艾尔伯特省保险委员会-AB-AIC (The Albert Insurance Council)


关于阿尔伯特省保险委员会 About AIC 飞出国##


There are four Insurance Councils, The Alberta Insurance Council, the Insurance Adjusters’ Council, the General Insurance Council and the Life Insurance Council. The Alberta Insurance Council is the financial arm of the councils and provides investigation and administrative services to the other councils. The Alberta Insurance Council also provides administrative services to the Continuing Education Accreditation Committee appointed by the Minister of Finance.


代理人、经纪人和理算员信息 Information for Agents, Brokers, Adjusters 飞出国##


考试 Examinations





  • 在阿尔伯特省考试期间禁止去卫生间;
  • 如果生病或有其他情况,需要特殊考虑,请在考试注册时告知委员会办公室。正常情况下,这种行为是禁止的。
  • 手机,PDA和其他电子设备禁止带入考场。
  • 有3次考试机会。如果第3次考试仍没有通过,6个月内不准再参加考试。且以后考试每失败一次,都要强制延迟6个月才能继续参加下一次考试。


New applicants must obtain a CIPR before they register for an examination.

Registration for examinations can be done online, by visiting an AIC office or by telephone. Examination fees must be paid at time of registration and are non-refundable. Applicants from out of province wishing to write an examination for Alberta must make examination arrangements by contacting info@abcouncil.ab.ca.

Examinations are held every Monday in the Calgary and Edmonton AIC offices. If Monday is a Statutory Holiday the examinations are held on Tuesday.

Examinations are held in Grande Prairie and Lethbridge on the last Tuesday of each month.

  • Washroom breaks are not allowed during the course of any examination written in Alberta.
  • If you have medical or other conditions which require special consideration, please inform our office when registering. NO Exceptions to this requirement will be made at normal examination sittings.
  • Cellular telephone, PDA’s and other electronic devices are not allowed in the examination room.
  • Examination attempts are restricted to 3. After the third unsuccessful attempt a six month waiting period is imposed. This waiting period is then imposed after each additional attempt.

Examinations are scored using an optical reader. Edmonton and Calgary results are available online within two days of the examination. Results will be delayed by shipping times if you wrote your examination in another centre.


理算员考试 Adjuster Examinations 飞出国####

保险理算员资格证申请人必须通过考试,才能获得该资格证。可以直接到埃德蒙顿或卡尔加里的AIC办公室进行考试报名,也可以通过电话报名。电话报名,需要用Visa 或Mastercard卡缴纳报名费。





New applicants for a certificate as an Adjuster are required to pass an examination prior to the certificate being issued. Registration for examinations must be done by visiting an AIC office or by telephone at either the Edmonton or Calgary office of the AIC. Payment of the sitting fee must be made by either Visa or Mastercard if the registration is completed by telephone.

Upon registration applicants will be given an “Insurance Examination Entrance Form”. This form and suitable identification must be presented at the examination.

At the conclusion of the examination applicant must return the examination and answer sheet to the proctor. Your examination will be scored and the results posted on the AIC web site within 48 hours.

If your examination was written at a centre other than Calgary or Edmonton results may not be available until the third day after writing.

In either case your results will be available on the AIC website once the examinations have been scored.





In order to pass the examination, a candidate must achieve a grade of 70% or better. The candidate will be allowed a maximum of 1.5 hours to complete the examination. The use of calculators is permitted. The candidate will not be allowed to bring any other materials (books, notes, papers, etc.) into the examination room.

Examinations are also held once a month at Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Grande Prairie. Applicants wishing to write in these locations should send their examination fee to one of the AIC offices and advise us of the location and date that you wish to write the examination. All fees should be received the week prior to the scheduled exam date.

