澳洲留学 57x 类签证合并为 500 签证,对中国放开小学留学 Student visa (subclass 500)

飞出国:留学澳洲57X类签证合并为 500 签证,放开中小学留学

Student visa (subclass 500)


This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study full-time in a recognised education institution.​


Visa Summary Requirements

​You must have:

  • applied for and been accepted to study in a registered full-time course at an educational institution in Australia
  • organised appropriate welfare arrangements for the duration of your intended stay in Australia if you are under 18 years of age.

中国是澳洲最大的留学生来源地,2015年持澳洲学生签证中国申请人数量为 136097人,占 27.3%,为了更好利用好中国留学生资源,澳洲也对中国小学生开放留学签证申请了。同时71后澳洲留学政策也有很多变化需要留学申请人了解。



  • 澳洲570至576类7类签证合并为500类(subclass 500)一类签证,不再细分;
  • 7月起年满 6 周岁的儿童就可以申请 500 留学签证(小学生留学);
  • 在读学生家人申请来澳探访学生需要申请500类签证;
  • 监护人申请陪读的,应申请新的 590 陪读签证(subclass 590);
  • 用“单一移民风险评估框架”取代现行“等级评估水平框架”;
  • 留学申请需要在ImmiAccount网页注册账户并在线递交签证申请;



澳大利亚移民局官方宣布将于2016年7月1日正式实施留学生签证新政策 SSVF, 新政策调整了澳洲留学签证类别,允许中国小学生到澳洲留学,父母一方可以到澳洲长期陪读(期间找到工作或符合移民条件的有机会直接申请澳洲绿卡)。


  • 570 类是单独的英语强化课程学习类学生签证;
  • 571 类是读中学课程的学生签证;
  • 572 类是职业教育与培训课程的学生签证;
  • 573 类是攻读高等教育课程的学生签证,包括大学本科课程、研究生文凭课程和研究生证书课程;
  • 574 类是攻读授课式或研究式的硕士课程和博士课程的学生签证;
  • 575 类是申请就读大学预科、预备课程或其他不授予学历、文凭或其他正式学历的课程的学生签证;
  • 576 类签证,是参与澳洲国家项目研究及国防军事类交流的签证;

580 类签证,是指未满18周岁的学生的家长或家长提名人,在澳洲监护学生的一种签证(2016年7月后调整为 590 签证)。

2016年7月1日后学生签证类别由8类简化为2类:500 类留学签证和 590 类学生监护签证。




申请澳洲中小学学生签证的学生必须满足以下的年龄要求 ︰

  • 递交签证时,小孩子至少要满6岁
  • 就读9年级时,年龄不得超过17岁
  • 就读10年级时,年龄不得超过18岁
  • 就读11年级时,年龄不得超过19岁
  • 就读12年级时,年龄不得超过20


小学生必须是有人照顾和监护的,因此,对小学生来说父母可以与孩子一起申请签证,在孩子获得学生签证的同时,获取陪读签证(590 签证)。当然也可以是下面一种,并且必须要选择一种:

  • 157N 表格提名在澳大利亚的合适亲戚;
  • 157N 表格和其指定亲属的学生监护人 (子类 590)签证申请;
  • 由教育机构发出的《适当住宿及福利安排确认书》 或
  • 《中学交换学生接受通知书》(AASES)。



  • 家庭年收入 $70,000 以上;或
  • 有足夠资金支付他们自己和所有一起申请的儿童家属前12个月的生活费用。

从 2016 年 7 月 1 日起 12 个月的生活费用金额为︰

  • 学生/监护人 AUD 19,830
  • 伴侣/配偶 AUD 6,940
  • 儿童 AUD 2,970


真正短期入境( GTE) 要求

GTE 要求适用于所有学生签证的申请人,并且考虑该学生的各自情况是否表明他们的意图为短期逗留在澳大利亚。移民局将考虑学生的各种个人因素、他们的移民史、鼓励学生回到他们国家的情况,以及鼓励他们继续留在澳大利亚的条件等,以作出真实性评估。



