BC省偏远地区企业家试点项目哪些业务领域不合格? Ineligible Businesses

飞出国: 如果申请人计划经营的业务不合规,将会被取消申请资格。根据BC PNP,以下类型的企业不符合资格:

  1. 与移民相关的投资计划(根据省移民计划条例第6(e)条和移民和难民保护条例(IRPR)第87(5)(b)条和IRPR 87(9)中的定义)
  2. 投资条款中含有赎回权的所有业务(根据IRPR 87(6)(d))
  3. 可能为无息投资的所有业务(根据IRPR 87(6)(c))
  4. 住宿与早餐业务、业余经营的农场与家庭业务
  5. 发薪日贷款、支票兑现、货币兑换和自动提款机业务
  6. 典当商
  7. 美肤沙龙
  8. DVD租赁店
  9. 投币式洗衣店
  10. 自动洗车业务
  11. 废金属回收
  12. 销售二手货的企业(不包括提供维修,翻新或回收等增值服务的企业)
  13. 房地产开发/中介、保险中介或商业中介
  14. 制作、分发、销售色情刊物或产品或提供性服务的企业
  15. 任何会使BC PNP或不列颠哥伦比亚省政府蒙羞的其他类型企业。

Ineligible Businesses

Your registration will be disqualified if you propose an ineligible business. The following types of businesses are ineligible under the BC PNP:

  1. an immigration-linked investment scheme pursuant to Provincial Immigration Programs Regulation section 6(e) and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) section 87(5)(b) and as defined in IRPR 87(9)
  2. any business where the terms of investment include a redemption option pursuant to IRPR 87(6)(d)
  3. any business that may be a passive investment pursuant to IRPR 87(6)(c)
  4. bed and breakfasts, hobby farms and home-based businesses
  5. payday loan, cheque cashing, money changing and cash machine businesses
  6. pawnbrokers
  7. tanning salons
  8. DVD rental stores
  9. coin-operated laundries
  10. automated car wash operations
  11. scrap metal recycling
  12. Businesses selling used goods (excluding businesses that provide value-added services such as repairs, refurbishing or recycling)
  13. real estate development/brokerage, insurance brokerage or business brokerage
  14. businesses involved in producing, distributing or selling pornography or sexually explicit products or services, or providing sexually oriented services
  15. any other type of business that by association would tend to bring the BC PNP or the Government of British Columbia into disrepute.