Basic rules for business experience-商业经验基本规定-新西兰

Basic rules for business experience-商业经验基本规定-飞出国

商业经验被认可需要满足在一家至少5个以上全职雇员和年营业额100万以上的合法企业拥有所有权或者管理权并且在经营过程中获得了规划、 组织、 控制、高级变革管理、方向设置和指导经验。
  • 在商业环境中以商业回报为目的,并且
  • 不是消极的或者以投机为目的。

Business experience is recognised if it is experience in planning, organisation, control, senior change-management, direction-setting and mentoring acquired through ownership of, or management level experience in, a lawful business enterprise that has at least five full-time employees and an annual turn-over of NZ$1 million.

A principal applicant is considered to own a business if they own at least 25 percent of a business.

A lawful business enterprise is an organisation that:

  • operates lawfully in a commercial environment with the goal of returning a profit; and
  • is not set up primarily for passive or speculative purposes.

The length of business experience is based on at least 30 hours per week. We may give you credit for part-time business experience on a proportional basis, so if you have gained eight years’ business experience at 15 hours per week, this would equate to four years’ business experience based on a 30-hour week. Credit is given for 30-hour weeks only, even where you may have worked more than 30 hours in any week.