外交事务和国防部赞助的学生(持外交事务和国防部赞助信)、中学交换生(持《中学交换生接受通知书》 )和必需逗留在澳大利亚接受论文评分的研究生可豁免此要求。






国际学生必须有良好的品格,且其学生签证申请通常需要进行一次体检。在学生签证获批以前,学生也必须购买海外学生医疗保险 ( OSHC)。

对毕业生短期签证(子类 485)的影响

毕业生短期签证(子类 485)签证的资格标准将不会改变。


飞出国:2016-11-01 澳洲移民部官方移民博客发布留学生签证申请小贴士。

2016年7月1日后澳洲留学签证合并为了 500 签证 - Student visa (subclass 500),官方网址更改,同时提供了在线材料清单辅助工具,资料需要电子上传(要准备好扫描件),建议先体检再提交申请。如果是 DIY 申请的话请认证阅读下面官方指南及注意事项。

Tips to prepare your student visa application

From 1 July 2016, all student visa applications must be made online. Here’s some information to assist with preparing your application.

  • Use the Document Checklist Tool on our website to see what types of documents you will need to provide with your application.
  • We encourage you to complete your health examinations before lodging your visa application using My Health Declarations. You will need a current passport and must know which visa subclass you are applying for (Student 500 or Student Guardian 590). If you complete your health examinations after you have lodged your application, you could delay the processing of your application.
  • Once you have started your application you can save it at any time. You don’t have to complete your application in one sitting.
  • Evidence of enrolment:
    • If you are outside Australia, you must include your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) number in your visa application (unless you are a secondary exchange student or a foreign affairs or defence sponsored student).
    • If you are applying in Australia you can include details of a CoE or attach a letter of offer. If you provide details of a CoE in your application, you must not attach or provide details of a Letter of Offer for the same course. Note: Only select ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Other evidence of intended study’ if you do not have a CoE.
  • Make sure you know the details of your health insurance before you start your application – even if your provider has arranged this for you. You will need to enter the start and end date of your policy. Your policy must have started by the time you intend to arrive in Australia, generally at least a week before your course commencement date. If your policy starts on the same day as your course commences, we will ask you to obtain extra cover that starts when you intend to arrive in Australia. If you enter Australia without Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), you will be in breach of your visa conditions. Your OSHC should finish when you want to leave Australia. A visa won’t be granted for longer than your OSHC.
  • Prepare a statement about why you want to study in Australia, in English, at Genuine Temporary Entrant. There is a maximum limit of 2000 words but the statement does not need to be this long.
  • why you have chosen your course and provider
  • if the qualification you gain will help you find employment or improve your salary outside of Australia
  • your incentives to return home, including ties to your home country
  • any gaps in study or work history.
  • Before lodging your application, make sure all questions are complete and any relevant documents that are included in the checklist are attached. Incomplete applications may result in delays or visa refusal. If you need to provide additional documents after lodging your application, do this through ImmiAccount. Do not email or courier documents to the Department as this may delay processing of your application.

Tips to avoid common mistakes in the application form

  • Read the help text in the visa application form.
  • Only select ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Is the applicant applying for this visa due to the closure of their education provider?’ if your education provider in Australia has closed or is in default due to a sanction imposed on them. You will have been notified if your provider is in default.
  • Only select ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Is the applicant receiving partial or full funding under a training scheme approved by the Commonwealth Government of Australia’ if you have been advised by your provider that you are sponsored by the Commonwealth.
  • Answer the questions about your citizenship and passport carefully to make sure correct information has been provided, otherwise your application could be delayed.

Remember to lodge your application as soon as you can. Complete applications are more likely to be processed quicker. While we aim to process most applications within one month, some applications will take longer. If you have to contact the Department about your application please use our student visa enquiry form.

飞出国参考官方链接: http://migrationblog.border.gov.au/2016/11/01/online-student-visa-applications/