阿卡迪亚大学转学分课程申请及入学要求 Acadia University Admission guidelines for students from Other than High school


特殊协议申请要求(Admission by special agreement)


成人学生申请要求(Admission of mature students)

  • 申请人高中毕业4年以上且不符合学术课程入学要求;
  • 申请人需提交学术作业、两封推荐信、未来计划大纲,必要时需接受我校面试;
  • 申请人需完成18学分的制定课程,每科成绩达到C及以上则允许获得学位和学分。

大学转校生申请要求(Admission by transfer from another university)

  • 申请人学校需提供官方成绩单;
  • 转学分申请课程须与我校课程相关。

最低平均分入学要求(Minimum GPA admission requirements):

课程名称/Program 平均分/GPA
艺术/Arts 2.0
生物学/Biology 2.5
工商管理/Business Administration 2.5
计算机科学/Computer Science 2.5
环境科学/Environmental Science 2.5
运动机能学/Kinesiology 2.5
心理学/Psychology 2.5
营养学/Nutrition 2.5
社区发展/Community Development 2.5
应用科学(工程)/Applied Science (Engineering) 2.5
其他所有科目/All other programs 2.0

许可信申请要求(Admission by Letter of Permission)

  • 其他大学在校生申请我校转学分课程的学生须首先按照正常流程申请,且由所在学校提交附有官方成绩单的许可信。

休学后再次入学申请要求(Readmission after Dismissal)

  • 休学后申请再次入学的学生须网上进行申请且提交简历、推荐信及说明信;
  • 说明信需阐明先前在我校表现不佳原因及再次入校后的学习目标;
  • 若学生在休学期限到期后提交申请,且在同期内从其他高等教育机构毕业,则需提供官方成绩单。

Admission guidelines for students from Other than High school

Admission by special agreement

Acadia has developed articulation agreements with Sedaya College of Malaysia and Bermuda College. Please consult the Admissions Office for further

Admission of mature students

Persons who wish to study on a full-time basis, who have been out of high school for a minimum of four years, and who do not meet the published academic admission guidelines may be considered for admission on a mature student basis. The mature applicant is required to submit transcripts of all academic work completed, two letters of reference from employers, an outline of future plans, and to be present for interviews if required. The mature applicant may be encouraged to take up to 18 credit hours of specified courses as an independent part-time student. If grades of C- or better are obtained in each, admission will be granted to a degree program and credit for these courses will be allowed towards it.

Admission by transfer from another university

Applicants for admission from another university must have an official transcript sent direct from that institution for evaluation. Transfer credits normally will be given for individual courses which are applicable to the intended undergraduate degree program of study.

Minimum GPA admission requirements:

Business Administration
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Community Development
Applied Science (Engineering)
All other programs

Admission by Letter of Permission

Students now attending another university and who wish to take a course or courses at Acadia University for transfer credit to their home institutions must apply on the regular Acadia Application for Admission and have the Registrar of their university forward a letter of permission and an official transcript to the Admissions Office at Acadia University.

Readmission after Dismissal

Students applying for readmission after a period of academic dismissal must apply on the regular Application for Admission form online and submit a resume, letter of reference and cover letter. The cover letter should indicate why they feel they did not perform well at Acadia in the past and why they feel they would do better if readmitted. If they are applying beyond the period of dismissal and have taken courses from another post-secondary institution in the meantime, official transcripts would be required.
阿卡迪亚大学 Acadia University(新省沃尔夫维尔市)