求问50分走nt 489可行吗?





没什么希望吧,VET 评估看的是近5年内的工作经验。另外,假设职业评估没问题,要获得 NT 担保也很难,很少见到没有雇主 offer 可以申请到 NT 190 的,即使申请 489 也不是那么容易。看下 NT 声明的可能获得州担保的申请人的大致情况(就业或与NT强的关联是移民官考虑的重点):

You can show you have good employment prospects by providing:

  • a statement describing how your skills and experience meet NT employer needs
  • evidence your occupation has been advertised in the NT multiple times and explanation of how your qualifications and experience match the job vacancy - you could provide screen dumps of the job adverts but webpage links are not sufficient
  • feedback from potential NT employers
  • an offer of employment letter from an NT employer
  • evidence of strong, well established family connections in the NT.

Offshore applicants

For a number of occupations on the Northern Territory Migration Occupation List, if you are applying from offshore, you must provide evidence of an offer of employment in your nominated occupation or in a closely related skilled occupation.