ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家职责概述 - FLYabroad

  • 为印刷制品和电子媒体撰写评论和专题报道,并撰写书面材料宣传商品和服务。commentaries and feature stories for presentation in print and electronic media, and compose written material to advertise goods and services.

ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

  • 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验可以代替正规资格要求。这一职业需要很高的创作才华、个人对工作的执着和兴趣,或有任职资格或经验(ANZSCO 1级水平)。 In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad

  • 咨询客户和管理人员,研究产品确定主要销售点,来决定广告内容 determining advertising approach by consulting clients and management, and studying products to establish principal selling features
  • 为报刊、广播、电视、电影屏幕、广告牌和商店商品手册撰写广告语 writing advertisements for press, radio, television, cinema screens, billboards, catalogues and shop displays
  • 根据编辑政策和指导方针,同其他资深编辑一起研究决定出版物的具体内容 making decisions about the specific content of publications in conjunction with other senior editors and in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines
  • 审查出版物的副本,保证它在语法、风格、格式符合公认的规则,故事的连贯性、准确性和合法性。reviewing copy for publication to ensure conformity with accepted rules of grammar, style and format, coherence of story, and accuracy, legality and probity of content
  • 对采访、印刷品、调查和对事实的观察进行分析,选出有价值的新闻 collecting and analysing facts about newsworthy events from interviews, printed matter, investigations and observations
  • 为报纸、杂志、期刊、电视和电台撰写公众感兴趣的时事新闻、评论和专题报道 writing news reports, commentaries, articles and feature stories for newspapers, magazines, journals, television and radio on topics of public interest
  • 为说明书、教科书、手册和多媒体产品研究和撰写技术、信息化的材料和文件 researching and writing technical, information-based material and documentation for manuals, text books, handbooks and multimedia products
  • 《每日新闻》的社论专栏发表评论、审核书籍、电影和戏剧 critically discussing daily news topics in the editorial columns of newspapers and reviewing books, films and plays

ANZSCO 2124 新闻记者和其他作家职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

  • 212411 广告文字撰稿人 Copywriter
  • 212412 报纸和期刊编辑 Newspaper or Periodical Editor
  • 212413 印刷业记者 Print Journalist
  • 212414 电台记者 Radio Journalist
  • 212415 技术文档撰写人 Technical Writer
  • 212416 电视台记者 Television Journalist
  • 212499 其他未分类的记者和编辑 Journalists and Other Writers nec

212411 广告文字撰稿人 Copywriter

  • 设计和撰写用于宣传产品和服务的书面材料。Designs and composes written material to advertise products and services.
  • 技术等级:1 Skill Level: 1

212412 报纸和期刊编辑 Newspaper or Periodical Editor

  • 替代职位: Alternative Title:
  • 副主编 Associate Editor
  • 计划和指导编辑出版物,如报纸、杂志或期刊,依照编辑政策和指导方针以及印刷业要求的语法、风格和格式 Plans and directs editing of a publication, such as a newspaper, magazine or journal, in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines and accepted rules of grammar, style and format prior to printing and distribution.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
  • 职业方向: Specialisations:
  • 特刊编辑 Features Editor
  • 新闻编辑 News Editor
  • 图片编辑 Pictures Editor
  • 副主编 Subeditor
  • 网站/博客编辑 Web Site/Blog Editor

212413 印刷业记者 Print Journalist

  • 通过采访收集有价值的新闻,为报纸、杂志和期刊撰写文章 Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for newspapers, magazines or journals.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
  • 职业方向: Specialisations:
  • 专栏作家 Columnist
  • 特刊作家 Feature Writer
  • 社论作家 Leader Writer
  • 新闻记者 Newspaper Reporter

212414 电台记者 Radio Journalist

  • 替代职位: Alternative Title:
  • 电台记者 Radio Reporter
  • 通过采访收集有价值的新闻,为广播新闻和时事节目撰写文章 Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for radio news or current affairs programs.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

212415 技术文档撰写人 Technical Writer

  • 为文章、指南、教科书、手册、多媒体产品撰写技术材料和文档,这些文档通常用于教育或企业 Researches and writes technical information-based material and documentation for articles, manuals, text books, handbooks, or multimedia products, usually for education or corporate purposes.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

212416 电视台记者 Television Journalist ##### - 替代职位: Alternative Title:

  • 电视台记者 Television Reporter
  • 通过采访收集有价值的新闻,为电视新闻和时事节目撰写文章Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for television news or current affairs programs.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

212499 其他未分类的记者和编辑 Journalists and Other Writers nec

  • 此类涵盖未被分类的其他记者和作家。This occupation group covers Journalists and Other Writers not elsewhere classified.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
  • 这组包括的职位有:
  • 博客写手 Blogger
  • 评论家 Critic
  • 编辑助理 Editorial Assistant
  • 散文家 Essayist

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

212400A 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

212400A 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

Income of persons working full-time

212400A 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

数据来源: 及

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

What’s it like to be a Journalist?

Journalists write and edit news reports, commentaries, feature articles and
blogs for newspapers, magazines, radio, television and websites, including
online publications.

All journalists are required to understand the laws of defamation, contempt
and copyright. They may have to work long and irregular hours and are often
under pressure to meet deadlines.
Journalists may work indoors and carry out interviews by telephone or may have
to work outdoors in all kinds of weather. Travel is often required.

How much can I expect to earn?

Earnings data based on the Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union
Membership survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is either unavailable
or unpublishable (typically for privacy reasons).

