outside Canada. Managing official document requests can be complicated and time consuming. All documents must be in the language of the regulatory body and must be sent directly to the regulatory body by the issuing institution and/or certified translator. You are responsible to pay any fees for transcripts and/or translations. Translations of transcripts into English or French must be done by a translator approved by the regulatory body. If your documents require translation, you must arrange for that translation with the regulatory body. This will ensure translators are appropriate. If your regulatory body already has your official transcripts on file, you are not required to provide a duplicate copy.

Degrees from institutions outside Canada must also be assessed for degree equivalency (not content) by a recognized assessment service. Your regulatory body will advise you on which services may be used, such as: International Credential Evaluation Services (ICES), World Education Services (WES), and University of Toronto Evaluation Service.

Program and Course Outlines

At the same time that you contact institutions for transcripts, you are advised to also obtain course and program description outlines. This may be especially important if you graduated several years ago and no longer have your own course information. If the institution has online resources to document past course content, providing links to the online information is encouraged. Note that there are significant differences in the type of course outline available. Appendix 8 provides 3 examples. The first 2 are acceptable because they are detailed and substantive. The third is unacceptable because it is too brief.

In very rare circumstances, some applicants may not be able to arrange for transcripts or documents describing their academic history because of their circumstances upon immigration (e.g., refugees) or because of the social and political climate in the country where studies were completed. In such cases, applicants should discuss with the regulatory body providing sworn statements in lieu of transcripts.

Create an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)

Loosely translated as course of life, a CV provides an overview of a person’s life and qualifications. A CV is more than a resume; a CV details your responsibilities, level of responsibility/professionalism, learning outcomes, and the period during which you were involved in the activities. The CV should detail your life experiences both in Canada and abroad and include information about the following: Education, work experience, membership in professional organizations, volunteer activities, community involvement, continuing education, professional projects and leadership.

To insert line numbers in a Word document, choose: File, Page Set-Up, Layout, Add Line Numbering, Continuous. In Windows Vista Word, choose: Page Layout, Line Numbers, Continuous.

Your CV will be used to evaluate your level of professionalism and work experience to determine if competencies have been adequately demonstrated. For this reason, you should be accurate and thorough in documenting your experience. Be truthful when choosing language to accurately describe your own level of competency. Please avoid the use of acronyms in all your application materials. Assessors come from across Canada and forestry jargon varies by jurisdiction. If you do use acronyms, please define each one at first use. Your CV must be cross-referenced in the Self-Assessment Matrix. Use line numbers. Study the Sample CV in Appendix 6 for a suggested format.

Write an Applicant Declaration

The Applicant Declaration is a signed document that advocates for your abilities and credentials. It gives the assessors and regulatory body an overview of your professional competence. More importantly this declaration provides an opportunity for you to write a personal message about why you think you should be considered for registration as an RPF. The other documents and evidence in your application appear mostly in point form. This declaration will require careful writing to provide a solid rationale. The declaration will be no more than two pages, single-spaced. Please do not simply repeat your CV.

You must sign and date the declaration and include a digital version in your application portfolio. You must also include the following sentence above your signature: “I understand that making false or misleading statements in this application may be considered professional misconduct. Such statements may result in expulsion from the assessment process, loss of assessment fee and, if discovered later,

The following items are required in the application portfolio:

  • Assessment Submission Form, including completed application checklist
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Completed Applicant Declaration (see Appendix 5)
  • Transcripts from educational institution(s)
  • Translation of transcripts into English or French as required by the provincial regulatory body
  • Course outlines, with complete detail of courses identified in the Self-Assessment Matrix and necessary translations
  • Formal credential assessment completed by an independent and recognized third party
  • Completed Self-Assessment Matrix including witness signatures attesting to the validity of applicant’s self-assessments
  • Completed Competency and Character Witness Feedback Forms
  • Fees (as directed by your regulatory body)

disciplinary action by the regulatory body, up to and including removal from the professional regulatory body.”
For a Sample Applicant Declaration, see Appendix 4.

Build your application portfolio

As mentioned, the application process takes significant time and effort. With the exception of original transcripts, translations, and degree assessments that must be sent directly from the issuing institutions to the regulatory body, your entire portfolio must be in digital format. Refer to the File Naming Protocol in Appendix 7.

