

H先生,有澳洲本土计算机相关专业教育背景,2015年ACS评估依然扣减了2年,这和之前评估出入很大。 于是发信给ACS进行询问,ACS拍了一堆指南和依据过来。。。 怎么办?

flyabroad: 看来ACS的官也不是很清楚扣减年限的规则,于是摘引了指南,并highlight最重要最直接的依据,ACS什么话也没说,直接发过来修改后评估函,有效工作年限从澳洲硕士毕业后的工作算起。

Post Australian Study Notes:

  • The skill level requirement date for the Post Australian Study Skills Assessment will be noted as the completion date of the relevant Australian degree. Suitable employment completed after the completion date of the relevant Australian degree will be eligible for points under the skilled migration points test.
  • Relevant work experience can be completed overseas or in Australia for the Post Australian Study Skills Assessment but must be completed after the relevant Australian degree.