Additional selection criteria-额外筛选条件-新西兰

Additional selection criteria-新西兰额外筛选条件-飞出国

Additional selection criteria:额外筛选条件涉及技术移民类的Expression of Interest (EOI)。如果有进一步的空缺名额,移民部会在额外筛选条件基础上从池(pool)中按照时间先后顺序进行进一步的选择。以下额外筛选条件适用直到2013年7月31日。


Additional selection criteria relates to the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Expression of Interest (EOI). If further places are available, additional EOIs may be selected from the Pool on the basis of additional selection criteria set from time to time by the Minister of Immigration.

The following additional selection criteria apply for selections from the Pool occurring until 31 July 2013:

EOIs will be selected by applying the criteria in the order in which they appear in (a) and (d), in order to satisfy SM3.15 (d):

(a) EOIs that include 15 points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage (in descending order of their points total);
(b) EOIs that include 10 points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage (in descending order of their points total);
(c) EOIs that include 10 points for a qualification in an area of absolute skills shortage (in descending order of their points total);
(d) the points total of EOIs not meeting any of the criteria in (a) and (c) (in descending order).
