C. NAATI 国际口译和笔译学历认证 Accreditation by Overseas Qualification

Naati 翻译职业评估 National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters 继续讨论:

C. 国际口译和笔译学历认证 Accreditation by Overseas Qualification

NAATI 海外学历认证简介

NAATI 可以授予国际学历的认证级别有: 专业笔译,会议口译和高级笔译

NAATI awards accreditation at the Professional Translator, Conference Interpreter and Advanced Translator levels based on overseas qualifications.

需要填写申请表 : Application for Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association membership or Advanced Standing

NAATI 海外学历评估流程

  1. 收到申请;
  2. 费用支付和申请通知 : 大约需要5-7天,告知申请人唯一的NAATI号和收据;
  3. 处理申请:大约需要2-4周。告知处理结果或者建议申请转给QAAC;
  4. QAAC 处理流程: 至少6-12周。给出评估结果。

QAAC: 学历评估和建议委员会。只适用于会议口译,高级笔译,资深会议口译,和资深笔译级别的认证。

Qualifications Assessment and Advisory Committee (QAAC) approval is only required for accreditations at the Conference Interpreter, Advanced Translator, Conference Interpreter (senior) and Advanced Translator (senior) levels.

NAATI 海外学历认证申请和评估费


NAATI 海外学历认证英语要求

  • 申请专业级别认证: A类雅思读写7;
  • 申请会议口译级别的认证: A类雅思听说7.5;
  • 申请高级笔译级别的认证:A类雅思读写7.5,

Accreditation at the Professional level

  • at least 7.0 (academic) for reading and writing (or equivalent scores in any other English proficiency test recognised by NAATI#) if accreditation is being applied for as a translator;

Accreditation at Conference Interpreter or Advanced Translator levels

  • at least 7.5 (academic) for reading and writing (or equivalent scores in any other English proficiency test recognised by NAATI#) if accreditation is being applied for as a translator;
  • at least 7.5 (academic) for speaking and listening (or equivalent scores in any other English proficiency test recognised by NAATI#) if accreditation is being applied for as an interpreter.

There may be circumstances in which NAATI exempts applicants from the English proficiency test requirement, e.g. native English speakers who can show evidence of completion of primary, secondary and tertiary education in an English speaking country. Applicants must provide evidence supporting their
exemption for consideration by the QAAC. Applicants requesting exemption should be aware that the QAAC may still request completion of an English proficiency test.

海外学历申请 NAATI 认证




  • 由高等教育机构签发;
  • 学士学位或更高;
  • 提供笔译或口译专业技能。





NAATI does not offer accreditation based on achieving a particular qualification(s) from an overseas institution(s). Rather the program of study of each applicant is considered on an individual basis. It is possible for graduates of the same institution to have different outcomes for their applications, depending on the individual units studied and the grades achieved for those units.

The assessment of any application is based on the number of units and contact hours within the qualification(s). If the applicant did not pass the unit the hours will not be counted in the assessment.

For an applicant to gain accreditation based on an overseas qualification(s), the qualification(s) must be:
a) awarded by a tertiary educational institution*
b) a bachelor degree or higher degree; and
c) sufficiently specialised in the skills of translating and/or interpreting.

  • The institution must be authorised to award this qualification by the government of the country concerned and be recognised by the Australian government.

If the applicant completed the overseas qualification more than three years before the application is made,the applicant must provide evidence of sufficient regular and continuous work experience in the field of translating and/or interpreting. The work experience must cover the period from course completion until lodgement of the application.

Where work references are required, the applicant must provide NAATI with a letter(s) from the employer, on company letter including the name, contact details and position held by the person providing the reference and stating the period(s) of employment, description of the position held, proportion of duties that involved translating and the type of translations undertaken. NAATI must be able to establish that there has
been regular and continuous work experience from the time the qualification was obtained until the time the application is made for accreditation.

NAATI will consider an application for accreditation based on more than one qualification on a case by case basis. Where an application is based more than one qualification, when considered together the qualifications must meet the general criteria set out in this section for accreditation to be awarded.

1. 专业笔译




学科类型 - 最低学时

  • 翻译理论和实践 - 210小时
  • 翻译或口译相关单元 - 400小时


  • 学历证明材料;
  • 成绩单;
  • 每个学科的学时;
  • 推荐信(如果毕业超过3年)。
  1. Professional Translator

The minimum level of qualification held to consider accreditation at this level is a bachelor degree.

