加拿大建筑师认证CACB(Canadian Architectural Certification Board)

加拿大建筑师认证CACB(Canadian Architectural Certification Board)

加拿大建筑师认证协会CACB(Canadian Architectural Certification Board)负责建筑师职业的认证。

对于非加拿大建筑学历的建筑师,如果想要在加拿大注册,需要申请BEFA(Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect)认证。BEFA简化了加拿大以外学历的建筑师在加拿大申请认证的过程。BEFA是一个双语、泛加拿大项目,由11个CALA (Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities)提供。

BEFA 国际建筑师认证要求 Eligibility


  • 有建筑专业正规学历,并且获得了建筑学学位;
  • 是国外机构的注册建筑师,获得持有等同的注册证书;
  • 在近10年内,有7年的工作经验是在获得建筑师许可后的获得的(地域无要求);
  • 参加评估面试时,已经获得6个月相关的加拿大建筑师工作经验;
    • 所获得的6个月的工作经验,必须是评估面试前近3年内的;
    • 在加拿大获得的工作经验,必须在已经注册的建筑师的监督和指导下进行。这个建筑师注册的省需要和你打算申请注册的省为同一个省;
  • You have been formally educated as an architect and you have completed an architectural education/degree.
  • You have practiced as a licensed/registered architect in a foreign jurisdiction.If registration/licensure was not required to practice as an architect in your jurisdiction(s) of origin,
    the equivalents to registration/licensure in that /those jurisdiction(s) may be considered.
  • You are able to demonstrate at least seven (7) years of post-registration/licensure experience in architecture within the last 10 years.There are no geographic restrictions on where this experience was gained.
  • You will have obtained at least six (6) months of relevant Canadian architectural work experience by the time of your assessment interview. This work experience cannot be gained more than three (3) years before the date scheduled for the assessment interview.
  • You understand that this experience must be gained under the personal supervision and direction of a registered/licensed architect within the Canadian province or territory in which you intend to be licensed/registered.
  • Relevant Canadian Architectural work experience is that which exposes you to the practice and regulatory requirements of architecture in Canada.

BEFA 国际建筑师申请流程 Process

BEFA申请流程一共3步。BEFA是一个在线申请系统,入口: https://befaonline.cacb.ca/webpages/befastart.aspx

第一步. 申请资格评估 eligibility assessment

  1. 首先需要登陆上面的网址在线注册;

  2. 注册过程中需要上传要求的资料,学历,注册文件和简历:

  • Proof of architectural education
    • academic transcripts, a copy of your degree or
      certificate or diploma, etc., (for the most senior architectural degree which you completed)
  • Proof of licensure information
  • A resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  1. 除了上传电子版的文件外,还需要邮寄以下材料的原件的认证件(send certified true copies of the originals via mail or courier, )
  • a) Proof of architectural education;
  • b) Proof of either:
    • licensure/registration in a jurisdiction outside Canada; OR
    • the equivalents to registration/licensure in that /those jurisdiction(s), which may be
  1. 材料上传完成后,点击提交,进入付费页面,用信用卡支付申请费:847.50加币;

  2. 注册完成,费用支付,并且BEFA收到邮寄的纸质材料后,会创建一个 BEFA applicant file,然后BEFA会对申请人的资格进行verified;

  3. 如果评估结果为合格,BEFA的coordinator会通过email 给申请人发一封确认信,信中会包含一个链接,申请人支付完下一步(self-assessment)的申请费后,就可以通过访问链接进行下一步的申请(self-assessment)了。

关于提交的材料: 如果是非英语或法语,需要提供翻译件的经核证无误的副本。认证机构可以是文件签发机构,律师,或者公证处。如果无法提供认证件,可以提供法定声明代替。

If the documents listed above are not in English or French, a certified true copy of an official translation for each document is also required. The institution which issued the original document, or a lawyer or a notary may certify the true copies. If you are unable to provide certified true copies of the required documentation, a statutory declaration will be considered. (Contact the BEFA coorodindator for a sample
of the required language.) A lawyer or notary can provide this service in all provinces and territories. (If you are located in the Province of Ontario when swearing the statutory declaration, a Commissioner of Oaths may also provide this service).