Examination attempts are restricted to 3. After the third unsuccessful attempt a six month waiting period is imposed. This waiting period is then imposed after each additional attempt。



1. 一般类 (40道题)General (40 questions)


  • 抵押品来源学说
  • 保险行为一般要求
  • 代理/主要关系
  • 合同法
  • 保险赔偿原则、保险利益和最大诚信
  • 代位追偿
  • 常见保险术语定义
  • 保险免赔额
  • 保险基本原则和实践

2. 财产类(25道题)Property (25 questions)


  • 保险法案中关于火灾险政策的要求
  • 火灾险法定条件
  • “列举式保单”与“一切险”政策
  • 共同保险条款
  • 公共财产条款(如:抵押贷款条款、结算条款)
  • 住宅综合保险的基础覆盖范围(房主、租户和公寓单元业主)
  • 住宅综合政策中流动财产保险单和价值形式

3. 机动车类 Automobile (25 questions)


  • 阿尔伯特法案中关于机动车保险的规定
  • 阿尔伯特省交通安全法中影响到机动车保险的规定(第3和第8部分,第5节)
  • 不同点和各种保险总监认可的标准机动车政策表
  • 对标准机动车政策业主表格(SPF #1)提供的内容及其常见违章记录的基本了解
  • 设施协会
  • 标准机动车申请表(SAF #1)工作知识

4.责任类(10道题)Liability (10 questions)


  • 侵权法
  • 责任保险需求基础理解
  • 住宅综合财产保险中涵盖的综合个人责任险附加条款的基础理解
  • 各种责任风险的基础知识


The examination will consist of 100 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each. There are four broad categories of questions as follows:

1. General (40 questions)

These questions will focus on, but are not restricted to, the following subject matter:

  • Collateral Source Doctrine
  • General requirements of the Insurance Act
  • Agency/principal relationships
  • Contract law
  • The insurance principles of indemnity, insurable interest and utmost good faith
  • Subrogation
  • Definitions of common insurance terms
  • Deductibles
  • Basic principles and practices of insurance

2. 财产类(25道题)Property (25 questions)

These questions will focus on, but are not restricted to, the following subject matter:

  • Requirements of the Insurance Act relating to fire policies
  • Fire statutory conditions
  • “Named Perils” versus “All Risk” policies
  • Coinsurance provisions
  • Common property clauses (e.g.: mortgage clauses, basis of settlement clauses)
  • Basic coverages provided by the residential package policies(Homeowner, Tenants, and Condominium Unit Owners)
  • Floaters and valued forms used with the residential package policies

3. 机动车类 Automobile (25 questions)

These questions will focus on, but are not restricted to the following subject matter:

  • Provisions of the Alberta Insurance Act relating to automobile insurance
  • Provisions of the Alberta Traffic Safety Act impacting on automobile insurance (see Part 3 and Part 8, Division 5)
  • The differences between and need for the various Standard Automobile Policy forms approved for use by the Superintendent of Insurance
  • A basic understanding of the coverages provided by the Standard Automobile Policy Owners’ Form (SPF #1) and its most commonly used endorsements
  • The Facility Association
  • A working knowledge of the Standard Automobile Application Form (SAF #1)

4.责任(10道题)Liability (10 questions)

These questions will focus on, but are not restricted to the following subject matter:

  • Tort law
  • A basic understanding of the need for liability insurance
  • A basic understanding of the coverages provided by the Comprehensive Personal Liability rider found in most residential property package policies
  • Basic knowledge of various liability exposures


普通考试 General Examinations 飞出国####






New applicants for a certificate as a General insurance agent are required to pass an examination prior to the certificate being issued. Registration for examinations must be done by visiting an AIC office or by telephone at either the Edmonton or Calgary office of the AIC. Payment of the sitting fee must be made by either Visa or Mastercard if the registration is completed by telephone.

At the conclusion of the examination applicant must return the examination and answer sheet to the proctor. Your examination will be scored and the results posted on the AIC web site within 48 hours.

If your examination was written at a centre other than Calgary or Edmonton results may not be available until the third day after writing.

In either case your results will be available on the AIC website once the examinations have been scored.





  • 一般水平1:通过考试的申请人可获得一级资格证;
  • 一般水平2:通过考试的申请人可获得二级资格证;
  • 一般水平3:指定的代表,通过考试的申请人可获得三级资格证。




一般水平1,方案设计文档 。持有该资格证的个人需要在持有水平2或3资格证的个人的监督下工作。




In order to pass the examination, a candidate must achieve a grade of 70% or better. The candidate will be allowed a maximum of 2 hours for Level 1 or 2 and 1.5 hours for Level 3 to complete the examination. The use of calculators is permitted. The candidate will not be allowed to bring any other materials (books, notes, papers, etc.) into the examination room.