Personal requirements

  • able to write clear, concise, objective and accurate material quickly
  • good general knowledge
  • interest in current events
  • aptitude to learn keyboard and shorthand skills
  • able to speak clearly when working on radio and television.

This job also involves:

Reading or writing

These jobs require moderate or better reading and writing skills. Workers may
be expected to prepare, understand or act on written materials, such as
letters or reports. People may wish to avoid these jobs if their reading or
writing English skills are limited to a small range of words or phrases and
symbols. Jobs remaining may still require very basic reading or writing

This occupation offers jobs at the following skill levels:

Professional Jobs

Jobs in this group usually require completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree,
or extensive relevant experience. Some jobs also require post-graduate study,
such as a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master Degree.

Study requirements

At school, you can study these subject(s) to get a good foundation for this


School subjects that include some aspect of ECONOMICS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases an economics-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of English provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases an English-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of geography provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a geography-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of HISTORY provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a history-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.


School subjects that include some aspect of LANGUAGE provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a language-related subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Performing Arts

School subjects that include some aspect of the PERFORMING ARTS provide a
useful background to these jobs. In some cases a performing arts subject is a
pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Duties and tasks of a Journalist

Journalists may perform the following tasks:

  • gather news and information by interviewing people and attending events
  • undertake research to provide background information for articles
  • assess the suitability of reports and articles for publication or broadcasting, ensuring they are within an established style and format, and edit as necessary
  • write articles that comment on or interpret news events, some of which may put forward a point of view on behalf of the publication
  • present news on air (television and radio).


Journalists usually start as cadets and report routine events. In newspapers
and on radio and television, most reporters are expected to be ‘generalists’
who are able to cover almost any topic of interest.
With experience, and sometimes further training, journalists may perform a
variety of tasks according to their area of specialisation. They may also work
as editors or progress to the role of editor after several years of
experience. See the separate entry for Editor.

Leader Writer

A leader writer discusses news topics in the editorial columns of newspapers
or magazines.

News Reporter

A news reporter reports on day-to-day news events (crime, education, health or
sport, for example).


A columnist writes a regular segment within their particular interest category
(creative arts, politics or technology, for example), often incorporating a
personal view or opinion.

Feature Writer

A feature writer writes detailed stories or presents commentaries on specific
news topics.


A roundsperson reports on and discusses a specialised area (politics,
economics or education, for example).

  • 接下来的5年内,即截止到2019年11月,新闻记者和其他作家的职位空缺数量预计将会达到平均水平,处于10001-25000之间。职位空缺包括就业增长和人员流动(人员流动指的是工人的换岗或者离职)。

  • 在过去5年里,该职业就业情况相对稳定,但是从长期来看(10年)该职业就业情况却轻微增长。预计到2019年11月,新闻记者和其他作家职业就业情况将会小幅增长。

  • 这是一个需求量较大的职业(2014年11月的需求量达24400个),表明该职业在许多地区都有就业机会。

  • 新闻记者和其他作家中全职工作者比例一般,占71.8%。全职新闻记者和其他作家,平均每周工作42.7小时(所有职位平均每周40.9小时),收入也高于所有职业平均收入,一般8位数。此外,新闻记者和其他作家失业率等于所有职业平均失业率。

  • 新闻记者和其他作家教育水平普遍是学士学位,其中约占41.3%。

  • 新闻记者和其他作家主要从事信息传媒与电信、专业、科学与技术服务、艺术与娱乐服务。

  • Over the five years to November 2019, the number of job openings for Journalists and Other Writers is expected to be average (between 10,001 and 25,000). Job openings count both employment growth and turnover (defined as workers leaving their occupation for other employment or leaving the workforce). Further information about job openings and projected employment growth is available on the Help page.
  • Employment for this occupation remained relatively steady in the past five years, rose slightly in the long-term (ten years). Looking forward, employment for Journalists and Other Writers to November 2019 is expected to grow moderately.
  • This is a large occupation (24,400 in November 2014) suggesting that opportunities should be available in many (but not all) regions.
  • Journalists and Other Writers have an average proportion of full-time jobs (71.8 per cent). For Journalists and Other Writers working full-time, average weekly hours are 42.7 (compared to 40.9 for all occupations) and earnings are above average - in the eighth decile. Unemployment for Journalists and Other Writers is average.
  • The most common level of educational attainment for Journalists and Other Writers is Bachelor degree (41.3 per cent).
  • Journalists and Other Writers are mainly employed in Information Media and Telecommunications, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services and Arts and Recreation Services.

Key Indicators

These data show 9 key indicators for this occupation - employment size, full-time share of employment, earnings, unemployment, historical employment growth (long-term, medium term and short-term), future employment growth, mix of industries and job openings. Estimates have been rounded and consequently some discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.

2124 Job Prospects

2124 职业统计数据 Statistics

  • 周薪(税前)Weekly Earnings (before tax)

  • 就业水平 Employment Level (thousands)

  • 增长比例 Recent Job Growth (per cent)

  • 按性别计算就业增长 Employment Growth by Gender (thousands)

  • 性别比例 Gender (per cent share)

  • 周工作小时数 Weekly Hours Worked

  • 年龄 Age Profile (per cent share)

  • 各州就业比例 Employment by State and Territory (per cent share)

  • 所在行业 Main Employing Industries (per cent share)

  • 教育程度 Educational Attainment (per cent of employment)

2124 职业找工作信息

数据来源: 及

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。