第二步. 自我评估 self-assessment

**1. BEFA申请人需要根据加拿大从业标准的12个能力领域,评估自身的能力。**12个领域分别为:

Eligible applicants are required to assess themselves in relation to Canadian standards of practice in the following 12 competency areas:

  1. Programming
  2. Site and environmental analysis
  3. Schematic design
  4. Engineering systems – structural, mechanical, electrical, civil
  5. Building cost analysis
  6. Code research
  7. Design development
  8. Construction documents
  9. Bidding and contract negotiation
  10. Construction phase – office and site
  11. Management of the project
  12. Professionalism and professional practice


    1. No Knowledge
    1. Remember: recalling, retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory; remembering facts and information through memorization in approximately the form in which they were Canadian Architectural Certification Board BEFA Online Application System –3 – Program Description learned;
    1. Understand: the meaning of, explaining in own words, interpreting information;
    1. Apply: carrying out, implementing a task, using information previously learned in new situations; using data, methods, and principles previously learned to solve a problem or carry out a task;
    1. Analyze: breaking material or concepts into parts, determining how the parts relate to each other or to an overall structure or purpose; researching elements of a process, problem, organization, system and the relations between/among them;
    1. Evaluate: appraising, assessing a plan or process based on specific standards and criteria for a given purpose; making judgements based on criteria and standards and
  • 6.Create: putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizes elements into a new pattern or structure.

这12个领域的详细的定义可以参考: http://www.cacb-ccca.ca/documents/Competency_Area_Definition_Nov_25_2011-Webs.pdf

2. Supporting portfolio

申请人需要根据自己的个人工作经验,创建一个 Supporting portfolio,来说明自己的知识和技能。

portfolio 中需要包含近10年内你直接参与的建筑项目。项目中要体现特定的经验而不是广泛经验领域,同时说明项目的范围,大小和复杂程度。

Your portfolio must include projects that you were directly involved in, while in an architectural practice(within the past 10 years). It is important that the examples you select relate directly to the competencies and that they directly address all components that are included within a particular competency area.
Your examples must also provide evidence of specific experience rather than broad practice areas, and
each example must clearly indicate the scope, size, and complexity of built projects.

3. Submission review

BEFA coordinator 会对你提供的能力介绍进行审核,审核为8周或更长。

如何审核通过,会被转到 an assessment panel of registered/licensed architects 继续审核。Panel members 负责审核,在他们审核之前,可能会给你推荐一些有利的选择,比如他们可能会要求你重新提交 self-assessment 或者要求你获得更多的工作经验之后再申请,甚至建议你撤销申请。

如果 panel 审核通过,你就会邀请参加面试。

第三步. 面试 panel interview

申请人支付完面试费 1,695.00加币,将被安排面试,由panel member进行评估。申请人需要携带3个项目 (in a hardcopy format)参加面试。



BEFA 国际建筑师认证失败后的上诉流程

如果申请BEFA认证失败,可以申请上诉,费用为1695加币,会被安排另外的 panel 评估你的申请材料,如果需要还会要求你参加面试。上诉的结果是最终结果。

BEFA 国际建筑师认证周期


BEFA 国际建筑师认证申请费用

BEFA 的总认证费用为5,367.50加币(包含HST)。各个阶段的费用分别为:

  • the eligibility self-assessment: $847.50 CAN ($750.00 + $97.50 HST)
  • the self-assessment: $2,825.00 CAN ($2,500.00 + $325.00 HST)
  • the panel interview :$1,695.00 CAN (1,500.00 + $195.00 HST )


BEFA 联系方式

For more information regarding the BEFA program, please contact CACB:

Canadian Architectural Certification Board
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 710
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 7B7
Tel.: (613) 241-8399 Ex. 25
Fax: (613) 241-7991
Email: info@cacb.ca
Website: www.cacb-ccca.ca

加拿大建筑师认证官网: http://www.cacb-ccca.ca/index.cfm?Voir=sections&Id=18916&M=3943&Repertoire_No=660386109