Examination attempts are restricted to 3. After the third unsuccessful attempt a six month waiting period is imposed. This waiting period is then imposed after each additional attempt.

The examinations are offered at the following levels:

  • General Level 1, Successful applicant would be entitled to a Level 1 Certificate.
  • General Level 2, Successful applicant would be entitled to a Level 2 Certificate.
  • General Level 3, Designated Representative , Successful applicant would be entitled to a Level 3 Certificate.

Examinations are held in the Edmonton and Calgary offices each Monday at 8:30 a.m.

Upon registration, applicants will be given an “Insurance Examination Entrance Form”. This form and suitable identification should be brought to the examination room.

The scope of the examinations are described in the following links:

General Level 1, Curriculum Design Document Agents receiving this level of certificate are required to work under the supervision of a Level 2 or Level 3 agent.

General Level 2, Curriculum Design Document

General Level 3, Designated Representative, Curriculum Design Document

General Level 1, Exam Results Since January 1, 2015


人寿险、事故险和疾病险考试 Life & Accident and Sickness Examinations 飞出国####





  1. 正式LLQP,成功申请人可获得正式人寿保险资格证,以及事故和疾病保险资格证。
  2. 事故和疾病保险,成功的申请人可获得事故和疾病保险资格证。









New applicants for a certificate as a Life and/or Accident & Sickness insurance agent are required to pass an examination prior to the certificate being issued.

The examinations are based on material contained in the Life License Qualification Program (“the LLQP”).

Applicants must complete the course of study under the LLQP and pass the providers certification examination at one of the following levels prior to challenging an LLQP Examination. Upon completion of the selected course and passing the certification examination, the provider will supply a certificate of completion.

The examinations are offered at the following levels:

  1. Full LLQP, Successful applicant would be entitled to a Full Life Certificate and a Accident & Sickness Certificate.
  2. Accident and Sickness, Successful applicant would be entitled to an Accident and Sickness Certificate.

Click this link for a contact list of the organizations having been approved as Providers of the LLQP.

Register for examination online by clicking this link.

The examination passing grade is 60%. Examinations are held in the Edmonton and Calgary offices each Monday at 11:00 a.m.

At the conclusion of the examination applicant must return the examination and answer sheet to the proctor. Your examination will be scored and the results posted on the AIC web site within 48 hours.

If your examination was written at a centre other than Calgary or Edmonton results may not be available until the third business day after writing.

In either case your results will be available on the AIC website once the examinations have been scored.

Examination attempts are restricted to 3. After the third unsuccessful attempt a six month waiting period is imposed. This waiting period is then imposed after each additional attempt.

Examination schedules and locations can be viewed at this link.


认证要求 Requirements for Certification







  • 存款接受机构
  • 运输公司
  • 旅行社
  • 汽车经销商
  • 其他受限制企业包括:
  • 融资公司
  • 设备经销商


Criminal Record Checks

A criminal record check is required by all individuals who are first time applicants for licensing in Alberta.

The Alberta Insurance Council may also request that individuals who are applying for a general, life, accident & sickness, or adjuster certificate of authority provide a security clearance.

These Criminal Records checks can be obtained from the local policing authority by attending the local office and making a request.

Alternatively, requests for the criminal record check can be made on-line at this link.

** Restricted Certificate Holders**

Restricted certificate holders consist of:

  • Deposit Taking Institutions
  • Transportation Company
  • Travel Agency
  • Automobile Dealerships and;
  • Other Prescribed Enterprises including:
  • Sales Finance Company
  • Equipment Dealers

List of Classes or Types of insurance approved for purpose of section 454.