Helpful tips for preparing your application portfolio:

  • You may have gained required qualifications, knowledge, skills, and abilities (competencies) from several sources, such as academic program content, documented work experience and additional continuing education and workshops;
  • All learning methods will be considered equally, provided that you document how you gained each competency;
  • If you graduated from a non-CFAB-accredited program and have work experience in a field related to forestry, it is important to document the relevance of your work as it relates to professional forestry
  • Although you might have extensive work experience, each regulatory body has their own work experience guidelines, which may limit the amount of relevant foreign or related professional work that can be recognized in Canada.
  • Submit the application portfolio in the language(s) of the regulatory body to which you are applying. Please seek clarification from the regulatory body if this is unclear.
  • Gathering evidence and material to document and demonstrate your competencies will require significant time and effort. Give yourself enough time to do this part well as it can save time and money later on.
  • Even if witnesses sign on specific indicators and demonstrable competencies in your Self-Assessment Matrix, the assessment may identify competency gaps in these areas if your education or experience is not suffcient.

Registrar preRscreens applicant material [6].

The Registrar will review your documents for completeness. This is not an assessment of your credentials but rather a review of the content and format. The Registrar may request that you make revisions to this documentation prior to making a formal application.

###申请 飞出国###






注册主任收到额外的文件 [9]




监管机构通知申请人文档完整 [11aR12]



Receive access to the Database [7].

Once the Registrar is satisfied with your documentation, you will be provided access to the database.See Appendix 9 for more information about using the database.

Submit your application portfolio [8]

Prior to one of the biannual deadline dates, submit your application portfolio to the regulatory body. In addition, you will be required to pay the non-refundable assessment fee as directed by the Registrar. Your entire portfolio must be in digital format, according to the File Naming Protocol in Appendix 7. Remember that offcial transcripts, credential assessments and translations, if required, are to be sent directly from the issuing institution. Witnesses are to provide completed forms directly to the Registrar. The database lists all the items required in your portfolio. Carefully submit each item to ensure it is included in your portfolio.

After submitting your portfolio, you are strongly advised to keep in touch with the regulatory body to ensure that there are no missing documents, that all your witnesses have provided completed Witness Feedback Forms and issuing institutions, as required, provide transcripts, credential assessments and translations. Please retain a digital copy of your portfolio submission for your own records.

Registrar receives additional documents [9].

Witnesses must submit completed forms directly to the Registrar. The issuing institutions, as required, must provide transcripts, credential assessments and translations. You are responsible for ensuring that these documents are sent to the Registrar.

Applicant information reviewed for completeness [10].

The Registrar will review the application portfolio for completeness. The regulatory body will receive offcial academic transcripts, translations, and witness forms to add to your portfolio

Regulatory body notifies applicant that the portfolio is complete [11aR12]

When the regulatory body is satisfied that the portfolio is complete, you will be notified in writing. This step must be completed prior to one of the application deadlines: January 1 or July 1. Also, this is the date from which the 1 year time frame to complete the assessment is determined

###评估流程 飞出国###








  1. 文档表明申请人充分具备可论证的能力;
  2. 需要额外的信息。小组会识别缺失的信息。然后监管机构会直接联系申请人要求补交需要的文件。一旦提供了这些额外信息,它们会被评估,评估也会完成;
  3. 文档不能表明申请人充分具备可论证的能力。评估报告识别出不足并且建议申请人参加填补差距的活动,例如培训或者工作。






在审核申请人的评估报告和进行申请人面试之后,监管机构作出注册决定。申请人会收到关于决定的书面通知,包括对决定的解释和接下来的步骤的总结。如果申请人具备了所有能力 [18c],可以直接进行到注册过程 [28]。

具有出色的学习和工作经历的申请人将会收到监管机构关于填补差距或者补充活动 [18a]的指导。填补差距在下面进行了描述。

如果申请人对评估报告有异议,可以要求有针对性的或者完整的再次评估 [18b]。再次评估的过程在下面进行了描述。






The Assessment Process

Application package sent to assessment panel [13]

After an application portfolio is deemed adequate for assessment, it will be sent to the assessment panel. Assessment panels meet twice a year to assess applications. At this point, the regulatory body will inform you that the assessment panel may initiate subsequent contact regarding the portfolio if they have questions or require clarification.

Assessment panel meets [14]

The assessment panel receives the assessment package and all other necessary documents from the regulatory body. The assessors will review all your documentation and evaluate your qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the demonstrable competencies and certification standards.

