新不伦瑞克大学法学院入学要求 Admissions requirements of Faculty of Law

新不伦瑞克大学 University of New Brunswick(新不伦瑞克省弗雷德里克顿市) 继续讨论:

###法学院入学要求 Admissions requirements of Faculty of Law###


The deadline for admission application is March 1st and no applications are accepted after this date.

###最低要求 Minimum requirements###


  • 在加拿大获得认证大学的学历
  • 或在加拿大境外的大学获得新不伦瑞克大学法学院认可的学历
  • 在加拿大获得认证的大学有最少三年的全日制学历(或同等学历)
  • 或能证明可以成功从事法学学习的成熟经验和优秀品格


所有的申请人都要参加LSAT(Law Services Admissions Test)考试。尽管LSAT没有最低分的要求,但是如果学生的LSAT分数低于150就不可能被录取。


In order to be considered for admission, applicants must have one of the following qualifications:

a degree from a recognized Canadian university; or
a degree from a non-Canadian university acceptable to UNB Law; or
at least three years (or equivalent) of full-time academic study at a recognized Canadian university; or
experience, maturity, and outstanding qualities that indicate an ability to undertake the study of law successfully.
An applicant with three or more years of university study must have attained a minimum grade point average in university level academic courses of 2.7 or better on a 0-4.3 scale, as calculated in accordance with the Admissions Policies. Please note 2.7 is a minimum GPA, and is not competitive for admission purposes as the average is 3.8 on a 4.3 scale.

The LSAT (Law Services Admissions Test) is required for all admissions categories. Althougth there is no minimum LSAT required, students with an LSAT score below 150 are unlikely to be admitted.

Applicants who have failed their most recent year of study in their law program or who are by reason of academic misconduct ineligible to continue in their own program or who provide false or misleading statements on their application are ineligible for admission to UNB Law.

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