Applications for any of these classes of license are available online at the Publications link on this web site :
Edmonton: at (780) 421-4148
Calgary: at (403) 233-2929



  1. 如果作为雇员申请,并由持有执照的指定代表推荐,一般保险执照申请人应该完成申请表#1或表#2。
  2. 一般保险代理新申请人必须通过考试,才能获得该执照。请查阅考试流程。所有新申请人必须提供近3个月内的安全审查证明文件。阿尔伯塔保险委员会与BackCheck 合作,一起对申请人进行犯罪记录审查。BackCheck会将一份犯罪记录申请结果邮寄给申请人,另一份邮寄给阿尔伯特保险委员会。请点击这里,了解关于在BackCheck办理犯罪记录审查的相关事项。
  3. 如果申请人近2年内已在阿尔伯特省获得了执照,则不用参加该考试,Hail或Livestock类别的申请人,也不用参加该考试。
  4. 非当地居民和过去一年里在其他司法管辖区注册过的人必须提交一份个人非当地居民认可证明,或其他身份证明材料原件(近3个月内开具,必须是由个人司法管辖区注册机构开具)。如果代理人的注册状态可以通过其注册机构在线确认,则可以不提供该证明材料。非当地居民可以在阿尔伯特省获得与原司法管辖区相同的注册等级。
  5. 如果某执照是以企业名义被签发,且你将成为该企业的指定代表,则必须提交一份企业授权证明申请(表格#6)。如果企业是非当地居民,则必须提供证据证明自己已经在当地司法管辖区注册机构进行注册,成为保险代理。
  6. 如果企业没有在阿尔伯特省注册,那么不能以企业名义获得该执照。请查询私人注册办公室,了解更多信息。
  7. 阿尔伯特省保险法案要求申请人必须在阿尔伯特省以注册头衔从事执业活动。请确保自己符合要求。
  8. 个人可以通过完成要求的申请并提供支持性材料,包括安全审核证明,申请实习性一般保险代理资格证。持有该资格证,代理机构或保险公司可以雇佣新人作为代理人从事保险工作,而不要求通过1级代理考试。实习代理必须在2级或3级代理人的直接监督下从事工作,且该执照有效期为90天,必须通过要求的考试才能更新1级资格证。每个人只能被签发一次该资格证。
  9. 一般保险机构资格证申请人将获得1级一般保险代理资格证。持有1级资格证的个人必须在2级或3级资格证持有人的直接监督下从事相关工作,并要符合3级标准,如果该代理人是保险公司的员工,则必须在保险公司的监督下工作。
  10. 如果在近12个内通过了2级水平考试,就可以申请2级资格证。
  11. 申请一般保险3级资格证(指定代表),必须:
  • a) 负责业务的管理和监督
  • b)在过去36个月里至少有24个月持有2级一般保险代理资格证书
  • c)在过去12个月内通过了3级管理考试
  • d)每个企业只能有一个指定代表
  1. 权威证书的费用通过该连接查询。如果你已经支付了本年度所有的费用,5月1日之前关于该类别执照的任何变化,都需要额外再缴纳25加币的费用。
  2. 如果是在9月1日及以后申请,申请修改或恢复,但是又在下一年度5月1日之前,需支付全年费用,且有效期截止到6月30日。
  3. 你的申请必须由已经被明确授权的人推荐,也就是说具有向保险公司推荐代理人的授权。除此之外,你的申请也可以由业务指定代表推荐。
  1. Applicants for General insurance licenses should complete the application Form #1 or Form #2 if applying as an employee of a business and is being recommended by the licensed Designated Representative.
  2. New applicants for a general insurance agent are required to pass an examination before a license can be issued.Please see examination procedures. All new applicants must provide an original security clearance document which is not more than three months old. The Alberta Insurance Council has also partnered with BackCheck to perform the criminal record check portion. The results of your completed criminal record check will be sent by BackCheck to both yourself and to the Alberta Insurance Council. To complete your Criminal Record Check with BackCheck, please click here
  3. Examinations are not required for persons who held, in Alberta, the class of license being applied for within the previous 2 years, nor are examinations required for Hail or Livestock classes.
  4. Non-residents and persons who were licensed in another jurisdiction within the last year must submit an original,personal non-resident endorsement or other certificate of status, not more than 3 months old, from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction, if they wish to be exempted from the examination. If the agent’s licensing status can be confirmed on the web site of the licensing authority of the agent’s resident jurisdiction, this document will not be required. Non-residents will be licensed at a level equivalent to the one held in their home jurisdiction.
  5. If a license is to be issued in the name of a business and you are to be the “Designated Representative” to act for that business, you must also submit an application for a corporate certificate of authority (Form #6). If the business is a non-resident, it must provide evidence that it is licensed as an insurance agent from the appropriate licensing authority in its home jurisdiction.
  6. A license cannot be issued in the name of the corporation unless the corporation is registered in Alberta. Please check with any private registry office for further information.
  7. It is a requirement of the Alberta Insurance Act that you carry on business in Alberta in the name in which you are licensed. Please be certain that you comply with that requirement.
  8. An individual can apply for a probationary General insurance agent’s certificate by completing the appropriate application and providing any supporting documentation, including a security clearance. This certificate permits an agency or insurer to engage a new person to act as an agent prior to completing the Level 1 agent examination. The probationary agent must act under the direct supervision of a Level 2 or Level 3 agent and the certificate expires in 90 days if the agent does not advance to a Level 1 license by passing the required examination. It can only be issued once for any individual.
  9. New applicants for certificates of authority for General insurance will receive a Level 1 General Insurance Agent certificate. All individuals holding a Level 1 certificate are subject to ongoing supervision of the holder of a Level 2 or Level 3 certificate in accordance with standards established by the Level 3 or by the insurer if the agent is an employee of the insurer.
  10. An individual can apply for a Level 2 certificate when the individual passes the required Level 2 examination within the previous 12 months.
  11. A person who applies for the General Insurance Level 3 (Designated Representative (“D/R”)) certificate must have:
  • a) responsibility for the management and supervision of the business,
  • b) held a Level 2 General insurance agent’s certificate for a period of at least 24 months within the previous 36 months, and
  • c) passed the Level 3 Management Examination within the previous 12 months.
  • There is only one Designated Representative for each business.
  1. The fees for Certificates of Authority are available at this link
    If you have paid a full fee in the current licensing year any change to that class of license prior to May 1st will only require a $25.00 fee.

