
BOTC,即英国海外领土公民(British Overseas Territories citizen),旧称英国属土公民(British Dependent Territories citizen), 持有英国海外领土BOTC护照可登记入籍英国成为英国公民,没有在英国居住时间的要求。


  • 免签美国,加拿大,英国、申根等多达145个国家和地区;
  • 属于英国本土劳动力(settled worker)身份,在英国可自由工作,不需要担保,受劳动力市场保护,可享受英国当地福利;
  • 在英国公立学校上小学和中学可享受义务教育;
  • 特克斯凯科斯群岛是理想的免税天堂,无个人所得税、资本利得税、遗产税等,可做境外开户,配置海外资产、开设离岸公司,合理税务规划;
  • 可轻松登记成为英国本土公民。



1. 申请人身心健康;
2. 获得政府签发的投资批准信;
3. 已投资不少于30万美金于购买或翻新位于大特克岛、盐礁、南凯科斯、中特克斯和凯科斯群岛的实体建筑住宅。


With Undertaking
Undertaking and Investment in a Home:
Immigration Regulations 13(2) (f)

A. You are of good character and in good health

  • Evidence Required:
  • Police Certificate issued in the last six months, and
  • Two character reference letters, and
  • Medical certificate issued in the last six months.

B. Undertaking from the Governor

  • Certificate of Undertaking issued by the Governor

C. You have made one of the following investments

  • Not less than $300,000 in the actual construction, purchase or renovation of a distressed property as a home in the island of Grand Turk, salt Cay, South Caicos, Middle Caicos or North Caicos , OR
  • Not less than $1,000,000 in the actual construction, purchase or renovation of a distressed property as a home in the islands other than Grand Turk, salt Cay, South Caicos, Middle Caicos or North Caicos





  1. 年满18周岁;
  2. 心智健全;
  3. 打算继续在TCI继续居住
  4. 能够用英语交流并通过移民局面试
  5. 品性良好
  6. 已持有永居卡满12个月
  7. 已在TCI居住满5年(可豁免,下为英国移民局关于居住豁免的法案描述▽)

Residence requirements under section 18(1)

In order to meet the residence requirements the applicant must:

  • have been in the relevant territory at the beginning of the period of 5 years ending with the date of the application
  • not have been absent from that territory for more than 450 days in the 5 year period • not have been absent from that territory for more than 90 days in the 12 month period ending with the date of application
  • not, on the date of application, be subject under immigration laws to any restriction on the period of stay in that territory
  • not, at any other time in the 12 month period ending with the date of application, have been subject under the immigration laws to any restriction on the period of stay in that territory
  • not, at any time in the period of 5 years ending with the date of application, been in that territory in breach of immigration laws


There is discretion to waive:

  1. 通过婚姻申请归化者需在TCI居住满3年


Naturalisation is the process whereby an individual becomes a British Overseas Territories Citizenship (B.O.T.C). Because the Turks and Caicos Islands are an overseas territory of Great Britain, we do not have our own nationality status. Naturalisation is not Belonger status.


Legal Requirements for Naturalisation

Each applicant must meet the following legal requirements before submitting an application for Naturalisation:

  • Must be aged 18 or older when you apply
  • Must be of sound mind, so that you understand the steps you are taking
  • Intend to continue to live in the Turks and Caicos Islands, or to continue in Crown Service.
  • Must be able to communicate in English to an acceptable degree, as determined by the Immigration Officer conducting the interview process.
  • Must be of good character.
  • Must have held their Belonger Status or Permanent Residence Certificate for a period of at least12 months prior to making an application for naturalisation.
  • Must be resident in the Turks and Caicos Islands for a minimum of five years before making an application for naturalisation.
  • For those persons applying on the basis of marriage to a BOTC in addition to 1-6 above, you must have been resident in the Turks and Caicos Islands for a minimum of three (3) years.

How is Permanent Residence status acquired?

There are several ways or routes to acquire permanent residency. Please click on the one that is of interest to you for further information regarding requirements and fees.




British citizenship

You automatically became a British citizen on 21 May 2002 if your British overseas territories citizenship was gained by connection with a qualifying territory. You may be able to register as a British citizen if you became a British overseas territories citizen after 21 May 2002 and meet certain conditions.


The qualifying territories are:

  • Anguilla
  • Bermuda
  • British Antarctic Territory
  • British Indian Ocean Territory
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Falkland Islands
  • Gibraltar
  • Montserrat
  • Pitcairn Islands
  • Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Turks and Caicos Islands


1981 年英国国际法第4 条后插入
4A 登记入籍: 对BOTC 的进一步规定
(1) 若英国海外领土公民(BOTC)申请登记为英国公民(BC),外交大臣认为适当
(2) 第(1)款不适用于以下BOTC 公民:

  • 仅由于"阿克罗蒂里"(Akrotiri) 和"德凯利亚"(Dhekelia)主权基地区的关系而成为BOTC;或
  • 由于声明放弃英国国籍,已不再是英国公民

Acquisition by British overseas territories citizens by registration

After section 4 of the British Nationality Act 1981 insert—

“4A Acquisition by registration: further provision for British overseas territories citizens

(1)If an application is made to register as a British citizen a person who is a British overseas territories citizen, the Secretary of State may if he thinks fit cause the person to be so registered.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply in the case of a British overseas territories citizen who—
(a)is such a citizen by virtue only of a connection with the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia; or
(b)has ceased to be a British citizen as a result of a declaration of renunciation.”



  • 购买五星级海景度假村公寓,独立房产证,永久产权;
  • 公寓包租5 年,年享4%净收益;
  • 包租期满后可回购,本金有保障;
  • 投资全球最美海滩海景房;
  • 北美高端游客度假首选目的地;
  • 投资房产即送英国“准公民”BOTC 身份;
  • 全套法案、成功案例、无移民监、无语言要求。


  1. 主申请人年满18 周岁;
  2. 无犯罪记录;
  3. 购买不低于 30 万美元的房产 (现有飞出国精选房产,投资额50万美金)

附属申请人为配偶及未满 18 周岁的子女。


  • 支付房产30%定金,政府申请背景调查律师等费用;
  • 获得投资批准信(2-3个月);
  • 支付全部费用及印花税;
  • 获得PRC永居卡和房产证(6-8个月);
  • 申请归化入籍。


特克斯和凯科斯群岛(TCI) 主权属于英国,位于加勒比海地区巴哈马群岛东南端,古巴东北侧,多米尼加共和国和海地以北160 公里,距美国佛罗里达州迈阿密飞机75 分钟行程。土地总面积约 430 平方公里,总人口51000 人,其中八个岛有常驻居民,首府在科伯恩城(Cockburn Town)。

TCI 的主要自然资产是长达 368 公里的白色沙滩和珊瑚礁,被誉为世界上最好的潜水圣地,拥有全球最美海滩之一称号的格雷斯海滩,索尔特珊瑚礁被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,属亚热带气候,年平均气温 27℃,全年均适合旅游,每年接受大量来自美国、加拿大和欧洲等国的游客,酒店服务业发达,酒店价格昂贵。

TCI 有世界上最大的海螺养殖基地,服务业占经济结构的 90%,官方语言为英语,当地货币为美元,国民富裕。

TCI 能够非常便捷地通过飞机抵达世界各主要城市,飞往迈阿密仅需 75 分钟、纽约 3.5 个小时、伦敦8 个小时、多伦多 5 个小时、法兰克福 9 个小时。

中国护照可以免签进入TCI,但目前中国与 TCI 之间没有直航,需要通过美国、加拿大或欧洲中转。