6312 行政主管 Executive housekeepers - FLYabroad NOC

6312 行政主管 Executive housekeepers - FLYabroad NOC


Executive housekeepers direct and control the operations of housekeeping departments within hotels, hospitals and other establishments.

6312 行政主管头衔范例 Example Titles - FLYabroad NOC

  • 助理行政主管 assistant executive housekeeper
  • 行政主管 executive housekeeper
  • 医院行政主管 hospital executive housekeeper
  • 酒店行政主管 hotel executive housekeeper
  • 家政主任 housekeeping director
  • 家政经理 housekeeping manager

6312 行政主管主要职责 Main duties - FLYabroad NOC

行政主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Executive housekeepers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 建立和实施房管部门的运作程序
    Establish and implement operational procedures for the housekeeping department

  • 计划和统筹家务主管及其他成员的活动。
    Plan and co-ordinate the activities of housekeeping supervisors and their crews

  • 统筹分配领域的检查,以确保符合卫生法规,安全标准和部门政策
    Co-ordinate the inspection of assigned areas to ensure that health regulations, safety standards and departmental policies are being met

  • 选择和购买设备和用品,并保持库存
    Select and purchase equipment and supplies, and maintain inventory

  • 安排设备和机械的保养和维修
    Arrange for maintenance and repair of equipment and machinery

  • 聘用,培训和监督家政人员
    Hire, train and supervise housekeeping staff

  • 保持财务记录并编制预算,员工工资和时间表。
    Maintain financial records and prepare budgets, payroll and employee schedules.

6312 行政主管任职要求 Employment requirements - FLYabroad NOC

  • 通常需要完成中学。
    Completion of secondary school is usually required.

  • 通常需要医院管理,酒店管理,工商管理大学学位或大专文凭。
    A university degree or college diploma in hospital management, hotel management or business administration is usually required.

  • 作为清洁主管的丰富的经验可能取代正规教育的要求。
    Extensive experience as a cleaning supervisor may substitute for formal education requirements.

6312 行政主管其他分类 Classified elsewhere - FLYabroad NOC

  • 住宿服务经理 Accommodation service managers 0632
  • 设备操作和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers 0714
  • 家政主管(清洁监事会) Housekeeping supervisors (in 6315 Cleaning supervisors )

6312 行政主管职称头衔 All titles - FLYabroad NOC

  • 助理行政主管 assistant executive housekeeper
  • 家务助理经理 assistant housekeeping manager
  • 行政主管 executive housekeeper
  • 医院行政主管 hospital executive housekeeper
  • 酒店行政主管 hotel executive housekeeper
  • 家政主任 housekeeping director
  • 家政经理 housekeeping manager