  2. If you apply for a license on or after September 1st or apply for amendment or reinstatement on or after that date but before May 1st the full year fee is payable but the expiry date will be June 30th.

  3. Your application must be recommended by a person who has specifically been authorized to recommend agents for that insurer or by the licensed Designated Representative of the business.




  1. 保险理算员资格证申请人需完成表格#3。
  2. 保险理算员资格证#1级新申请人(不包括限制性的“Hail,Equipment 和Travel 理算员”)需要通过考试,才能获得该资格证书。请查询考试流程。所有新申请人必须提供近3个月内的安全审查原件。
  3. 非当地居民和过去一年里在其他司法管辖区注册过的申请人如果想要免除考试,则必须提交一份个人非居民认可证明,或其他身份证明材料原件(近3个月内开具,必须是由个人司法管辖区的注册机构开具)。
  4. 只有在企业已注册的情况下,才能以企业的名义签发资格证书。联络私人注册办公室了解更多信息。如果是以企业名义签发该资格证书,且是3级保险理算员,必须提交一份企业授权证明申请(表格6)。非当地居民必须提交一份原注册机构所在地注册机关的企业、非当地居民认可证明。如果业务是非当地居民的,则必须提供证明已在原司法管辖区注册机构进行了理算员注册。
  5. 理算员资格证监管122/01将理算员资格证分为3个等级。
  6. 如果申请人有至少24个月的连续理赔理算经验,并在加拿大保险协会指定的加拿大保险机构完成了6个科目的学习,其中的课程包括C-15 (损失理算和理赔),C-17(理赔1)或C-110(损失理算概要)。
  7. 申请3级理算员资格证必须满足2级资格证的要求,同时还要满足以下条件:
  • 是加拿大保险机构合伙人,或者指定保险专业人员,或者特许合作人员
  • 保险专业人员
  • 成功完成C-32(人身伤害索赔)和C-46(理赔2)或 C-41(财产理赔),或C-111(高级理赔)课程
  • 在提交申请前的过去10年里有至少有60个月的保险理算员工作经验
  1. 持有1级和2级理算员资格证的所有人只能作为保险理算员执业,且必须在3级理算员的直接监督下工作,且所有关于理赔计算的工作报告都必须经过3级理算员的审核认可。
  2. 如果3级理算员持有理算员授权资格证并满足以下条件,可以申请成为企业指定代表或独资企业:
  • a)是个人
  • b)是加拿大保险机构合作伙伴或指定专业人员,或资深指定保险专业人员
  • c)持有3级理算员授权资格证
  • d)负责企业管理和监督
  1. 在1990年之前,有大于10年保险理算工作经验,且不是加拿大保险机构合作伙伴或成员的申请人,需联系协会了解更多情况。
  2. 保险理算员或企业资格证的年费均为95加币,更新资格证的费用同样为95加币。
  3. 如果注册当年已缴纳了所有申请费用,4月1日后有任何变化或修改产生,仅需要在缴纳25加币。如果申请等级发生变化,请将25加币费用和完成要求课程的证明材料邮递到以下地址。
  4. 申请必须由所在公司指定代表理算员推荐才可以。