There may also be witness background checks. The goal of the background check is to provide evidence that the witness has adequate knowledge of the applicant’s education and experience relative to the demonstrable competencies as identified in your Self-Assessment Matrix. The process may be formal or informal depending on the assessment panel and the witnesses. If the assessment panel has any concerns about a witness’s ability to sign on the applicant’s submission, the panel leader will discuss this with the regulatory body. The regulatory body may choose to contact the applicant and ask for additional witnesses. If the panel has questions or needs clarification during their evaluation of your package, they will contact you directly

Assessment Report submitted [15]

After careful review and discussion of your application, the assessment panel completes an assessment report with one of the following set of findings:

  1. Your portfolio demonstrates that you adequately meet the demonstrable competencies; or
  2. Additional information is required. The panel will identify what is missing. The regulatory body then contacts you directly with a request for the required information. Once you provide the additional information, it will be evaluated and your assessment completed; or
  3. Your portfolio does not adequately demonstrate that you meet the demonstrable competencies. The assessment report identifies the areas of deficiency and suggest appropriate gap filling activities such as training or work experience.

The assessment panel’s assessment report is considered confidential but may be provided to you on request. The assessment report becomes part of your file with the regulatory body

Final applicant interview [16]

After receiving the assessment report, the regulatory body conducts a final applicant interview. Your interview may be conducted in person, over the phone, or by using other conferencing tools. The final interview is informal and has no required structure or format. Regulatory bodies may also use the interview to seek clarification on any deficiencies that were identified by the assessment panel.

The interview is also an opportunity for regulatory bodies to explain the steps to enrolment and / or registration with the provincial body.

Competency decision is provided [17]

After reviewing your assessment report and conducting the applicant interview the regulatory body makes the registration decision. You will be notified in writing of the decision, including an explanation of that decision, and summary of next steps. If you are found to have all competencies [18c], you may proceed directly to registration process [28].

Applicants with outstanding learning or experience requirements will receive guidance from the regulatory body about gap-filling or supplemental activities [18a]. Gap filling is described below.

If you disagree with the assessment report, you may request either a targeted or a complete reassessment [18b]. The reassessment process is described below

How long is my assessment report valid?

Your competency assessment is considered valid for five years from the date of the assessment panel’s report. Once you have obtained your RPF status in one province you will be able to transfer your status to a different province without a reassessment

In situations where your demonstrable competencies are not adequate, you will be notified and deficiencies will be identified [18a].

The regulatory body will discuss supplemental activities that can help you to learn or gain experience in the competencies that are lacking. Work with the regulatory body to identify appropriate gap-filling activities that will help you to develop the missing demonstrable competencies [19]. Complete these gap-filling activities and thoroughly document the process to prove that you have gained the missing competencies [20]. Thoroughly describe your activities, the learning outcomes, and any additional relevant information. Keep in regular contact with the Registrar during this time to ensure the work is appropriate and you are following the requirements. The regulatory body will reassess your demonstrable competencies after completion of gap filling activities [21]. Discuss these results with your regulatory body. Once all gaps have been filled, you will advance to registration and enrolment as an RPF.

You will have five years from the date you are notified of the missing competencies to gain them.

###再次评估 飞出国###


1. 有针对性的能力再次评估[25aR26a]:


2. 完整的再次评估 [25bR26b]:






If you do not agree with the results of the assessment report, you may request a reassessment [24]. This request must be in writing, must be provided to the regulatory body within 30 days of receiving the assessment decision and must present the arguments in support of the reassessment clearly identifying any evidence that may not have been taken into consideration. The notice must also indicate which reassessment method is being requested:

1. Targeted Competency Reassessment [25aR26a]:

If you supply new or additional information in support of your reassessment, the original assessment panel will complete a targeted competency reassessment. This reassessment costs $200 and must be paid with submission of the written notice requesting reassessment. The new or additional information must be received within 90 days of the original written competency decision;

2. Complete Reassessment [25bR26b]:

You may also request a complete reassessment, and may provide additional information in support of your application. A new assessment panel will be assembled to do a second competency assessment. The fee for this complete reassessment is $500, the same as the initial assessment. The fee must be paid with submission of the written notice requesting reassessment. If a complete reassessment results in the decision that an applicant does in fact demonstrate all competencies then the reassessment fee will be refunded.

Following the reassessment you will be provided with written notice of the outcome as soon as practicable [27a-b].

Keep in mind that reassessments may identify additional competency deficiencies beyond those found in the initial assessment, in which case gap filling will be required [27a].

The reassessment decision is final.

###注册 飞出国###



Once you have demonstrated that you have all of the demonstrable competencies, your regulatory body will guide you in completing any applicable articling / mentoring periods, experience requirements, and jurisprudence / policy / ethics exams leading to registration as an RPF [28].

官网: Welcome to CFPFA/FCAFP
