Approval in principle-原则批准-新西兰

Approval in principle-原则批准-飞出国

Approval in principle:有条件的批准申请人的申请或者雇主要求招聘国外劳工的申请。最终批准通常取决于申请人或雇主满足设定的条件。要获得原则上的批准雇主完成Request for Approval in Principle form (INZ 1112) 以招聘国外工人。

Approval in principle is conditional approval of an applicant’s application, or conditional approval of an employer’s request to employ someone from overseas. Final approval usually depends on the applicant or employer meeting the conditions we’ve set.

To obtain approval in principle employers complete a Request for Approval in Principle form (INZ 1112) to recruit overseas workers.

Related Links:
Request for Approval in Principle to Recruit Overseas Workers (INZ 1112) PDF