Insurance Adjusters’ Council

  1. Applicants for an Insurance Adjuster’s Certificate should complete the application Form #3.
  2. New applicants for an Adjuster’s Certificate Level #1 (other than restricted “Hail, Equipment and Travel Adjusters”) are required to pass an examination before a license can be issued. Please see examination procedures. All new applicants must provide an original security clearance document which is not more than three months old.
  3. Non-residents and persons who were licensed in another jurisdiction within the last year must submit an original, personal non-resident endorsement or other certificate of status, not more than 3 months old, from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction, if they wish to be exempted from the examination.
  4. A license cannot be issued in the name of the corporation unless the corporation is registered. Please check with any private registry office for further information. If a license is to be issued in the name of a business and you are the Level 3 Adjuster, you must also submit an application for a corporate certificate of authority (Form 6).
    Non-residents must submit an original corporate, non-resident endorsement from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction. If the business is a non-resident, it must provide evidence that is licensed as
    an adjuster from the appropriate licensing authority in its home jurisdiction.
  5. The Adjusters Certificate Regulation 122/01 provides for three (3) levels of Adjusters Certificates.
  6. An individual can apply for a Level 2 Certificate when the individual has at least 24 months of consecutive claims adjusting experience and has successfully completed 6 courses of the Insurance Institute of Canada for a
    designation as an Associate of the Insurance Institute of Canada, of which one course must be C-15 (Loss Adjustment and Claims Settlements), C-17 (Claims 1), or C-110 (Essentials of Loss Adjusting).
  7. An individual can apply for a Level 3 Adjusters Certificate when the individual has successfully met the level 2 requirements and:
  • is an Associate or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada, or Chartered Insurance Professional or a Fellow Chartered

  • Insurance Professional,

  • has successfully completed the C-32 (Bodily Injury Claims) and either C-46 (Claims 2), C-41 (Property Loss Adjustment), or C-111 (Advanced Loss Adjusting) courses of the Insurance Institute of Canada, and

  • has acted as an adjuster for at least 60 months within the 10-year period immediately preceding the date of application.
    8.All individuals holding Levels 1 and 2 Adjusters’ Certificates may only act as an adjuster if the individual is subject to the direct supervision of a holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority and all reports in relation to the adjustment of claims must be approved and countersigned by that holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority.
    9.A Level 3 adjuster can apply to be the Designated Representative of a business or a sole proprietorship if he holds an adjuster’s certificate of authority and:

  • a) Is an individual,

  • b) Is an Associate or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada, or Chartered Insurance Professional or a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional,

  • c) Holds a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority, and

  • d) Has responsibility for the management and supervision of the business.
    10.Applicants with more than 10 years insurance adjusting experience prior to 1990 and who is not an Associate or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada should contact the Council for further instructions.
    11.The annual fee for an Adjuster’s or Corporate Certificate is $95.00 both for new and renewal.
    12.If you have paid a full fee in the current licensing year, any change or amendment to that class of license prior to April 1 will only require a $25.00 fee. If a change of level is desired please send your $25.00 fee and proof of successful completion of the required courses to the address below.
    13.Your application must be recommended by the Level 3 Designated Representative adjuster in your firm.