Accreditation is awarded only in the languages specified on the qualification and/or academic transcripts.For this level of accreditation one of these languages must be English and accreditation is only awarded in one direction, that is into the ‘A’ language, in combination with English (even in situations where study may
have been in both directions). Both English and the other language must be formally taught as part of the qualification.

The candidate’s level of performance in the units within the course must be in the top 30%, according to the scale of marks specified for the course. Only course units related to translating or interpreting in which the candidate has achieved the required level of performance, i.e. units in which the candidate has achieved a mark in the top 30%, can be considered as part of the assessment.

The assessment will be based on the number of units and contact hours within the qualification. The qualification(s) will need to meet the following:

Unit type Minimum number of hours
Translating theory or practice 210
All translating or interpreting related units 400

Supporting documents required

  • Proof of qualification
  • Academic transcript
  • Proof of contact hours for each unit of study
  • Work references (if qualification gained more than three years before application).

Please note that accreditation at this level can also be awarded on the basis of Membership (fellowship) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK in association with holding a Diploma of Translation or Diploma in English and Chinese Translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Further information is available in the Applications Based on Professional Association Membership section.

2. 会议口译






  • 学历证明材料;
  • 成绩单;
  • 每个学科的学时;
  • 推荐信(如果毕业超过3年)。
  1. Conference Interpreter

The application must be made on the basis of completion of a formal course of training, with specialisation in conference interpreting. The minimum academic standard at this level normally requires a higher translating and/or interpreting degree (for example Masters). Accreditation is granted on approval by the Qualifications Assessment and Advisory Committee (QAAC) of NAATI.

Accreditation is awarded only in the languages specified on the qualification and/or academic transcripts and can be awarded in any direction and combination of languages even if the combinations do not include English. Normally accreditation is only awarded into the ‘A’ language (even in situations where study may have been in both directions).

An applicant must have achieved marks equivalent to 80% or higher for the conference interpreting units within the qualification. Only conference interpreting units in which the candidate has achieved the required level of performance can be considered as part of the assessment.

The assessment will be based on the number of units and contact hours within the qualification where conference interpreting theory or practice was taught. In total there will need to be a minimum of 600 contact hours for NAATI to be able to award accreditation.

Supporting documents required:

  • Proof of qualification
  • Academic transcript
  • Proof of contact hours for each unit of study
  • Work references (if qualification gained more than three years before application).

3. 高级笔译






  • 学历证明材料;
  • 成绩单;
  • 每个学科的学时;
  • 推荐信(如果毕业超过3年)。
  1. Advanced Translator

The application must be made on the basis of completion of a formal course of training, with specialisation in advanced translating. The minimum academic standard at this level normally requires a higher degree (for example Masters). Accreditation is granted on approval by the Qualifications Assessment and Advisory Committee (QAAC) of NAATI.

Accreditation is awarded only in the languages specified on the qualification and/or academic transcripts and can be awarded in any direction and combination of languages even if the combinations do not include English.

An applicant must have achieved marks equivalent to 80% for the translating units within the qualification. Only translating units in which the candidate has achieved the required level of performance, i.e. translating units in which the candidate has achieved a mark in the top 20%, can be considered as part of the assessment.

The assessment will be based on the number of units and contact hours within the qualification where advanced translating theory or practice was taught. In total there will need to be a minimum of 550 contact hours for NAATI to be able to award accreditation.

Supporting documents required:

  • Proof of qualification
  • Academic transcript
  • Proof of contact hours for each unit of study
  • Work references (if qualification gained more than three years before application).




If a candidate sits for a NAATI accreditation test and is unsuccessful, the candidate forfeits the right for an assessment on the basis of a course completed prior to the test. In such cases, the test is regarded as the most recent measure of competency.


NAAATI会告知申请人认证未通过的原因,如果申请人不认可,可以申请上诉,需要填写申请表‘Application for Review of Assessment’ form 并支付费用。


NAATI advises unsuccessful applicants of the reasons for not awarding accreditation.

A review may be requested by completing the ‘Application for Review of Assessment’ form and paying the fee.

It is up to the applicant to provide additional material which could inform the review decision. The review and subsequent decision may be referred to the Qualifications Assessment and Advisory Committee for further advice.

参考指南: https://www.naati.com.au/PDF/Booklets/Accreditation_by_Assessment_OSQualifcation_ProfessionalAssociationMembership_AdvancedStanding_booklet.pdf
