Naati 翻译职业评估 National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters

NAATI 澳洲移民职业评估 - 飞出国##

澳洲翻译和口译人员国家认证机构 NAATI - National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd,被移民部指定为 Translator (ANZSCO Code 272413) 和 Interpreter (ANZSCO Code 272412) 的职业评估机构。申请人要想成功通过NAATI评估,必须被 NAATI 认证为 专业水平或更高水平 (NAATI accreditation at the Professional level or higher)。

如果申请人有需要,NAATI 还提供技术工作经验评估,以及澳洲翻译或口译学历对等认证。

If requested, NAATI will also assess an individual’s verifiable skilled employment history and the comparability of a translating or interpreting qualification to a relevant Australian qualification.

NAATI 评估函的有效期为3年。如果对评估结果不满意,可以申请上诉,处理周期大约为8周。

一、NAATI 认证方式 (Pathways of NAATI Accreditation) 及对应的指南

  • A. 参加 NAATI 认证考试;
  • B. 在NAATI 认可的澳洲学校完成笔译或口译课程的学习;
  • C. 提供海外口译和笔译专业的学历证明;
  • D. 认可的国籍笔译或口译专业协会会员身份证明;
  • E. 出众的笔译和口译能力证明。

A. passing a NAATI accreditation test (Booklet A – Accreditation by Testing )
B. successful completion of a course of studies in translation and/or interpreting at an Australian institution as approved by NAATI(Booklet B – Accreditation by Approved Australian Course)
C. providing evidence of a specialised tertiary qualification in translation and/or interpreting obtained from an educational institution overseas (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing )
D. providing evidence of a membership of a recognised international translating and/or interpreting professional association (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing )
E. providing evidence of advanced standing in translating or interpreting (Booklet C - Accreditation by Overseas Qualification, Professional Association Membership or Advanced Standing)

NAATI 认证级别、对应的用途以及可以选择的认证方式

翻译和口译人员,均有4个认证级别,从低到高分别为: 准专业水平,专业水平,高级笔译和会议口译,以及资深笔译和资深会议口译。

二、NAATI 学历和工作经验评估(Assessment of Educational Qualifications and Skilled Employment)

如果申请人需要,NAATI 还可以提供学历和工作经验的评估,作为职业评估的一部分,用于移民加分。申请人需要额外填写一个表格: Form M Application for Assessment of Educational Qualifications and Skilled Employment 。

三、关于认证件和翻译件的要求(Certified Copies and Translations of Documents )


You will be required to provide certified true copies of documents as part of the application process. This means that an individual authorised to do so in your country must certify any copies of original documents as true copies.

Where documents are not in English, you must provide a certified copy of the original language document plus an original English translation of the document (please note that copies of the translation will not be accepted). Normally this translation must be carried out by a NAATI accredited translator. The signature, name, and NAATI Number of the translator must be provided on every page of the English language version, preferably as part of the NAATI Translator Stamp. Should access to a NAATI accredited translator be an issue, please contact NAATI on and NAATI will consider your circumstances and whether a translation completed by another party would be acceptable.

Please do not send original documents (except original translations of non-English language documents), as we do not return these.

NAATI will not accept certified copies and translations of documents provided by persons with a conflict of interest, for example where the person certifying or translating a document is a relative or acts as a migration agent for the applicant.

If your current legal name is not the same as that on your documents, you must provide evidence of your name change.

All submitted documents that are copies of original documents must be certified.


Processing of your application will be delayed if you send incorrect or improperly certified documents.
Please note that

  1. Certified copies of an already certified document (that is, a copy of a copy) will not be accepted.
  2. Certification should appear on each page of the document and should show:
  • a. the signature of the person certifying the document
  • b. the name of the person certifying the document clearly printed or evident in an official stamp
  • c. the contact details of the person certifying the document. This may be a business address, telephone number or e-mail address
  • d. where possible, an official stamp indicating the occupation/position of the person certifying the document.
  1. The following classes of person are authorised to certify copies of documents:
  • a. NAATI staff member (Australia only)
  • b. An officer of an Australian Diplomatic Post
  • c. A Notary Public authorised in the country of the application
  • d. A Commissioner of Oaths (Declarations) authorised in the country of the application Version 2.3 MAY 2015
  • e. A Solicitor, Barrister or Judge authorised in Australia or the country of the application.
  • (note: each page must be signed and it will not be acceptable for the name of a law firm
  • to appear in lieu of the actual name and signature of the person certifying your document)
  • f. A Justice of the Peace authorised in Australia or the country of the application. Assessment of your application will not proceed if you submit copies of documents where the person certifying the copy is not one of those listed or where the above requirements are not met.