  1. 人寿险、事故险和疾病险资格证申请人需填写申请表#1。
  2. 人寿险、事故险和疾病险新申请人需要通过考试,才能获得资格证。请查阅开始流程。所有初次申请人需提供近3个月内的安全审查证明。
  3. 如果申请人近2年内已经在阿尔伯特省注册了该等级资格证书,可以免除该考试。
  4. 非当地居民和过去一年里在其他司法管辖区注册过的人必须提交一份个人非当地居民认可证明,或其他身份证明材料原件(近3个月内开具,必须是由个人司法管辖区注册机构开具),可以免除参加考试。如果代理人的注册状态可以通过其注册机构在线确认,则该证明材料可以不提供。非当地居民可以在阿尔伯特省获得与原司法管辖区相同的注册等级。
  5. 如果资格证是以企业名义签发的,且是企业的指定代表,必须提交企业授权证明申请(表#6)。如果该企业是非当地居民,必须提供材料证明其已经在原司法管辖区的注册机构注册成为保险代理。
  6. 如果企业不是在阿尔伯特省注册的,则不能以企业名义获得该资格证。请联系私人注册办公室了解更多信息。
  7. 阿尔伯特省保险委员会规定只能在注册的头衔下从事职业活动。请确定你满足所有要求。
  8. 为了成为企业指定代表,申请人必须符合申请正式人寿保险代理资格证的所有条件。
  9. 授权证书的费用:
  • 人寿保险正式代理人,公司新注册或更新注册:95加币
  • 事故险和疾病险代理人,公司新注册或更新注册:60加币
  1. 如果在注册当年已缴纳了所有注册费用,本年度5月1日之前关于该等级资格证注册的任何变化,都只需要25加币费用。
  2. 如果在12月15日之后,本年度5月1日之前申请授权资格证,或者申请修正或重申,需支付年费,但截止日期为6月30日。
  3. 申请必须由他人推荐,推荐人必须是总部明确授权的,有资格向保险公司推荐代理人。
  1. Applicants for Life or Accident & Sickness insurance licenses should complete the application Form #1.
  2. New applicants for “Life” or “Accident & Sickness” are required to pass an examination before a license can be issued. Please see examination procedures. All new applicants must provide an original security clearance document which is not more than three months old.
  3. Examinations are not required for persons who held, in Alberta, the class of license being applied for within the past two years.
  4. Non-residents and persons who were licensed in another jurisdiction within the last year must submit an original,personal non-resident endorsement or other certificate of status, not more than 3 months old, from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction, if they wish to be exempted from the examination. If the agent’s licensing status can be confirmed on the web site of the licensing authority of the agent’s resident jurisdiction, this document will not be required. Non-residents will be licensed at a level equivalent to the one held in their home jurisdiction.
  5. If a license is to be issued in the name of a business and you are to be the “Designated Representative” to act for that business you must also submit an application for a corporate certificate of authority (Form #6). If the business is a nonresident, it must provide evidence that it is licensed as an insurance agent from the appropriate licensing authority in its home jurisdiction.
  6. A license cannot be issued in the name of the corporation unless the corporation is registered in Alberta. Please check with any private registry office for further information.
  7. It is a requirement of the Alberta Insurance Act that you carry on business in Alberta in the name in which you are licensed. Please be certain that you comply with that requirement.
  8. In order to be the Designated Representative of a business an applicant must be qualified to receive a full life insurance agent’s certificate.
  9. The fees for Certificates of Authority are:

Life insurance Full Agent, Corporate New or Renewal $ 95.00

  • Accident & Sickness insurance Agent, Corporate New or Renewal $ 60.00
  1. If you have paid a full fee in the current licensing year any change to that class of license prior to May 1 in that year will only require a $25.00 fee.
  2. If you apply for a Certificate of Authority after December 15 or apply for amendment, reinstatement after that date but before May 1 the full year fee is payable but the expiry date will be the June 30.
  3. Your application must be recommended by a person who has specifically been authorized by the head office to recommend agents for that insurer.

官网: https://abcouncil.ab.ca/
